Sayan Bhattacharya

This professor has taught: LGBT200, LGBT310, WGSS310, WGSS488G, WGSS601, WGSS698G
Information Review
Sayan Bhattacharya

Expecting an A+
A really genuine professor. Incredibly understanding of anything and everything. The reading level fluctuated (sometimes it was two short articles, sometimes it was theory-dense essays) but they were understanding of our ability and didn't assume people knew things they didn't, and explained complex topics as needed. I loved this class and I learned a ton, I highly recommend it if you're interested in Trans theory & its connections to and importance in the world. For workload - there are weekly readings and you post short reflections on them by the night prior to class. You have to complete a certain number of reflections and a certain number of responses to others' reflections by the end of the semester. You also facilitate two classes, and there's one final project that can take the form of your choice where you integrate ideas from the semester material. Very manageable level of work and grounded in what we learned.
Sayan Bhattacharya

Expecting an A+
Professor Bhattacharya is a gem. If you're willing to have everything you think you know challenged, take any of their classes! They are generous in grading, extremely approachable, and give wonderful feedback on assignments.
Sayan Bhattacharya

Expecting an A+
I will start by saying that it’s super easy to get an A in this class with Professor Bhattacharya. 40% of your grade is just 250-word reflections on the assigned readings, and you get full credit as long as you complete them. The midterm essay and final project are also graded rather leniently. I’d also say this course is pretty interesting IF you are interested in LGBT studies. It’s not a surface-level overview of LGBT studies–it goes pretty in depth on all the covered topics. The professor isn’t necessarily an engaging lecturer in the typical sense, but they’re still very interesting to listen to due to how knowledgeable they are, and they highly encourage class participation. They’re also very sweet and accommodating if you need to submit something late for a valid reason. The one thing I didn’t really like about the class as it went on was the structure–before each class, we had a reading due, and they were always super long and dense. The lectures then were just about reviewing the reading, which was helpful for clarifying the confusing parts, but that’s pretty much all we did in lecture–there was no other course material (like slides or published notes). This made it pretty difficult to actually retain anything we covered in class, and overall it became a bit boring towards the end of the semester. That being said, I’d still recommend this professor to anyone genuinely interested in LGBT studies, as they do a good job in promoting nuanced discussions and building on people’s comments during lecture.
Sayan Bhattacharya

Expecting an A+
This class is super easy, straight forward, and interesting. My TA, Jordan, was super nice and clearly cared about students. I do wish discussions touched more on current topics and were more discussion based, but otherwise I would definitely recommend the class :)
Sayan Bhattacharya

Expecting an A+
Professor is SUPER passionate about the course and encourages the TAs to be interested in you. Is willing to engage in discussion outside/inside class about many topics, even ones that aren't directly related to the course. The readings are a little heavy sure, but the assignments were pretty straightforward and there is plenty of warnings about content or coursework. English is not their first language, clearly, but everything is understandable and professor wants to make sure you're following the material. I enjoyed this course and am looking forward to more with this particular professor.