Gary Bulmash

This professor has taught: BMGT220H, BMGT221, BMGT221H, BMGT311, BMGT313, BMGT313F, BMGT321, BMGT410, BMGT411, BMGT424, BUAC743, BUAC780, BUSI610
Information Review
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B-
Great PowerPoints and plenty of practice quizzes/exams. Assignments are graded fairly, not too much work (if you get started early), and directly representative of what will be tested. The class is very routine in its weekly assignments and expectations are clearly laid out. Read the book and pay attention to the content covered on the PowerPoints if you expect to be successful. Attendance is not mandatory, since the online lectures are recorded and during class, you review the PowerPoints that you should have watched before class. Overall, Bulmash is a fantastic person who takes plain information and equations from a textbook and applies it to the real world. He challenges his students to push themselves and is always willing to take time out of his day to clarify or help a student. 10/10 would recommend.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B-
Bulmash is the man to take. He makes this class fun relative to the boring nature of accounting.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A-
Explain most things in detail and lots of homework and quiz each week. Need to purchase "Connect" for over $100. His exams only have multiple choices.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B+
He was an okay professor. I personally enjoyed the class. He does go on a bunch of tangents, but I prefer that over being overload with even more accounting concepts.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
Let me start by saying that Government Accounting is not an easy course by any means, but Prof. Bulmash made it so much more accessible. He is a great instructor, probably one of the best accounting professors at UMD, always available to help, and has a great sense of humor. He wants to make sure that everyone understands and is comfortable with the material. Overall, the exams are not very difficult, but you are likely to find some questions on material that you may not necessarily have encountered during your study. The project was also very accessible. Overall, this is a great course to take, especially if you want to sit for the CPA, and if you can, take it with Bulmash, since it will make your life much easier!
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B
My favorite teacher at UMD. This man cares about his students and makes accounting interesting. Accounting isn't even my major and he kept me interested. The class is laid back and he tells stories that ties into concepts. If he were to teach another class I would enroll in a heartbeat.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A-
Professor Bulmash is an amazing person. He will go above and beyond for his students. If you can, go to his office hours and meet him. He is such a good person to know and teaches well too. His teaching style is as good as it can be for the material, which I personally found to be dry (not his fault). His exams are challenging but As are achievable. He does NOT try to trick you by listing 4 possible answers you can get by making a mistake like other professors do. Bottom line: Take Bulmash. Don't just take his class, meet him.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B+
PLEASE take 220H with Professor Bulmash! He's nice, he's funny, he speaks loudly enough that you won't fall asleep during lecture, and he really does want you to learn. The course is paced perfectly (1 chapter each week, lecture on Tuesday and example problems on Thursday), and there's hardly any work (practice problems aren't collected. 2 exams, a project, and a final). He's great at explaining confusing concepts (pretty much all of them are confusing), he'll answer any and all questions thoroughly, and he's full of stories from his day as an accountant, which help explain concepts and also provide a nice break from talking about journal entries. Dr. Loeb gave a guest lecture in my class once, and it was miserable. Bulmash is a far better choice.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A-
Professor Bulmash is one of the best accounting professors that I have had at the Smith School. He really wants to make sure that students understand the material, and he is more than willing to give you extra help to make sure that you are comfortable with what he is teaching. He illustrates the material in a way that students can relate to and understand. His exams are not very difficult overall, but there will be a few questions that you might not have encountered during your study period. I recommend him highly for any accounting course.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
DEFINITELY TAKE BULMASH IF YOU CAN! he's the best accounting teacher i've ever had and he has a good sense of humor.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting a B+
Professor Bulmash is really one the best accounting professors at the Smith School that I've had. He breaks down the course material so that it's easy to understand, and teaches you to think more comprehensively. As long as you do the practice problems, the course is very doable.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
Bulmash is the best accounting professor i've had thus far. i've taken 3 accting classes and he tops them all. he's animated and interesting and gives funny anecdotes throughout lecture. I took this class during a winter term and loved it. During the winter we were graded solely on 3 exams, weighted equally. they were all MC and had 1-2 written problems at the end. The MC is just like the ones he gives you in his practice exams (which are old exams). I recommend studying the book, doing some practice problems for each chapter, and then doing the practice exams. If you can do all that, you will be fine. He is always happy to answer any questions that you may have and is a genuinely nice person. Make sure you pay attention. Accounting is a class that no one should cram for because there is a lot of memorization and you do need to practice to be able to do the problems. As long as you keep up with the work, which is fairly minimal, read the book, pay attention in lecture you will easily get an A.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
Pure awesomeness! I really loved him a lot! First accounting class that connected it all together. He's really funny and nice. Hated to miss his class even though i did half of the time. Exams are reasonable. Project get a little subjective/confusing though. Much easier for accounting majors than for finance i would say, get in a group with an acct major but you should be fine working on your projects by yourself, i was just fine doing so.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A-
Bulmash is a great professor. He made Accounting about as tolerable as it could be. I liked that he told funny stories throughout the class to break up the lecture, but he still ended class on time or early. The first two exams and quizes were all pretty easy, but the final was difficult. He curves a little bit so that an 87% or 88% will probably be an A.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
He was a very good professor. He clearly presented the information and was pretty funny at times. Attendence in the class is optional. His powerpoints are available online and the textbook is extremely helpful so it is easy to learn the informaton without attending. However, he does tell you what will be on the quizzes during discussion during lecture which is extremely helpful. Knowing what will be on the quizzes makes those easy points. The tests are fairly easy as well.
Gary Bulmash

Expecting an A
great professor. funny guy who actually makes accounting class somewhat interesting. tests are very fair (all MC). seems to be a really nice guy. took time out of class once to give the class tips on interviewing for jobs. definitely recommend taking him for 220.
Gary Bulmash

Miss. Ma
He, I liked, good teacher, nice and loud voice, and also told us info about Accountants in the real world. Class tended to get boring but that was because the classroom was so cozy. But he is loud nad will wake you up. Homework is good, exams are fair, but the final got me, it was pretty diffucult.