Progyan Basu

This professor has taught: BMGT220, BMGT313, BMGT398C, BMSO758N, BMSO778A, BUAC743, BUSI610, BUSI758E, BUSI788G, BUSM788G, BUSO602, BUSO788G, EMBA788G
Information Review
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C-
No clue how the reviews are so high. Take it at a community college OR if you want to raise your GPA take it over summer or winter break online at UMD. HES HORRIBLE. I did well in BSTAT and most other math classes- no matter how hard I tried I could never keep up. it’s not you, it’s not the content, it’s him. He makes the exams so much harder than they need to be. One thing, the TAs, especially Yosimi- is fantastic. Miraculously got a C-. Don’t take the risk.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
Overall pretty easy. Basu as a teacher is alright, but the resources he provides make up for that. I didn't really go to lecture because he posts videos going over the chapter for the week on ELMS and just reviews that content during class. I put maybe 2-3 hours of work a week into the class and didn't go to lecture and still got a B+.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
He's kinda funny and gets carried away sometimes in the lectures, but for the most part not a bad teacher, exams aren't the worst, he gives a lot of practice questions during the year which helped me A TON to get good grades. It is a doable class just do practice questions and you'll be fine.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a D
SOOOO hard for no rzn. u will understand all the content and do practice exams and then u get to the actual exam and its nothing like anything u expected it to be. even makes conceptual questions difficult. horrible. crashed out sm times from this class. dont be like me and withdraw before u fail. horrible and insensitive professor. dont do it. take it somewhere else. (im someone that thought bstat was easy and ppl were just dramatic abt this class like they were abt bstat- NOPE. dont do it)
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
To be honest, the exams are weighted very heavily, but he's very generous with the grading system, which is technically his version of a curve. The class was definitely hard, but he did provide a lot of resources and practice problems. I attended almost all of the lectures, but they weren't really that helpful for me. The practice exams were also so different from each other, though. Some I would get an A on and others I'd get a D. Oh well
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
He's just a chill guy. A main reason people don't do well is because they don't utilize his resources! So many people forget/don't do FSA quizzes or settle for < 100% on their Homework. If you're struggling with a particular chapter, go through the in-class practice questions he links on canvas and review the previous week quizzes. If you need help understanding a concept, go back to his lecture videos on canvas (or open the textbook eek). If you have a (conceptual) question that google can't answer, ask him! It's a hard class don't get me wrong but it's hard for a reason. If this man's materials didn't reflect the type of content we could see on the quizzes/midterms/finals I would understand the hate - but he provides you with the things you need to know! Even if you fail a weekly quiz, so long as your final grade is higher than that quiz grade, Basu will switch that quiz grade to the final grade. My only grievance was that on the first midterm we were supposed to assume Cost of Goods Sold was an expense (we only learned that it was an expense the week after the midterm lol).
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Professor Basu was incredible. His class is structured so that you review the material beforehand then go into class to do practice problems. If you put in the time to do review and understand at least the concepts on your own, the in class material is REALLY helpful and he explains concepts very well. He cares a lot about his students and the TAs are very helpful. The final was a bit more tough but the two midterms were pretty easy in my opinion. You can't expect to get something out of a class if you don't put in time and effort, and with this class as long as you did that you were fine.
Progyan Basu

Practice exams nothing like test. Makes it so hard for no reason. Not even conceptual questions easy
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Professor Basu is clearly retiring as evident from the lack of effort he puts into actually teaching. He assigns videos that barely explain the topic, the quizzes differ completely from the videos (use if you want to really learn), and the homework is awful. I've spent so many hours stressing over the homework, only to not understand the topic because the homework does not align with the actual, tested material. I worked my hardest in this class, taking advantage of office hours every week, and studying consistently, yet I feel massively underprepared every week for the quiz and exams. If you take this course, be prepared to flood office hours and to buckle down because his lectures are essentially useless as he goes over practice questions and speeds through them, which only adds to the confusion. He does provide lots of resources for learning but be prepared to teach yourself all of accounting by yourself.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Professor Basu is a divaaaa. I love this man with all my ❤️. He is so cute and puts on a little vest when he gets cold. Yes, accounting is hard, but you can't really ask for a better professor than him. He is organized and his TAs are incredible. I did live in office hours so yes, you do have to put in the work, but the resources are there for you to use. The one thing is that if you participate a lot he will remember you and call on you, but that's ok because you also end up being his favorite.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
He is a nice guy and a chill professor. However, teaching wise, the class. consists completely on learning the material outside of class. class is just review. he also rambles on a lot of the time and class time is sometimes wasted when he goes off on a tangent. the grading is fairly straightforward. prepare to learn much of the content by yourself.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
I'm sure he's a lovely guy outside of the classroom, but quite frankly, he's NOT a good teacher. I really regretted not taking this class at community college and transferring the credit in, and I would recommend you do that before you get stuck with this guy. He assigns videos that you have to watch outside of class that cover all the concepts, but you still have to come to class because that's where all the examples get covered. That having been said, he doesn't really explain the examples very much and skips through his slides too quickly. Get ready for him to befriend like four students in the class and talk exclusively to them, calling on them to answer things and moving on if they understand, not really paying much attention to the rest of the class. Remember those videos I mentioned earlier? In the format that he filmed them, his face covers up part of the slides so you miss important information that you'd otherwise want to write down. He also goes way too fast for the parts of the videos that you'd want to take notes for and way too slow for the other, less important parts. I really don't know why he's the only Accounting 1 professor at UMD. Pros: he offers alternate exam times and you don't really need much of an excuse to switch to those times. He also gave out candy on halloween, but that's because we had a midterm that same day, and really, does that make up for all the cons? I don't think so.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Took this class last semester but basu was such a great professor. He really knows his stuff and is willing to break down concepts that you are struggling with. However, your success is predicated on how much time you put into the material: watching the lecture videos, completing practice questions, etc. if you watch his videos before class and complete the large quantity of practice problems he offers, then it's pretty impossible not to do well in this class
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Overall, Basu is a fairly good professor. I think his explanations are clear and the content is definitely learnable. A lot of the content he goes over in class is valuable for the homeworks and quizzes. Format wise, the class had weekly lecture videos, HW, and each Friday we were given a short quiz that covered what we learned that week. The HW was pretty time consuming and the content was not super easy, so you just have to be dedicated to studying. If you manage your time well, you can definitely comfortably take this course. He wants his students to learn and do well in class, and is quite kind. I will say the biggest drawbacks was how time consuming it was. The TAs said roughly each week people spent 4-6 hours on the class. The lecture videos were generally an hour long, so you had to watch each video and take notes on an hours worth of content that was really important but would not be gone over in class. The HW was sometimes really confusing/unclear so that would also take forever.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
How well you do in this class depends more on how well you manage your time, and not so much on Dr. Basu. He tries to make content more engaging and has a lighthearted spirit. He also does not require attendance, but please do not skip this class! He explains topics well and encourages people to participate. However, sometimes he can go too fast in lectures and the TA’s (while well intentioned) are not always helpful.
Progyan Basu

