Michael Binder

This professor has taught: ARCH411, ARCH412, ARCH463, ARCH464, ARCH465, ARCH600, ARCH611, GEMS296, GEMS297, GEMS396
Information Review
Michael Binder

Expecting an A-
Professor Michael Binder stands out as one of the most challenging figures in my academic journey thus far. His demeanor exudes a disinterest in teaching, which is glaringly apparent in his tendency to veer off course during lectures. Rather than focusing on architectural concepts, he often digresses into topics of questionable relevance, such as ill-conceived political satire or his personal endeavors like his failed solar decathlon projects. In addition to his lackluster teaching style, Professor Binder's approach to course materials leaves much to be desired. Instead of providing comprehensive slides, he leaves significant gaps for students to fill in themselves. While this could be an opportunity for active engagement, it often results in confusion as his tangents blur the line between essential course content and irrelevant musings. The uncertainty of what will be tested further exacerbates the frustration of deciphering his lectures. Furthermore, the difficulty of assignments in Professor Binder's class is notorious among students. Clear instructions are a rarity, and even when assignments are completed and submitted, the learning outcomes feel negligible. It's disheartening to invest time and effort into coursework only to come away feeling as though little knowledge has been gained. Considering the challenges posed by Professor Binder's teaching methods, it's perplexing how he attained his position in the first place. His departure from the architecture school seems overdue, as his teaching style detracts from the educational experience rather than enhancing it. A reevaluation of his qualifications and teaching approach is warranted to ensure the quality of education for future students.
Michael Binder

Expecting a W
Honestly I didn't mind Binder, I will say though his lectures are pretty dull and un-engaging (he tries to give you fill in the blanks for the PP slides but that doesn't really do anything but make missing class ever super inconvenient). I thought the topics and concept he talked about were actually pretty interesting, but most are very niche so I doubt that was the general consensus. The biggest thing i'll say is this is not an easy class by any means, there are only 4 exams and 4 homework assignments and attendance/participation is not included in the final grade. If you have enough time to study the exams aren't THAT bad - all the info is in the slides, the homeworks however, those take entire nights or multiple days to complete (if you don't like to be stressed). Biggest recommendation is do not take this if you are also taking 400 in the same sem.
Michael Binder

Horrible professor. Had him for 463 and 464 and he's just an awful, miserable person. I applaud his dedication to sustainability but his constant doubtful and accusatory attitude of students is unbearable. If the entire class has a hard time and gets a bad grade on the exam; according to him its because we all didn't study or care to study. If the entire class needs an extension on a homework; according to him its because we all procrastinated despite the homework being due on a major studio deadline. I have never seen a professor accuse so many students of not working, procrastinating, and downright just trying to cheat. He comes in laughing when we fail an exam, and comes in seething thinking we all cheated when we do well on an exam. He makes attendance mandatory and ALWAYS asks for a signed excuse note or paperwork if you tell him you're sick and can't come to class. To him, the students are out to get him. It is impossible to have enthusiasm about sustainability or structures when a professor like this a) makes it boring asf, b) has accusatory behavior, c) and has such a negative attitude. It's like that professor that would rather beat the education into you than actually creating an exciting and engaging atmosphere for students to take interest in. Too bad he's the only professor you can take for any of these classes.
Michael Binder

Expecting an A+
I had Professor Binder this semester for structures I and learned a lot. This class is hard but everyone knows going in, that’s to be expected. If you aren’t comfortable with algebra the class may be harder for you but with practice and studying it’s doable to do well. The exams are hard but as long as you take good notes and do the homework problems/review them you can do good on the exams. I didn’t have any issues and felt I learned a great deal. He has a strong engineering background which a lot of other professors lack, making this class very unique. I had an incident where I was sick and had to reschedule an exam and he was more the accommodating too. Overall I enjoyed this class, just put in the effort.