Shuvra Bhattacharyya

This professor has taught: ENEE299, ENEE408C, ENEE408M, ENTS699B, ENTS699C
Information Review
Shuvra Bhattacharyya

Shuvra Bhattacharyya

He doesn't know how to teach. His lectures are extremely boring so don't even bother going to class. He is the only one who teaches ENEE150 though, so you're stuck with him if you take this course. He's not hard, just boring and incompetent.
Shuvra Bhattacharyya

Expecting an A
Make no mistake, it is not difficult to get a good grade in this class, however, be prepared to learn absolutely nothing. The course description on the EE website does not match up at all with what is actually taught in the class. The first half of the class is spent sitting through the dullest most dubious lectures you will ever suffer through on vim and unix syntax. (not programming) about half way through when something about programming is taught it is presented in such a way that it seems like it is coming straight from a textbook. It tends to be about as cryptic as anyone could possibly make a lecture. Part of this is simply the C programming language, but the way in which it is presented could be much better. I have had the fortune to have already taken many programming classes (in Java mostly) so I am at least a bit more familiar with the content of the course which barely makes it beyond the remedial mark. This is a very new class so I am quite sure that the content will change at least slightly over the coming semesters, but it does not change the fact that Bhattacharyya is a less than stellar professor that is difficult to understand. The projects, while not difficult have at least three places you have to go to get information on how to go about doing it, and no where is there a complete set of instructions. Some information is given in e-mails, some in power points online, some in other project descriptions on line, and finally, some in the .h file gotten via glue. It is as if he tries to make it more difficult to find the information. This is a required class for EE majors, and there are a small number of professors teaching this class so chances are you will be stuck with this guy, so good luck (its going to suck)
Shuvra Bhattacharyya

Expecting an A
Shuvra is a very fair teacher. His tests usually take the whole time, but they are more than manageable if you just look over the material. Also, he will give extensions on projects if he sees many students are struggling with them. This happened 2 times in my class when we were all a little lost on certain parts of the projects and he extended the due dates by about half a week in each case which really helped. Shuvra is also a very annoying teacher though. He is a nice guy, but his teaching methods are all so tedious and dull that you will most certainly find yourself hating the projects and not paying attention a lot of the time in class. For each project you will have to write enormous amounts of automated tests for your code. These tests will sometimes be utterly useless, but you still have to take the ~15 minutes to make each one. This adds up to hours of complete boredom and busywork when you are required to make about 40 tests on the final project. Also, his lectures are very dull. He makes powerpoints the way everyone tells you not to make them by putting whole paragraphs on each slide. He will spend at least 20 minutes on each slide no matter how easy the material on it is. Furthermore, this causes him to never finish a lecture and you will leave this course feeling like you could have learned a lot more. Overall, this course is pretty easy and the actual coding of the projects is interesting. However, the lectures are boring, the automated tests are a pain to do, and we could have learned a lot more in the given time.