this class isn't as hard as everyone says. just watch the lecture vids & take notes & u'll be good. also he has so many practice quizzes & past exams which you can study from, which are very helpful. overall great class but just make sure to really learn the material so u don't fall behind. also, basu is a nice guy who loves to makes jokes & wants his students to succeed :)
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B-
I'm so confused why his reviews are so high LOL. He's a great person and super sweet. This class is insanely hard and I don't feel like he makes the effort to make it any easier. You'll have better luck being successful if you watch the videos on than you will watching the weekly lecture videos and going to lectures. Of course still do because a small detail from either might be relevant to the exam, but don't forget you also have to read all of the textbook chapters and do the practices quizzes/exams every week. When he says his course is 8-10 hours a week, he isn't joking. Sometimes it's worse. This class has absolutely nothing to do with how good Basu is, and all to do with how much work you put in and how well you can teach yourself difficult material. So yes, Basu is a lovely guy. But don't depend on him to teach you because you will fall incredibly short.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Unnecessarily hard for no reason, he does not do well in teaching. During the recorded lectures we have to learn he turns on his camera and it literally covers important content so we have to guess what it says behind the screen where his face is....
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Don't listen to the bad reviews, Basu is an incredibly good professor and deeply cares about the success of his students. The class is also not hard at all, even if you give it the bare minimum of studying. Watch the videos before the lectures, and do you reading, he spends most of the lecture going over practice problems. This system is awesome for learning since you get both, a lecture from powerpoint slides that you can go back to, plus an interactive practice session. Ask question always!!! And don't be afraid to answer his questions, even if you might not get the right answer! This is how you learn. He always explained any questions we had in great detail. Also do the practice quizzes and test and you will be fine. Note down problems you are struggling with and during the exam review sessions (always go) ask about them. The review sessions are a free for all where you can ask him any question or problem and he will work it out right there with you. Take notes in lecture and follow along with the practice problems and you'll do well.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C-
This is a hard class and Basu doesn't explain anything tbh. You are expected to learn from the lecture videos and the slides which aren't helpful at all.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
I liked the overall structure of the class. Everything is laid out from day one, with all class material available. Doing practice during class and taking a quiz during the discussion section help with my learning. I also appreciated how he provided us with past quizzes and exams to practice. The only thing I didn't like about the class was the way he did lectures. He would want participation from students, but whenever a student started talking, he would often cut them off because he's usually in a rush to get through the material. However, I would still recommend taking his class, just make sure to stay on top of things.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Really learn the material the way he does the class. And an 87 is A- 90 is A.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Before I took this class, people told me the class was extremely hard. However, Basu made the class great. He offers a lot of practice to truly understand the concepts. That being said, you have to put in the work to do well, but Basu definitely made the class very understandable
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
pros: -you could access previously recorded lectures -there were plenty of previous practice resources to study for exams & quizzes -1% overall grade extra credit was offered for going to an end of year case study activity in class -there was a slight 3% grade adjustment (so 83-87 is a B+, 87-90 is an A-, 93-97 is an A and 97-100 is an A+) cons: -class was kind of pointless and boring and you could get by with just the recordings -in class he would go at a painfully slow speed and sometimes would not even get past any of the recorded content
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
As you go through the reviews here you'll find a lot of Basu slander however, I think he was actually a pretty good professor who is now living off his lecture videos during COVID. I found these weekly videos very helpful as they were always accessible and were very useful for studying. In class he basically just did practice problems and answered questions, somewhat useful if you're lost but other than that it wasn't too essential. There are weekly in person quizzes which are annoying however, studying for them ensures you are better prepared for the midterms. He gives a ton of practice exams which are exactly the same as the midterms. The TA's also do a bulk of the work in his class and shoutout to Louie for being the GOAT TA. Accounting is not a terribly difficult course it just has a lot of memorization and concepts that may be hard to wrap your head around at first.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Lectures are optional, and the weekly homework and discussion quizzes technically are too if you do well on the final exam (all your assignment grades get boosted to the grade you get on the final). The class is well-structured and there are videos posted online with each week's material. The videos are also preplanned and well-made. The homework is usually annoying though because the format used by the online problems doesn't always match exactly what he teaches. The concepts can be a bit confusing, but the materials are all easily accessible and the grading policy makes it easy to do well as long as you prepare a bit before exams and do well on them.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Really learned accounting from him. Way he runs the class is effective.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B-
Professor Basu is incredibly kind, and seems to genuinely care about his students. He provides ample resources in his modules and responds to emails very quickly. However he is not a very good lecturer. You have to teach yourself throughout the entire course, as all the material is recorded and put on his modules, and you are expected to watch the videos before his lectures. During lectures he guides the class through a multitude of practice problems, which he somehow manages to make pretty confusing. I think his saving grace is the sheer amount of resources he provides. He gives several practice quizzes and exams that you can use to review beforehand, and they are super helpful. The quizzes you end up taking end up being very similar to the ones posted on elms. He is a very sweet person and is clearly passionate about accounting, he just does not lecture in class and the videos can be pretty long.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Not really sure why Professor Basu's average rating is this low, he's a great professor and teaches really well. The class isn't easy but as long as you put in the work to study before midterms, pay attention to lectures, and get all your assignments done, you should be fine. The exams are just like the weekly quizzes you do every Friday. Flipped lectures are a little annoying but it's actually kind of helpful because you can always go back to the videos AND it forces you to listen to the content twice. Basu provides SO many practice exams and resources for you to study and he's generally a friendly and helpful professor so I definitely recommend.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B-
Pretty tough class but Basu definitely is a great choice. The way he structures the class is so helpful to learning the material and the in- class problems definitely help understanding concepts. Definitely go to class, it is so helpful to learning the material and please use office hours. Tip for people taking the class: the class builds on itself. Meaning you cannot understand chapter 8 without understanding 7 and 6 and so on so definitely keep up with the material.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
Tougher class but Basu does a good job. Definitely take notes on his online lectures and go to class too, exams are pretty difficult. Weekly quiz during discussion on Fridays, make sure you understand the material and go to office hours. I'm an accounting major and studied hard but ended with a B+. Lot of material and TAs are overwhelmed but if you're a business major you have to take 220 sooner or later
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Basu is a great professor and is lovely to talk to. His course design makes it easier to understand material, but the exams can be a bit difficult from my experiences.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Doesn't really teach which can be a good or bad thing. All his lectures are videos he posts on canvas that you have to watch before class. Class is pretty pointless i only went once all semester and didn't affect my grade at all. If you enjoy learning at your own speed through videos then its a great class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Basu is a good professor. The lectures are videos which is great because you can come back to them. He offers so many resources to help you do well. A lot of accounting is just practicing and making sure you know what to do. If you want an A, be committed to that. I went to office hours every week. The UTAs are literally so great and find ways to explain the topics and make them make sense. Practice the problems! Take notes! Make it your priority to go to office hours and to class because it really helps. Be prepared to put a lot of work into this class. Make sure to review before the mini quizzes every Friday. There are practice videos and quizzes available to help you do well. The resources are available; just use them. Don’t let yourself get behind on work! How do you do in this class really depends on the work you’re willing to put into it (which Professor Basu makes clear from the beginning). This class definitely challenged me, but I really feel like I learned a lot!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
His prerecorded lecture videos are very helpful, along with the PowerPoints. However, I didn't find going to class for review problems helpful. I learn better self-studying, so thats what I mostly did. Quizzes every Friday in a discussion can be hard if you don't study for them, but everything less than ur Final Exam Grade will be replaced with your Final Exam grade. If for some reason your exam doesn't get graded through Gradescope, he makes you come to his office and go through all the exams until you find yours- which is super frustrating. The material builds on each other, so try to stay on top of studying. Its not impossible to do well in his class, you just need to put the time in. Two midterms are 25 multiple choice questions and the final is 40 MC.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu is a pretty good professor to pick. In my opinion, his class structure and teaching style work well for Accounting, as it requires a lot of practice rather than sitting and listening. He provides students with the necessary material to self-study each week's content, and during lectures, spends time actively doing in-class problems, taking questions, and interacting with students. At the end of the day, this course is not easy. Regardless of what the professor does during their lecture period, you're going to have to put in work independently if you want to do well. My recommendation is to read the textbook and take notes, watch Basu's videos (in 1.75x speed), and then attend his lectures to deepen your understanding of the material through active learning. You should also complete the weekly practice quiz questions to study for both the weekly quiz and the exams. TLDR; there's nothing inherently wrong with Basu's class, he's a solid professor and, if you care about doing well, then you just have to put in the hours outside of class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C-
Progyan Basu is hands down the worst professor I have ever had. Really wish I could say nice things about him. Classes are all prerecorded and no teaching occurs during the class. Progyan is beyond unapproachable and is completely insensitive to any student issues. You could tear your ACL the morning of the exam and he would still expect you to be there (true story). Horrible teaching style. Exams are nothing like described, and while he may come off like an unassuming teddy bear--there is something behind those eyes. DOWN WITH PROGYAN!!!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu is super nice and in terms of explaining concepts, he's decent. The problem is that his course is structured terribly. He does not lecture in class. Instead, he makes students watch lecture videos on ELMS (that he recorded back during COVID) before class. Then, class time is devoted to going over problems. Might sound reasonable, but it means you have to learn all the material yourself and on your own time, and the lecture videos are quite time consuming. He has his rationale for it, but it honestly just seems like a cop out and a bit lazy. The good news is that it is very possible to do well in the class. Just doing well on the three exams is the key, especially since the final exam can replace the grade of all other assignments if you do well on it. You do have to invest a decent bit of your own time, but it is doable.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Don't let people scare you. As long as you study (probably 5-10 hours a week), you will do fine. The material is not super complicated, but office hours are very helpful. The homework will take quite awhile every week. Basu is passionate in what he is teaching and I find his teaching to be straightfoward.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
This class is concept heavy. Read the textbook if you do not understand the lecture videos he makes you watch before class. If you need help go to office hours. Each semester there will be more practice quizzes and exams to help you do well. He is a good lecturer, so you should go to lectures. We also had 2 extra credit assignments which helped (+2% of your final grade). The time commitment per week was around 5-8 hours.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Quite a nice professor. This class is a nightmare if you cannot self study/learn asynchronously. Make sure to watch the chapter videos before and do some practice problems and you'll get an A.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Very good professor! He is a big motivator to continue studying accounting. The course inherently can get boring and challenging but Dr. Basu does a great job keeping engagement. GO TO LECTURES!!! You will not do well otherwise. Also, this class is a huge time commitment so be ready to spend time doing homework. Exams and quizzes were always very fair and if you were comfortable with the practice exams you could easily get an A.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Dr. Basu is very in depth with his teaching. He will make sure that you understand the material as long as you ask questions and put in a reasonable amount of effort. The class is some work, but honestly not too much and he makes it relevant to the course material so as to help reinforce what we learned in class. His exams are fair and overall he is a great professor. Highly recommend taking him if you get a chance.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Definitely a unique class to say the least. Yes, it is possible to receive an A in this class, but don't expect to be an accounting genius since the hardest thing you will need to do, math wise, is knowing percentages as Professor Basu states himself. With that being said, I found this class to be extremely concept driven and required a dedicated day to do my homework and review for this class. There is a lot of time out of class that you'll be using to watch his pre-lecture videos and studying/ working on the 2 homework assignments each week while also having a fairly tough quiz at the end of the week if you did not prepare for it. Fortunately, all grades in this class, excluding exams, can be replaced with your grade on your final exam which definitely helped me in the end since I got a 68 on my first exam. In sum, I would advise utilizing all resources available to succeed since it is likely he will be testing you on everything he's taught in class and in the textbook, but I would say the most important study tips for exams would be to review the slides he uploads first to get good general knowledge and then practicing old exams/ quizzes for specifics.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Terrible teacher, but easy class. Does not explain anything into depth in lecture, but provides enough resources to do well.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
Expect to dedicate a lot of time outside to understanding the concepts, especially if you have never had previous exposure to accounting. With each week, there is roughly a 40 minute lecture you have to watch beforehand as he dives into the class with a brief review of the main topics in the chapter and then spends most of the lecture covering practice problems similar to those which you will see on quizzes (though they tend to be easier than the problem in quizzes). Each quiz was quite difficult and getting one wrong meant losing 20% of your grade (as they're only 5 questions worth 2 points each). No partial credit is given either. I can not stress enough to go to office hours, as this truly helped me get through the class and also to review the old quizzes/exams which are provided from previous semesters, as they most accurately reflect the questions that will appear on exams which make up most of your grade
Progyan Basu

