Information Review
Robert Chester

Expecting an A
to start off ngl i joined this class because i had a late registration and was in the same building as my next class. I am actually happy i did tho because as a intro class out of my 2 years here at umd the proffesor actually was so nice and cared about you, every morning he would ask how you are and brought donuts twice the semester and had a mental health day which was so nice and his grading isn’t harsh. Im not good at writing but never got below a b on my papers. we had short papers which are 4 pages but they double spaced so not bad , got to watch movies and just talk about real life. Will try to take his class again next year because he’s interesting and get to talk about latino culture which imo is nice to know about. 10/10 and at the moment i have a 90% so passing with a A- !
Robert Chester

Expecting an A
Please take this proffesor!! It was super chill and informative. 4 small papers throughout semsester and always received a 90 and above (sometimes I didn't even try) for a 400 level course trust me its so chill and not hard at all. Take uslt201 or any other class with him. no exams. Small class with 25ish people.
Robert Chester

Expecting a B+
Dr. Chester is an incredible professor and very knowledgeable on the topic of Latino/a studies; he was a great introduction to the minor and the lectures every class are interesting and relevant to the four major writing assignments for the course. He is very accommodating and if you need to revise your essay, he will review it with notes before the due date; and provides extensions if needed. Participation is a big part of the grade as well but it’s not hard, you just have to contribute to class and there are optional extra participation opportunities for your grade out of class sometimes. Highly recommend!!
Robert Chester

Expecting an A
I highly recommend Dr. Chester as the best professor to choose for a Latinx course. He is passionate about what he teaches and loves to engage with his students. Although participation is essential, it is not difficult to accomplish. The course involves reading the assigned articles or watching two movies and discussing them in class. There are four essays in total, including two shorter writing assignments and two longer essays. Dr. Chester is very flexible and understanding when it comes to due dates. He provides sufficient time to complete the assignments, but if students need more time, they can always email or talk to him about it. Overall, Dr. Chester is an amazing professor who I would recommend to other students. I would also encourage students to take other courses he offers.
Robert Chester

Expecting an A
Dr. Chester is passionate about Latinx studies! His questions and comments stimulate an engaging class discussion. Participation is very important, so make sure you are participating! He is organized and flexible with assignments. There are a total of 4 assignments: 2 essays, 1 midterm, and 1 final.
Robert Chester

Expecting an A
I loved this class! Dr. Chester is a great professor who cares about his students. Definitely take this class if you like discussing various topics such as culture, identity, economy, the environment etc. I took this over the summer and it's not too much work in my opinion. We had readings each day for Tu-Thu and then a discussion each Friday. The readings were very informative and interesting. There were a total of 4 discussions, one midterm (very easy) and final group project. If you put effort in this class this is a very easy A gen ed that knocks out 3 requirements.
Robert Chester

Expecting a C
For those of you who enjoy watching movies in every single class, then this is the course and professor for you. You do have assignments (2 page papers) for most of the movies. I couldn't get higher than a 19/25, he's looking for something very specific. I think there were 11-12 movies in total we watched. Some of them were very interesting, some in spanish with english subtitles but it was fun to discuss them. He grades even hard with the bigger papers, got a C on both. Attendance and participation feel like the biggest part in the overall grade. Wasn't what I expected. He's a really good professor though, always encourages students to email him about the papers.
Robert Chester

Expecting a B
Nice guy. He is British so that's kinda funny for a while. A lot more writing than I expected. Not a bullshit class. attendance and contributions to discussions account for a larger chunk of the grade and he grades honestly and fairly. Cool class but don't take it unless you really like over analyzing movies.