Giovanni Baiocchi

This professor has taught: GEOG330, GEOG398, GEOG430, GEOG476, GEOG498E, GEOG601, GEOG606, GEOG630, GEOG788Z, GERM103
Information Review
Giovanni Baiocchi

Expecting an A+
Overall funny lecturer but often rambles, everything is on slides so it's not necessary to attend class. Most people stopped going a month or two in, but I found it helpful in going to class given that he often brought up extra information from the readings and etc so that I didn't have to read them. It is absolutely essential that you go to discussion if you can given that they make up such a significant portion of your grade. Missing one can pretty much knock you down a +/- so attend every single one if you can, but you just need to show up for the grade. You can even earn bonus points which can help boost your grade from these discussions if your team does well. Exams are generally straightforward - just do the practice exams - and Baiocchi even covered some exam review during class.
Giovanni Baiocchi

Expecting an A
very fun lecturer from what i went too, began skipping as he uploaded all the slides and he got hard to follow in lecture after a little bit since it was just traditional lecture style with slides. go to discussion every week and you'll be set. practice exams reflect exactly what will be on the exam so just understand the material on them and you're set. 2 non-cumulative exams only (:
Giovanni Baiocchi

Expecting an A+
Dr. Baiocchi is a kind person and a pretty good professor. His slides have a moderate amount of detail but he doesn't just read off of them, and much of the important information will be provided in the form of examples. He has a minor accent but he is easy to understand. Your final grade is heavily impacted by the Reflection Activities during weekly discussion, which can take you down a good few percent if you miss even one of them. On the other hand, they are basically graded by participation. Dr. Baiocchi's tests are relatively easy, but make sure to review the videos and external readings that he provides on Canvas, as they are directly referenced in the exams. Half of the test is multiple choice and the other half is short answer, with relatively little requirements for full credit. In my semester, the class emptied out pretty early, with most students just studying from the slides, which he posts. I would say that you can teach yourself the material, but it is helpful to go to class and hear him explain the concepts in more detail. Not all of the slides have words, though, some just have diagrams. Overall, definitely a good class to take for Gen Ed and anyone who is interested in learning more about sustainability.