He doesn't really teach and you really have to teach yourself through the course of this class. There is a good amount of work you get every week too.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu isn't the best professor but he's far from the worst. You will need to study a lot for this class and review the material either through videos, old quizzes, old midterms or the problem sets. He provides all the materials you need to succeed but knowing how to utilize them is the main downfall for many students.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
One of the worst professor you can have. Since this class is a requirement for business school so you have no choice but take it. He expects you to teach yourself and do well on exams. Exams are extremely hard and it is designed to fail students. Practices exams are not even close to the real one. Just take it somewhere else and transfer the credits fr guys. If you think BMGT230 bstat is bad this is way way worse than that I can assure you.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
The reviews are harsh. Accounting is a hard subject to teach in general because the concepts are not intuitive. But he definitely teaches in class and he provides you with all the resources you need. Each exam there's 4 practice ones from previous years, same with the quizzes. In class he goes over practice problems and posts the answer key after. Along with that there's a video of him going over 25-30 practice questions from every chapter. Most people just don't watch this but if you do the quiz should be easy. The quiz and exams are not worded weirdly they're literally worded the same as on the practice ones. At the end of the semester there's an extra credit opportunity. Was this class challenging? Yes. Is accounting challenging? Yes. But he honestly gives you everything you need. TAs are beyond helpful and he genuinely cares about teaching. He's a great professor but he doesn't lower his expectations, you have to meet him halfway. I learned so much in such a short amount of time.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Professor Basu just goes through the motions of teaching without ever actually teaching his students anything. I spent so many hours studying for Friday quizzes (upwards of 5 hours in addition to normal time dedicated to this class). My biggest disappointment with this class is the grading system. Each question on the quiz is worth 20% of the quiz. As for the exams, each multiple choice question is worth almost 1% of your final grade for the class. I had to teach myself almost all the material in this class through the textbook and practice questions. If you do take this class with Basu (which you will have to because he is the only option for BMGT220) go to the office hours. I cannot emphasize this enough. The TA’s are the only reason that I did well in this class. There are a ton of office hours so take advantage of it.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
basu is actually useless. considering the amount of time the lecture videos and in person lectures are, it was so difficult to learn concepts from him. he spends zero time actually teaching concepts and just expects you to magically know them, which is challenging in such a difficult course. as someone who found bstat incredibly easy, this class was the absolute worst
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Requires a lot of work outside of class, best thing is to do many practice problems
Progyan Basu

