Talia Chicherio

This professor has taught: CLAS170, RELS170
Information Review
Talia Chicherio

Expecting an A
Writing this as a senior with only one semester left, but I really miss this class (took it freshman year and it's hands down my favorite class). It was very interesting and Talia kept the course engaging even though it was pretty late in the evening. There is a fair amount of reading but it is doable and there are resources that will summarize the texts. There's a handful of writing assignments so if writing is your thing it should be a breeze. We had fun study sessions for exams during class and she was always open to helping with material and assignments outside of class. She is super kind and passionate about the material so if you pay attention, and do most readings you're golden.
Talia Chicherio

Expecting a B+
Talia is such an excellent professor and I cannot emphasize this enough. You know when a professor is really passionate about their subject and just knows it all and it helps you better understand it? Yeah, that's prof. Chicherio. She made Greek/Roman mythology more interesting than it already was and the class was very enjoyable. While there is a good amount to read for the class (as to be expected) it is totally do-able and the books we read were all fascinating. The HW was reading and discussion board posts, and if you read the material, the discussion posts aren't bad. She also was so quick to answer emails and was very considerate if you had any questions. If you are thinking about taking CLAS170, take it with Talia. By far my favorite class and I'm gonna miss it a lot!!