Deniz Cil

This professor has taught: GVPT604, GVPT606, GVPT803, GVPT879R
Information Review
Deniz Cil

Expecting an A
I love Dr. Cil. Such a cool person and is pretty engaging. Be sure to speak up in class! You will certainly have her again.
Deniz Cil

Expecting an A
Dr. Cil is a really knowledgeable and interesting lecturer, and she is also an understanding and kind person. Her feedback when grading may seem a bit arbitrary, but she makes it clear that she is available for help and guidance when working on the few assignments there are. She is incredibly respectful and does a great job conveying information - three hour lectures can be rough but she does a good job breaking it up and making it more engaging. Lots of reading but the work isn't too hard, and Dr. Cil is a great professor to have.
Deniz Cil

Dr. Cil was an engaging lecturer and was clearly passionate and knowledgeable about the topics covered in the course. She treated students with respect and really helped me understand topics. I would take a course with her again for sure.