Horrible professor. Does not teach in class. Expects you to watch hour-long videos that are beyond boring outside of class. Be prepared to teach yourself everything on your own. Homework takes ridiculously long (up to 5+ hours), and they are nothing like quizzes. Quiz and exam questions are worded purposely confusing and with words we never mentioned before in class but are just synonyms to topics we covered (but how are we supposed to know that?). Everything about this class is horrible. He is a nice person, but he is a horrendous teacher. Take this course at a community college and transfer the credit. You will thank yourself.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B-
This class was unnecessarily difficult. You essentially teach all of the material to yourself. He expects the students to watch hour long pre-recorded lectures each week before class. If you take notes on the lectures, they easily take up to 4 hours to get everything down because he goes over it all very quickly. The actual class consists of him going over practice problems that reflect the weekly quizzes and the midterms. The homework is absolutely nothing like the quizzes. It consists of like actual accounting and none of the multiple choice questions that you will actually be quizzed or tested on. Yet the homework can take up to 5 hours to complete because he question has 7+ parts and all very intricate. It was an incredibly difficult course and the fact that he is the only teacher is ridiculous.
Progyan Basu

Nice man but you basically have to teach yourself the course. He has taught us things that were conceptually inaccurate. types of questions and info needed for homeworks do not correlate with quizzes nor exams. Structure of the class is absolutely awful.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
You’re going to have to teach yourself everything on your own
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
This class is not something that you should take at UMD. I would definitely recommend taking it at a local community college over summer or winter break and then transferring the credit over. With enough work and practice, you can get a decent grade in the class, however you really don't have time for that with the other coursework you have going on. Granted, I could have gotten a better grade if I put in more effort, but this is not something that I liked in the first place. The structure of the class makes you put in a lot of effort outside the class which really isn't feasible unless you dedicate A LOT of your free time into solving the problems. Also, keep in mind that all of the questions are word problems and multiple choice, so take that as you will. If you do decide to take this class, go to TA office hours since you will definitely need the help.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C+
The way the class is structured makes this class a huge time commitment. He expects students to watch an hour long prerecorded lecture outside of class. The homework follows the textbook and does not prepare you for the weekly quizzes and exams. The homework consists of debiting and crediting and doing ACTUAL accounting whereas in class we are doing multiple choice problems which more accurately reflect what we are tested on. So when quiz time comes around everything feels like a waste of time because of all the additional studying you have to do on top of all the homework. I genuinely would get so frustrated and mad about this class every Thursday while studying. I put in a lot of effort and I still managed to get a C+. If you have to take this class because you want to transfer into the business school, good luck. I would recommend going to TA office hours strongly. The TAs for this class were incredibly helpful, they were good at explaining practice test questions that I got wrong. I've seen many other people say dual enroll and take accounting I at community college since they say Basu makes this class unnecessarily difficult for an intro course. I'm taking accounting II at community college over the summer because I have had it with accounting at UMD.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
I have never been more proud of a B. Professor Basu is a spectacular professor and genuinely cares about your knowledge of the course. The class is hard, and it is a lot of new information, but Basu offers many study opportunities and teaches the class well. I only doc a point off, because his exams are all multiple choice which doesnt give you a lot of wiggle room to do bad, and his exams have questions that you will never have seen before, but if you truly understand the concepts you can eventually figure it out. Best of luck to anyone who takes BMGT220 and if you take it with Basu, you will be in good hands, just study!!!!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Dr. Basu is an amazing professor. BMGT220 is a challenging course but he does a great job at teaching the material and providing resources to help you practice. The downside to this course is the time commitment, I easily spent 7+ hours a week on this course outside of class time but it pays off. His lecture videos do take a while to watch, but it allows for all of class time to be application and practice. He is very dedicated to helping students learn the material and he makes classes fun.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
I think this class is difficult but if you put in the work, you can do well. He gives you lots of practice quizzes and problems in practice videos and if you do those and the homework, the weekly quizzes aren't super different. TA hours are also helpful. This class will be one of your heavier course load classes so maybe take some other light ones but I do think it's manageable and not as bad as people say. He slowed down his teaching style this semester in order to help students stay caught up which I think has been super helpful and why people are doing a lot better. Just put in the work and you will be fine.
Progyan Basu

The amount of work I put in for this class is mindboggling. As a CS major trying to get into the business school, I can categorically tell you that this one accounting class is my biggest time commitment, more work than CMSC216. Watching 45-minute lectures before actual class, actually attending class, doing homework on a platform you paid $80 for, and studying for the weekly quizzes took over 10 hours a week for me. The homeworks also were nothing like the quizzes or exams. I don't really see anything changing either because Professor Basu is the only 220 teacher and this is clearly how he has been doing it for a while.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a D+
He's nice but this class is very difficult. Easily requires 6 hours of study time per week. Take at community college if you can
Progyan Basu

This guy might be a funny and likeable guy in class, but his homework is unbelievable. We spend the entire class working on multiple choice questions just to be tasked with filling out entire statements for the homework. Workload is heavy. The data analytics are way more time consuming than they should be. Definitely take this class with another teacher.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Exams are too hard. The class average for the first exam was a 65% , and then for the final it was a 66%. Save your grade and take Accounting one at your community college. This class is hard
Progyan Basu

Basu himself is not a horrible professor. You can tell he loves what he does and tries his best to make the in-person lectures funny and engaging. He's not very responsive to students reaching out, but he has enough TA's to talk for us peasants for him, so I guess it balances out. PEMDAS, right? That being said, accounting isn't easy, and the structure of Basu's class doesn't do much to make it any easier. There's a lot of work for this class, much of which is pretty useless in the way of helping you get the grade you desire. For example, the connect homework assignments were long and based on the textbook readings. You'll find yourself reading a chapter from start to end, taking notes, and doing the connect homework assignments for hours on end in the first few weeks... just to find out that they'll do virtually nothing in the way of helping you practice for the weekly quizzes or even the Exams. Okay, fine. So you turn to practice problems. The practice problems aren't chill either. In doing them, you'll find that Basu has a strong affinity for "gotcha" questions. That's fair, accounting is hard, and you're here to gain mastery (or at least satisfactory understanding) of the subject, but does an entry-level accounting class have to be this hard? Probably not. You'll hear from many students who go on to take accounting 2 (whether at UMD or community college) that Basu's class didn't have to be as hard as it was. Finally, you sit down at your first exam. By this point, you've spent an ungodly amount of time studying for this class every week. I'm serious. If you've put in 100% effort (went to all the lectures, watched lecture videos, did the homework, read the textbook, did practice problems, and went to office hours/ study sessions), you'll be happy to maybe pull off a B or a C on the first exam. Kudos to you. You've spent-- at the bare minimum-- 12 hours every week preparing for this moment. That's at least 2 hours 6 days a week. Any less than that, and I'll be sending you my best wishes. Now, if you're already in Smith, you're probably reading this and saying "C's get degrees" and to that I say, get it how you live dude. For those of you transferring into Smith, though, I'd highly recommend taking this requirement at a community college or testing out of it if you can. An A requires a lot of hard work and discipline. I'm not saying those aren't skills worth building, I'm just recommending that you put that energy towards a more low-stakes endeavor. It'd be in your best interest to work smarter, not harder (especially if you have no intentions of majoring in Accounting or Finance).
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Pretty sure all of these 1 star reviews are from people who didn't go to class and put a lot of effort in (classroom was about 25% full by the end of the year). Although exams were on the difficult side, I think they were fairly manageable if you read the textbook and did the practice quizzes (exam 2 was identical the practice exam- but I don’t think a lot of people even did this practice exam to know that). It was pretty annoying to have online lectures to watch each week on top of the in person lectures, and discussions are mandatory due to the 15 minute quiz at the end of each one. Online assignments are an easy 100%, but they aren't worth that much of your grade. In canvas, my grade was an 89.01, but in testudo he gave me an A (slightly curved, since 90 is an A). If you put in the effort, you will receive an A.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
I put in 15-16 hours per week for this class, came to class, went to TA and Basu's office hours, and I still didn't do well in the class. Make no mistake; I did really well on all of the homework, classwork, and on most of the weekly quizzes... it's just the exams that killed my grade. I came to Basu after I underperformed on my first midterm asking for tips on what I could do to better prepare for the future, and I was simply told that if I was stressed about my grade I just shouldn't look at it. Huh?? How is that helpful?? Other than that all he said was that I just needed to get a C in his class and I would get credit for the course. I understand C's get degrees, but my goal is to not do the bare minimum in my classes. I'm not concerned about being the highest achieving in my class, but I want to be proud of the work and effort I'm putting into a class. It's absolutely shameful and pathetic that his response -as an educator- to my concerns was that I should stop caring about my grades as long as I was technically passing. Do I think I deserved an A in this class? No. I put in the work in this class that should have deserved an A, but overall I think a B would have been accurate of my work and overall performance. It's just the lack of curves and the stark differences between his exams and the other work for his class that led to me barely even scraping up a C. If you can avoid it, do not take this class, or at the very least not with Basu. If needed for any context, I've never been bad with math; I didn't come into this course expecting to be a wizard at accounting, but know that I also didn't come into this course without any skills in related topics.
Progyan Basu

