Jack Blanchard

This professor has taught: PSYC353, PSYC468H, PSYC603, PSYC630, PSYC638, PSYC639, PSYC651, PSYC789, PSYC899
Information Review
Jack Blanchard

Expecting an A
All grades come from 4 exams and one paper. That being said, the paper seemed to be graded very leniently (by the TA). Otherwise, the 8am time slot isn't ideal, but the tests aren't too hard. Just read the powerpoints (that he posts online) and the textbook and you'll be fine if you don't feel like waking up for the 8am.
Jack Blanchard

Expecting a B
Blanchard likes 8 ams, so that makes the class rough, especially since he is pretty monotone. But as long as you can stay awake, the topics are interesting and Dr. Blanchard is really smart. If you don't do well with exams though, don't take this class.
Jack Blanchard

Expecting an A
This class is wonderful. Blanchard is a great professor and knows so much. A potential downside is that there are only 5 grading opportunities (4 exams and 1 paper) but it is very possible to do well. It is really important to follow all directions for the paper. Study hard for the exams and definitely read the book and go to class (even though it's optional). Blanchard is slightly monotone but if the topic interests you then its easy to listen.