Peter Chung

This professor has taught: ENAE652, ENME350, ENME392, ENME470, ENME674, ENME808F
Information Review
Peter Chung

Expecting a B+
Yeah it's a tough class in the beginning because the concepts are tough but once you get in stride it starts to make sense. Once you get it, it's very rewarding and a little mind blowing. Homework is a completion grade and worth 60%. If you go to every class and do the homework you will probably get an A. Chung tries his best and is sort of funny. I'd recommend it, actually a class you could use in a job.
Peter Chung

Expecting a B
He's a nice guy. Course started off well but then he just stopped actually writing out example problems, making it very difficult to learn. The only option is to use his textbook which is very disorganized, theory-heavy (i.e. very few worked our example problems), and not in line with the breakdown of the course at all. Haven't had a class since freshman year where I actually felt like I didn't have adequate materials to prepare myself for exams. Homework is graded on completion, but each one takes at least 8 hours so be prepared for that. Overall, would not recommend this class, there is too much material that I do not think I can actually master anything FEA related no matter how much time I put in.
Peter Chung

Expecting a B
This is an extremely challenging course. If you happen to have the time to succeed in the course you will gain a good skillset, however the course lacks tools which help students do well. There are no practice exams, review sessions, or any kind of guidance from the professor about topics on the exam. The final is exceptionally difficult to prepare for because the last three homework's are very software heavy. Since the tests are all about theoretical problems you don't really know what to expect. Peter Chung is a very knowledgeable, and empathetic professor. He has fairly good notes and releases them after class so you can review material while doing the homework. I feel like he enjoys making the class harder on the students though. From his own admission, our class was ahead a lecture. He did not use this time to have a review session of the topics before the exam.
Peter Chung

Expecting a C
Dr. Chung is a very hard professor, but he tries his best to teach students in class. His main motto through his classes is "you must figure it out yourself", so just be prepared to learn material on your own.
Peter Chung

Expecting a C
Chung's FEA class is nowhere near easy. I agree with the below comment that Chung teaches this class as if students already have good understanding of FEA. However, he is very well-prepared every lecture. Exams can be long and difficult even though Chung would tell you he can do it in 30 minutes. His homework assignments with the software part are the worst. He would have you watch his videos that have no audio and not many written instructions to do FEA stuff in SolidWorks, ANSYS, CREO, and etc... Sometimes he doesn't even know what he was doing in those videos. He would click on things and close them out without making any changes or click through many things until he finds the function/option he is looking for.
Peter Chung

Expecting a C
The FEA course has been redesigned starting Spring 2019, and it is significantly harder now that the course is half theory, half software. Peter Chung teaches it all as if you know everything about FEA already, and in particular the theory is very dense and hard to understand. The class itself isn't too bad, but the exams are well beyond the difficulty level of the homeworks or anything done in class. I would not recommend this class to anyone, and I would warn against it now, especially if you have heard it is an easy A.