Professor Basu is a good person, but not a good professor. His inability to teach clearly makes a confusing subject for many students more difficult than it needs to be. Lectures, homework, and discussions are not aligned and do not prepare you well for exams, which are extremely challenging. Basu is usually the only professor for this course, so if you are not willing to teach yourself and put in hours of work, take it elsewhere.
Progyan Basu

Please help yourself and DO NOT TAKE this class with PROF BASU. Nothing against him, but the class. Please take it at community college if you are applying for Smith because its a gateway requirement and you definitely need a good grade. WORK LOAD: - Two homework assignments each week (5-6 hours) - 1 horrible quiz each week - Lecture is nothing about accounting, it is just review/practice. You have to watch approximately 60 mins of video for each chapter before class to be prepared and read the book. - 2 midterms and 1 final exam. EXAMS ARE HARD. Although final exam replaces all your grades as a percentage if they are lower. For example, you had received 6/10 on a quiz but your final exam average was 80%, your quiz grade will be upgraded to an 8/10 = 80%. There is NO CURVE in this class. Please please please say NO to taking this class with him.
Progyan Basu

If you don't have to take this course at UMD... don't. This class is unnecessarily hard, the weekly quizzes are nothing like the homework or the in classwork. As an accounting major, it sucks because taking his class has made me want to change my entire major. After the second semester, half of the entire class dropped (about 300 students out of 600!) This class is very challenging, if you take it make sure you can put about 5 hours into the class between the at-home lectures, homework, and all the studying you will need to do to teach yourself all the material.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Basu is a terrible professor. Take this course somewhere else if you’re able to. It’s not worth the amount of stress.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Really awful professor honestly. Only reason I got through this class was because of his TAs. You have to watch hours of lectures every Sunday BEFORE CLASS because he doesn't teach any content in class. And the videos aren't even helpful for the weekly homeworks so you have to read the textbook and take notes on that too which takes another 2 hours MINIMUM. The weekly homeworks are long and annoying, also take minimum an hour. Don't even get me started on the weekly quizzes, it's literally impossible to get 100%. Terrible professor for a class that's already so boring. Since he's the only prof I'd say try to take this class anywhere else, or just really buckle in for spending an unholy amount of time for this ONE CLASS. Lectures are useless lmao, don't waste your time. He sucks dookie.
Progyan Basu

The worst professor I've ever had. Unless this class is a prerequisite class, simply don't take it. EVERY WEEK you are required to watch three lecture videos, finish chapter homework assignment as well as Analysis homework, test every Friday, do practice problems for that test, and many more. His classes are not attendance mandatory, but his lectures in his class isn't even helpful. He goes through practice problems, but it's not even helpful because it's nothing like the tests or the exams. I don't get what the point is then...because he doesn't even explain how he got what he got.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Worst professor, but sadly the only professor for Accounting 1. The weekly homework assignments are extremely time consuming and have nothing to do with the exams. The weekly quizzes are almost impossible and he assigns 1-2 hours of lectures to watch per week. This class is very difficult and if you have the opportunity to take it elsewhere, you should do so.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Really, REALLY snarky in his office hours. Almost like he despises being there and helping out students. TAs this semester were helpful in actually explaining how to do things. Basu has this thing where he'll have a review session the lecture before an exam, but he does not explain any of the work. You'll start seeing calculations happening and have no idea where the numbers come from. I'm not applying to the business school nor am I a business major. Felt like the quality of education was pretty awful. Exams have a bunch of red herrings and questions that focus on minute details of his lectures. Class isn't hard by any means (like biochem, etc), but man oh man was it a terrible use of my time.
Progyan Basu

his exams are nothing like the homework. The homework will take you a whole day to finish and the videos he makes you watch weekly are like 1-2 hours.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
For online, the worst professor I've ever had. His synchronous lectures were just him doing examples so you had to watch his pre-recorded lectures on top of going to class. That's ridiculous that a professor is giving me double the amount of class time, and not to mention that you're lucky to get out of doing a homework assignment in under an hour and a half. This class is the weed-out class for the business school so I suggest taking it at your community college and transferring the credits. Like others say this class isn't very hard material, but it takes way too much time outside of class.
Progyan Basu

For online, Basu would make you watch 1-2 hrs worth of lectures (watching + taking notes) on the weekends before his class at the beginning of the week. He would then spend the two live classes working through practice problems. These live sessions are not recorded. TA office hours are available, but there are no discussion sections as listed on the schedule. Homework was time-consuming but doable, but quizzes and exams were another story. Most quizzes had an average of 50-70%, and some of the content wasn't like how Basu had taught it. He did at least provide practice questions to study with, though I would have preferred if he had worked out the problems instead of read out the answers. Also, a decent amount of the quizzes and exams had typos on them. Overall, this class wasn't overly hard, but to do well takes a lot of outside time.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Accounting is definitely not an easy class by any means and requires a considerable amount of work, but Basu provides plenty of study questions before each quiz and exam. Definitely tries his best to explain everything but not always the best at explaining, but an A is doable if you put in the work.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Worst excuse of a professor I have ever encountered. Does not teach anything in class, and recorded online lectures are not helpful whatsoever. Weekly quizzes and exams questions are triple as hard as the examples done in class, and half the exam questions are information/question he did not cover a single time. I average at least 8 hours of studying and homework every week, and I still do not have a remote shot of doing well on any of the weekly quizzes or exams. I am sorry if you have the misfortune of having him as a professor.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
big talker, bad at explaining things. he's a good person, but not the best professor. you really need to study hard to do decent in his class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Not funny or interesting, but great at teaching. Totally understood accounting after this class
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Great professor if you actually put the work in. Read the textbook over the weekend, and actually PAY ATTENTION to the examples in the book-don't just skim over them and expect to know what's going on. Print out the powerpoints! Some people are complaining that he goes too fast to take your own notes but he makes it clear from day 1 that you have to print them. Lectures are long and info-heavy so you really have to focus, but he's a good lecturer and explains things well. Sometimes he does go a little fast, but if you miss something it's probably in the textbook anyway. Exams are all multiple-choice and you have to pay attention wording, but the questions were always fair. This is not an easy-A class but it is 100% doable if you're willing to put some effort in. Basu is funny and engaging and I never had a problem understanding him with his accent.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an F
Basu is great, my grade isn't. But I highly recommend his course. He really helped me conceptually. His exams are hard, but my dearest Basu tried his hardest to not let me fail but he was unsuccessful. I pulled a B in the end tho.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Good professor and funny at times for a class this tough. Sometimes what he explains in class isn't the same as on exams. Overall good guy
Progyan Basu

