Elizabeth Benton

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL393, ENGL398A
Information Review
Elizabeth Benton

Expecting an A
Okay so here's the thing- she has really high energy which is good for staying awake in a last FC class. She's not the easiest ENGL101 teacher but she's pretty fair. She's a little disorganized even though she tries to be organized. She's mostly forgiving and you can always meet with her to go over a paper and she'll help you improve it. Like with any course, if you need help you need to seek it. However, she's just not the easiest or most chill professor so it's hard to look back on the class with a super positive experience. It wasn't bad, just not good. A shimmer above "fine."
Elizabeth Benton

Expecting a C+
This professor is an extremely tough grader. She has a very specific writing style that she expects her students to conform to. It’s a difficult class to get an A in. She also takes attendance every class.