Crispin Corrado

This professor has taught: ARTH369D, CLAS308C, CLAS308G, CLAS308P, CLAS688G
Information Review
Crispin Corrado

Expecting an A
Dr. Corrado is the most amazing professor and person you will ever meet. She is based in Italy and does UMD's abroad programs there. For the three weeks we were there in winter, she took care of us, gave us a world-class understanding of Greek and Roman art, and truly allowed students to experience Italy. Compressing a 3 credit course into 3 weeks can be a bit tiring at points, but every aspect of the class is so fulfilling. Not a single person on our trip disliked Dr. Corrado and we all developed a special connection with her. If you are even half-considering this study abroad I would urge you to take it regardless of your major.