Basu is an alright teacher. He expects answers quickly and doesn't seem to care much about struggling students. The TA's this semester were also average and didn't teach material in discussion the same ways as Basu did in lecture, which messed up some students. Exams are all multiple choice which can be hit or miss.
Progyan Basu

Basu is a complete shitter. His jokes are not funny and he wastes so much time talking to people in class. He doesn't even teach anything, he just asks you do solve problems during class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Basu is a good teacher, but don't expect any extra help from him. Accounting is a hard class!! You have to do a lot of extra work to make sure you understand course concepts. If you're doing well on the in class quizzes that does NOT necessarily mean you will do well on the exams- study study study!
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
It is clear that Basu is very knowledgeable about accounting, but for struggling students, he is little help. It seemed that students either got it immediately or they didn't, and be prepared to be called on in class without volunteering and embarrassed if you are totally clueless. For the exams, he provides packets of 60-80 practice problems for each chapter. If you aren't the type of student who is understanding it all traditionally, learn how to do ALL of those problems and memorize how. Even if you don't understand the concepts, memorize the patterns of how to do the problems and you should be able to replicate them on exams. Basu will tell you "there is no memorization in accounting," but if that's what you're good at you can do it! I ended up with an A+ in this class but it certainly was a struggle. Find what works for you. Having a quiz every Friday was stressful for me, but it forces you to keep up with material. The exams were hard but similar to those practice problems, and the final lowers almost everyone's grades so make sure you create enough buffer for that. He is decently generous with grades and essentially builds in a curve. Professor Basu is very nice but make no mistake, you are on your own for this class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Professor Basu is a nice guy with very high expectations for his students. The course material is difficult and is taught in a way that makes it clear that 220 is a weed out class, which it is. Sometimes, his accent is hard to understand and it genuinely did affect my ability to learn at times, but everything you need in the course is in the textbook. Word of advice, don't get behind, and make sure that in your discussion sessions you ask the TA's for help, as they make things easier to understand. Going back and looking over past powerpoint slides is useful. The bottom line is that this class is one where the curve makes a difference. Get every point you possibly can, take nothing for granted. The final is extremely hard, but the study sessions in class do help.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
He is a pretty good professor, he is clear and tries to make the material interesting but unfortunately accounting is about as bland as it gets..If you are willing to put in the effort you will get a good grade. The final was very difficult and dropped by grade down quite a bit. There is A LOT of work for this class. Pre lecture quiz, friday discussion quiz, and homework due every week. It's a lot of work, but hey accountants are very successful.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Do not believe the reviews below. BMGT220 is easily the hardest business class you will ever take, and Basu does little to alleviate the difficulty. The lecture itself is dry and boring. Basu does try to make it fun, although I don't see how calling out people constantly for not being able to answer problems is "fun". Also, Basu is very impatient. He goes through the slides faster as the semester passes, so have fun taking notes in class. The reason for this is because he expects you to print out EVERY POWERPOINT SLIDE for his lectures since he doesn't allow computers in his class. So basically you're forced to do this or not learn anything from lecture. Don't bother reading the book, it is god awful and confusing, as you'll find out with the homework and pre-lecture quizzes which by the way are completely different from what Basu teaches you in class Discussion is only useful because the TAs do a pretty good job explaining what you "learned" in lecture. However, the in-class quizzes are a joke. Most of the time you won't be prepared for them because they include problems you've never seen before. Finally, the exams...easily the most frustrating portion of the class. Yes you have practice problems from previous exams, but they are nothing compared to the difficulty of the actual exam. Honestly, the only people I've heard get A's are those who took retake it...and there's PLENTY of them. Don't believe the grade distribution you see on here. More than half of those A's are from students who retake the class . The positive light I can give is that yes there is a massive curve. However, this curve does not make up for the hours of effort you will put into this class. Don't get me wrong Basu is not incompetent as a professor, but his teaching methods do not mix well with material this hard, especially if this is supposed to be an introductory class. The class is hell, so good luck to those who take it.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Like all the rest of the reviews said, Basu is a great professor. Do not be afraid to take this class just because it is supposed to be difficult - it is definitely possible to pull an A if you do everything that Basu tells you to at the beginning of the course.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Basu is the man. He's a funny guy and he keeps accounting as interesting as possible. That being said, introductory accounting isn't a very interesting subject and you could easily lose focus from it. The TAs for this course are usually pretty good. The class itself is pretty hard and you need to put work into it. Read chapters before class, go to lectures, and do practice problems. Weekly homework and discussion quizzes can very from easy to really hard. Tests are tough because the wording can trip you up.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Professor Basu is a very fair and good teacher. He keeps his lectures interesting and he's a very reasonable man. A tip I'd give to any student who plans on taking Accounting I is to pay attention to the wording on all the quizzes and midterms. It's very easy to calculate the wrong thing if you're not paying attention. All in all, I easily got an A in Accounting I because I read the textbook chapters prior to every lecture, attended every lecture, did practice questions in addition to homework problems, formed a study group and actively asked my TA questions. Most students won't do this, so a lot of people did poorly.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Basu was a great teacher and he engaged his class and still taught the material. However, the class is challenging, especially if you know nothing about Accounting. The concepts are difficult to grasp so I'd recommend going to every class and taking notes, and going to the TAs regularly. A complaint I had about this course was the weekly graded quizzes, which was a change implemented this semester. The quizzes were difficult and stressful, and the discussion became more about preparing for the quiz than asking questions or clarifying what we learned that week. You need to put in a lot of time and effort! Be ready to study hard from Day 1.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
If you have to take BMGT220, take it with him! He is a great teacher who is very senstive about students' concerns. There are 12 quizzes (100 points, lowest two drop), 12 homeworks assignments (100 points, lowest two drop), two midterms (each 240 points with 10 extra credit opportunity, each), and cumulative final (320 points with 10 extra credit opportunity). The most important thing is to attend all the lectures! If you attend all of them, you do not need to read the textbook (but please skim through the things you do not understand). The quizzes and homeworks are doable as long as you pay attention to the professor and TAs. Tests are generally tough so study at least a week in advance (BMGT220 is meant to be hard). Overall, great professor and nice TAs!
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Professor Basu was a very good teacher. He was well prepared, knew his subject, gave great, relevant examples to clarify concepts, and easily kept the class engaged for the entire class period. He was not only well prepared in class, but his guidance for what was expected of students was wonderful. Before class even started, we were all contacted and directed to the site where we could find all of our homework assignments and study guides. Everything we might need for the class was already available to us before the class even began. He gave us each control of our own learning process.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
He makes a difficult and dry subject like accounting seem fun and interesting! Very jolly guy, very understanding, very helpful! The best BMGT professor I've had so far! This guy should be made the Dean of the Business school, really! Very intellectual, and really fabulous! You will never ever be bored by accounting in his class, and if you work hard you can definitely earn an A, even if you don't have any background with the subject.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
This class is not easy if you have no prior experience with accounting material. You should definitely attend all the lectures because most of the material will be covered during the lectures. You can do the readings on your own time but the most efficient way is to simply pay attention during lectures. The problem sets online and the exams will be based very heavily on your understanding of the concepts presented in class. Discussions participation are needed because they are part of your grade and the quizzes will help you with problem sets. As long as you work hard to understand the material you should be okay in this class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Pretty good professor in my opinion. Was clear in his explanations and I don't recall him ever stumbling on his words. Wants everyone to do well. Exams were pretty tricky though. To get A's on the exams, I suggest going through the old exams he puts up and making sure you know how to solve every single one of them. The material gets more difficult as the semester goes on so it is important to keep up and not slack off. Accounting can be a dry subject at times so just keep up with your work and if you put in honest effort you will turn out okay. The 3 exams (including final) are worth 80% of your grade so you must be very careful not to screw up. One exam question is basically worth 1% of your total grade.. so be extremely careful. The final exam was ridiculously hard this year, the average was a 65%. So make sure that you do well on the first two exams so you can afford to mess up on the final.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
Basu is a Great professor. Only problem is that this class is very hard. It took me awhile to get the hang of his teaching style, and the way he makes his exams. Only complaints: The slideshows are missing the answers to the questions and the examples we did in class, so if you don't write it down you are SOL. Also it is hard to gauge the questions for the exams becaue he doesn't reuse problems so you truly have to master concepts and not just how to do problems. I went to every class and discussion and struggled to pull out a C, but that wasn't because of Basu.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Not difficult. If you go to class, look at the book while doing homework, read the book and do the study questions before the final, you'll be fine. Most people won't take this advice so the average will be low, so there is a significant curve. I didn't particularly care for him as a professor, I felt he moved too slowly but I understand why he did. Overall a nice guy though. The exams do make you think about your answers so try and read the book beforehand.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Don't take this class unless you can really put a lot of time and commitment to it. Yes, he says funny jokes in class but that still dosen't mean hell be nice to you when you go to his office hours and try to talk to him after class. Test questions are very very very hard, you have to do the past exams and friday discussion questions to master the type of questions you will see on the exam. TA's are crucial if you are struggling, Go to them and they'll help you because they are perfectionists in accounting. Overall I did not like Basu as a Professor I feel like a professor should always let you know what to expect on an exam and with him some concepts he wont even say a word about in class will show up on the exam. Take advantage of the 100 points on Friday Discussions and Online HW. Study hard for the exams, they get harder but don't panic if you do bad on your first exam just make sure you study harder for the next two.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a BC
Jeffrey Mullen
Professor Basu is a good guy and a good teacher. He makes the class as interesting as possible. The subject material gets progressively more difficult as the semester goes on. The beginning of the class is deceivingly easy, but you'd be lucky not get confused by the end of the semester. The material is dry, but if you work at it you can get through it. If you have to take this class, Basu is the man to take it with. He is ultimately fair, although his exams are extremely tricky. Even an exorbitant amount of studying can land you a D
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
This class is very difficult. You need to put in a lot of effort to get a B. Some of my friends didn't need to study it just kind of came to them, but me on the other hand struggled. There are 2 exams and a cumulative final. Theres homework every week due on sunday at 11pm and friday discussion is mandatory. You can miss 2 homeworks and 2 discussions. I would not recommend this class for fun.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu is awesome! The material in the class is challenging, however he does his best to simplify it. He always throws in past exam questions in his notes and gives great explanations. In addition, he really cares about his students and is open to helping them in all ways possible. You don't have much of a choice in who you take, but he is great.
Progyan Basu

