Rajeev Barua

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENEE244, ENEE350, ENEE350H, ENEE446, ENEE645, ENEE899
Information Review
Rajeev Barua

Expecting a B-
The exams in this class are ridiculous. There is too much content to memorize, and the actual exam is always worse than the practice. Additionally, for multiple homework assignments, the information needed to complete them was not taught in class, nor were we given resources to complete them unless the TA provided a practice problem or two during discussion. Barua also showed up ~10 minutes late to every lecture, and ~15 minutes late to the exams (always with Taco Bell in hand). Then he would continue lecturing up to 5 minutes after class had ended. He was not respectful of our time. Lectures are not engaging and are quite boring. 350 is hard class in general, but Barua made it harder than it had to be. Take someone else if you can.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting a B-
Just a note, ENEE350 is my least ENEE course I have every taken content wise, so I will try to be mindful of that in my review. Barua was a good lecturer and is very passionate about the course, although the other reviews are true about his attitude and lateness to class. He is very direct which can come off as rude, but he genuinely wants the best for each of his students. The homeworks however were very frustrating, as they are not very relevant to the lectures and ended up feeling like a guessing game from the information from the slides. The exams were also very challenging. His lectures, while informative, never covered any type of example problems, which made the course much harder than necessary. Office hours were helpful, but you need to make sure you at least attempted the homework before hand and come with questions, and in addition he will never tell you anything close to the answers, he will just go over the necessary information and MAYBE the process. It is also worth noting that he teaches Assembly itself which is more beneficial compared to some of the other professors who teach their own coding languages imo.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting a B+
Yikes. This class turned out to be such a huge headache. Meanwhile, peers that were taking 350 at the same time but with a different professor were straight up coasting. As the previous comments mentioned, his lectures are very interesting and he is a good professor. The main problem was his exams were beyond the material he taught and he lacked compassion for students. The exam style was harsh and studying for this class really took away from time I should have spent on other classes. If you are EE major, stay away. trust.
Rajeev Barua

He's great! I found lectures pretty entertaining. Homeworks sometimes make you think a bit but never that hard. The final was tough but he curved appropriately. Yes he does tend to come late to class but honestly it's fine, gives you a few minutes to chill and we always got through all the material anyway.
Rajeev Barua

Probably one of the most unprofessional instructors I've ever had. He was always several minutes late for class, answered phone calls during lectures and let his phone ring during exams, and failed to treat students with respect when they asked or answered questions. The homework and exams usually were tangentially related to lecture, requiring you to think critically about a "shortcut" needed to solve the question, which was pretty difficult under time pressure unless you knew it right away. Additionally, most of the topics asked about on homework or on exams were not discussed during lecture, and only scratched the surface if they were taught. As an EE major, I had very little previous knowledge on computer organization coming into the course, so Barua's lack of explanation and his assumptions that students knew everything already made this class much more difficult than it should be. However, I will say that his lectures were enjoyable. He is a very intelligent man, clearly has passion for computer organization and compilers, and uses many analogies to explain topics, which were useful. You success in this class will depend on your TA and asking questions during discussion. Barua views this course as an opportunity to lecture on computers, not so much explain the material for students to understand. Lectures scratch the surface, and homework and exams require complex assumptions without any prior exposure to similar questions.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting an A-
Dr. Barua is an extremely uncaring and unmotivated professor who comes off as unprofessional. I don't know if it's because of the switch to a completely online format, but he does not respond to emails, posts lectures and assignments only a few days before they're due, and is either eating or yawning or both in all of his lecture videos.
Rajeev Barua

Rajeev Barua is a good lecturer but a bad professor. Pros: =>easy grader (depends on TA since I don't think he graded any of the papers) =>Good lectures (need to go to every class since the assigned book doesn't really help in studying, and 90% of what he asked in the exam were from his lectures). =>average of the class was around 80% in all the exams ( idk how though, I personally didn't too great) Cons: =>not punctual (always 5 mins late to the class) =>really bad and small handwriting (had to sit in the front of the class to make sure I don't miss anything he writes since he doesn't post his notes on elms ). =>straight up disses the students if they get the answer wrong during the lecture. =>gave only 2 or 3 days to finish homework. Most of the time, he assigns the homework a week before but tells you the martial in it is not covered, and there is no way to finish the homework early. Also, he gave the last homework, which was due on the day of the final exam. format of the class: 7 homework (2 coding and 5 problem solving), 2 midterms (covered the lecture notes), 1 final (cumulative) overall this class wasn't bad, but it definitely felt hectic because of the lack of understanding this professor had for his students.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting a B
Solid professor, much, much easier course than if taken with other professors. Virtually 0 workload or stress involved.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting an A
Rajeev is the man. He always shows 5 mins late to lecture and usually goes over but it's still chill. He is the first teacher I had for any ENEE class and he made me fall in love with the material. He's a fantastic lecturer and keeps you engaged the whole time. I never got bored. His exams and homeworks are fair and he works straight out of the textbook which makes it easy to get ahead in class if you desire or to look over anything you didn't understand. I personally never had to because he's a dope teacher.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting an A
Had Prof. Barua for both 244 and 350, and the experience was very much similar in both. The only difference for 350 was that he did not go over concrete examples of the concepts he explained in lecture, which he reserved largely for discussions. Homework assignments were fair and straightforward, and exams generally were not terribly difficult, although select problems could get a bit tricky. Past exams are a must to get a look at the kind of questions he can ask.
Rajeev Barua

Expecting an A+
Dr. Barua was good at explaining the material. Make sure you make it to all lectures, they are very worth it. He does, however, not repeat anything under almost any circumstance. So make sure you're awake throughout lecture. The grade consists of homework (15%) , two midterms (25% each), and the final (35%). Grading is dependent on your TA; we had an awesome, fair TA this semester. Good luck! Definitely one of the best professors for this class!
Rajeev Barua

Expecting a B
So Rajeev likes to come into lectures one minute late day after day. You can expect the same routine from his class everyday, he spends the first few minutes reviewing what you did the previous class and then moves forward from there. And he follows the order of the book, so if u miss something it is not difficult to find in the book. As a lecturer, he is very good. He explains everything thoroughly, and uses visual aids often. I thought he was the best teacher ever, until i went to his office hours a couple times. He does not help at all! In lecture he explains things well, but if you cannot follow the way he explains it he just keeps explaining the EXACT same way until you say you understand. Overall, good lecturer and in class teacher. But not very helpful outside, and addiionally he can be very moody certain days and doesnt call on people for questions when he is