Good guy I should have got an A.... Study guys Pretty simple formatted test...not many tricks
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Vinayak Ramaswamy
As previous reviews have stated: BASU IS THE MAN. This class is tough, and you need to put the work in, but if you do, you can get an A. Big positive: this semester, 86.5% or above got you an A. He generally will curve to fit the historic distribution for the class. But don't work with that in mind, because it is easy to mess up an exam, which aren't very forgiving. All in all, this is the hardest class I have taken so far at UMD, but also by far the most gratifying. Take this class!!!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Basu is an excellent professor. You can probably just go to lecture and not read and get a B, but I'd definitely do the reading if you want an A. There's weekly homework which is not very difficult and a weekly quiz in discussion (the quiz itself isn't graded, but your attendance is, so make sure you don't miss more than 2 discussions!). There are two exams and a final, the exams have 24 questions and they can be tricky. Definitely do all the review questions online before, and go over your notes and ask him any other questions you might have. The class isn't a cakewalk but with a little effort youcan definitely get a B+ or higher.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B-
Not going to lie, this class is tough. Not to mention that high school accounting, and college accounting DO NOT compare. I got A+'s in high school accounting, but B's in this class, and I worked twice as hard. The course gets increasingly difficult as the semester goes on, so it really is important to go to class, ask questions, and go to discussion. Especially discussions because we get points for that (only have to go to 10/12 discussions to get 100% in discussion). Also, don't wait until the last minute to do the online homework - it can be really tough and difficult to understand, so you might want to ask your TA for help on it in discussion. Professor Basu is a nice guy - he likes talking about sports and pop culture which I find to be hilarious. But at the same time, he knows his stuff. As long as you ask a coherent question, he'll find the best possible way to answer it, and usually shows examples. I was an idiot and stopped going to class at the end of the semester - don't be hard. The last 3/4 chapters are the HARDEST in the book. And with curves he does a significant one in the end. I think he added at least 3% to my final grade at the end. Don't rely on the curves though, still put in as much effort as you can. So: Go to class, Ask questions, Do the online homework, and Go to discussion.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Professor Basu was great at explaining the accounting concepts, always willing to field questions, and really friendly. When I had a question on one of the homework problems and emailed him, he responded almost immediately with an in-depth and clear explanation. He was also very good at listening to student concerns - many students did not like the unforgiving homework format, so he modified it to make it better.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Basu is a wonderful professor who loves to teach. He is very funny and really knows what he is talking about. He has weekly homework which are easy after his lectures and weekly discussion assignments(aka quizzes but they tell you all the answers at the end of discussion). His 2 exams are easy just do the Questions and Do it! Review online and your good.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B+
Dr.Basu is one of the best professors I have had so far at UMD. He presents the concepts in his powerpoints very efficiently. He posts powerpoints from the book on ELMS but I just took notes in class. He assigns weekly homework assignments, weekly discussion section assignments(he calls them quizzes but all you have to do is show up and you get 10/10), and there are 2 midterms(24 multiple choice each) and a final(32 multiple choice). Basu is an excellent professor with lots of knowledge about accounting. He is pretty funny at times as well.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
I took this class in Spring 2010. very easy A...I got a 210/240, 170/240, and 310/320 on the tests and ended up 20 points short of an A+ (I got an 890, the cutoff for an A+ was 910). Just do the online accounting homeworks, don't go to class unless you're stupid (sorry, unless you can't learn from doing homework), and make sure you go to at least 10 discussions (the more the better, that way you get to study for the test in discussion without having to study on your own time). As a double major in Computer Science and Accounting, Accounting is by far an extremely easy major, which is evident with this class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Great teacher. He has a little accent, kinda like Apu from the Simpsons, but he's not like some weird foreigner; he knows his stuff. Exams were tough but manageable. Go to class. He tells jokes and stuff which are terrible unless you are still drunk from the night before. Not as boring as I expected for an accounting lecture though.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
yeah he is a cool teacher but the material that we learn in the class and the stuff on the exams are different which is not cool.and no curve
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Basu is a great teacher. He has a little bit of an accent but it definitely does not interfere with his communication skills. He is very interactive with his lectures which helps alot. Also, he simplfies the more difficult material during the lecture to give you a better grasp. The TA I had for discussion was extremely helpful in explaining how to do homework problems. You get attendance points for discussions ( allowed to miss 2) and 2 out of 12 online homeworks are dropped (there's one each week). Practice exams are posted for each midterm (2) and the final which helped so much. Overall, Basu is a great teacher, Accounting is a useful course. If i had to take it again I would without any hesitation.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Basu is the man, hands down. Yeah, this class is extremely aggravating and very time consuming, and you will have to work hard, but Basu makes it manageable and is very approachable if you have a problem understanding something. Overall, tough class that is by no means an "easy A", but one where you will learn a lot and enjoy what you do learn.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A-
Basu is a good teacher, he is personable and a funny guy. His quizes are easy, but the final is pretty difficult. make sure to study hard for it.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu was a great man. He explained things very thoroughly and makes accounting fun. Starting from his corny jokes, to active engagement that he wants from the class, it made it easier for me to understand, and also to enjoy his class. However, the grade reflects how much effort into the class. And certainly, the curve is based on the top 20% getting As. So essentially varies year to year. You just got to hope that there are no smart students at the time you are taking accounting.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu was probably my favorite and best professor this past semester. Going to class is VERY IMPORTANT (at least for me) He put up a PowerPoint for each chapter each week and instead of haphazardly going through the PP, he went through each slide in detail and explained each concept thoroughly. He constantly was asking us throughout class whether we had questions and seemed to have no problem answering any of them. He also cracked jokes once in a while, keeping class loose and focused (which is necessary for a not-so-entertaining subject like accounting). His tests were sightly tricky (2 midterms and one fina) with 24 MC on each midterm and 32 on the final. The key is to just read each question carefully and you should be fine. I studied simply by reading the chapters alongside looking over his PP slides. Then I took the 2 practice exams from previous semesters that he posts on BB (which helped A LOT). One homework manager assignment a week which took about 2-2.5 hours on average to do. Some people thought this was a helpful tool for studing for the test, I personally didn't think so. Overall a great class with an even better teacher. I'm interested in majoring in accounting and Basu definitely helped me get off on the right track. Remember, GO TO CLASS. Here's why: Around 12-13 kids I know took accounting this past semester. Only about 3 of us went to class everyday. I think we were the only ones to get A's out of the group. Yeah, go to class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a B
Basu is a really funny teacher, but he also conveys the material really well. He has an accent, but you can still understand him. I thought it was a tough class, and the exams always were tricky. But, there was a considerable curve. The discussions sections are guaranteed 100% so go! You can only submit the HW once so go through and make sure it's right.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu is a good professor. The lecture slides are all online, but to get answers to the questions in lecture you have to go. I didn't go to lecture after the first few weeks, but my TA was good so I learned it in discussion. I also have taken Accounting in high school so I kind of already understood most of it. Read the chapter before doing the homework and you'll do fine. You only need like an 87% on each hw to get a 100 on the homework part because he only puts it out of 100 when you have 120 points possible. To study for the tests I highly recommend going over previous exams that he posts, they are VERY useful!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu is the best professor I've had at Maryland. He's knowledge, polite, and very funny. His exams are fair and really easy if you do the homework and review the lectures. Also, his grading system is very fair in that the curve can only help you. For instance, if half the class earns a 90% or higher, he'll still give half the class A's. If however, only 20% of the classes earns above a 70%, then he'll make a 70% the cutoff for an A.
Progyan Basu

Basu is an outstanding professor. His lectures are great and he is very entertaining. He posts all the notes online, but if you want answers to the examples you have to go to lecture. Discussion sections are mandatory and there is a quiz every week in discussion, but the TA goes over it and gives you the answers so it is a surefire 100%. There was a homework every week, and they weren't too hard, but they always took in between 1 and 2 hours. The regular exams weren't too hard either, and he curves them so that the grade distribution is equal to the prior grade distributions that are on ourumd. The final exam was very hard though, but everybody does bad on it.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
He is a very good professor that makes sure his students understand the material thoroughly. If you put in the work and generally just "get" accounting then it is a very enjoyable class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Basu was a great teacher!! No need to really even do much work outside of clasa as long as you pay attention in lecture.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
you get what you put in. as long as you pay attention in class and study the material out of class, its an easy A. dont cram!! basu is a very good teacher!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
While many people think he is unfair, his tests are very fair and generally very easy if you just read the book and the notes over once before the test. The final was alot harder than the other two tests during the semester but it was not unbearable. Now your material and he is very pleasant and not hard
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
Ummm to me this class wasn't very hard. It was definitely helpful and learnable experience. Overall though, if ever took Physics AP, Chem AP, or BC Calc in Highschool, than this class should be no where near the level of those AP classes. Just put some time and effort in to doing homework. What some of my friends felt helpful was that they learned the chapter the day before it was going to be lectured.
Progyan Basu

He is a great professor, though it is a hard class. Just study really hard and do as many practice problems as you should read over the chapter before the exam.It really helps on some of the questions. And there was a curve at the end of the semester.
Progyan Basu

Expecting a C
I worked hard & studied harder but I found that he did little to contribute to the material beyond what I could, and had already, read on my own. And when Homework manager malfunctioned on my account he did nothing but shrug. That is my biggest complaint.
Progyan Basu

Basu is the greatest! Very nice guy, but I will admit the material is quite difficult to grasp!! The exams are very difficult, but if you study and do everything else you should be fine!! I came into this class assuming it was an easy A, I was misinformed, if you want an A you have to work for it, but it's not impossible!!!
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A
This was a great class and Dr. Basu is a great professor. You must study hard, but if you attend lectures and review the powerpoints/practice problems, a definite A or B. Class attendence is a must. Notes are downloaded from Blackboard and very helpful. Exams are all multiple choice but exam questions are very fair. Know the material. Study the quiz questions and the practice problems in homework manager, and you'll get a lot out of this class.
Progyan Basu

Expecting an A+
Dr. Basu was the best professor I have had since I enrolled at Maryland. He is a great guy. He explains things very well and is very clear on his expectations. If you work hard, study, and do the homework on Homework Manager, you should do very well. He uses clickers, but if you print out the slides before class, they are not too bad. He curves the tests a little, although he does not really need to since they are very fair. Also, he is very approachable and quick to get back to you if you have a problem. I highly recommend him.