Yong Cui

This professor has taught: MATH113, MATH140
Information Review
Yong Cui

Expecting a W
Going to keep this short he's mostly a TA for math240/math241 and I was unlucky enough to have him for 240. He is not good at explaining things at all he tries to cram theorem and goes too fast like the other reviews here mentioned. The first day of linearly algebra discussion he didn't follow the professor's format of row reduction and made mistakes because he's trying to go too fast because he spent the majority of the time talking about content that wouldn't even be covered until 10 weeks later. If you have him as your TA literally take anyone else even an average TA will be better than this guy. Also I think his grade data speaks for his quality of teaching he's just not very good in fact he's so bad that he has his own planet terp reviews.
Yong Cui

Expecting an A+
It wasn't that bad of a class. I took it online over the summer, so I had ample time to prepare for the tests. There were only four assignments( 2 quizzes, a midterm, and a final). The quizzes were straightforward (just two questions pretty much copied and pasted from his lecture notes), but the exams were a bit difficult. He did compensate for the difficulty with possibly the best curve I have ever seen. However, beware that you will have to self-study to do well since he does not explain things adequately (I just read the textbook and watched some videos on youtube). He does lack personality, and the lectures are pretty boring. I honestly wouldn't even waste my time watching them; just look over his lecture notes. Lastly, I feel like he didn't try too hard to help us understand the concepts; he merely introduced the topics to us and expected us to learn from the textbook. This is how I like to learn anyway, so I ended up with like 97, but many people need more than just the textbook, which is why the final average was 25%.
Yong Cui

Expecting an A-
God awful. I’ve never added a new professor/TA before but with how he conducted the course this summer I have to set up a page to warn future students about him. The lectures were impossible to keep up with and he goes way too fast to make any sense to any normal person. He covered way too much theory and proof stuff that was not related to anything on any of the exams which wasted everyone’s time. The class average pre curve on our final was a 21%. That’s terrible do you know how awful you have to be for that to be ur class average he should be absolutely ashamed with how his students performed. I studied very hard and did a lot better than average but I still am not getting an A which I needed to get. Not to mention he gave like no partial points on the final + he only determined our grade off of four assignments. Two quizzes a mid term and a final. If you lose any points on any of these your grade is fucked and o got completely fucked by the final. I hope he reads this and is ashamed of his class average because generally I like to take responsibility for my own grades but I can’t ignore how god awful he was as a TA he should be fired. I forgot to mention he also is unresponsive to emails and absolutely terrible at answering questions. He did one thing right throughout this class and thats curving. thats literally it he should never have this job again
Yong Cui

Worst math class I've ever taken. You might think no homework and just 2 quizzes, a midterm, and a final is a blessing, but linear algebra is a class where you can't get by just self-studying whatever questions you think are helpful. I needed examples of how HE wrote his questions so I could be more prepared for his tests. Not getting that meant the midterm felt like a slap in the face, even after a bunch of studying. His lectures were too theoretical. Now, I'm a math major and the professor I had all year last year got some complaints about being too theoretical, but not from he. He had a reasonable and interesting balance of theory and examples. Yong, however, was almost purely theoretical. Even when he went over an example, he just could not explain it nearly as well as any youtube video I could search up about the same topic. While these help, they aren't going to have the same exact types of questions as his midterms. Beyond that, he's not a personable teacher. He makes no effort whatsoever to connect with or empathize with his students. This was a summer course on zoom. He didn't show his face, and office hours were by appointment only and yet he took multiple days to answer email. The result, along with the sparse assignments, is a course that almost feels like you aren't taking it, until you realize you have the midterm and final. I need more practice questions from him, more approachability when it comes to office hours and questions in general (he often responded condescendingly to them), and just better lectures with way more practical examples. I'm writing this after having just taken the midterm, so maybe something will change my mind before the final.
Yong Cui

Expecting a D+
Honestly a funny guy when he isn't overly stressed or urgent (he usually is) but not lenient with grading and doesn't do a great job at answering questions. Generally did a good job letting us know what to study for quizzes and exams though.
Yong Cui

Expecting a B
Definitively one of the worst classes I have ever taken. His teaching style is all over the place and he spends most of the class time showing you proofs that you will never need to reference again. You practically have to teach yourself because his notes make no sense even when following along in class. The few examples that he does do in class are not evocative at all of the questions that will appear on quizzes, homework, or exams, they are way too simple. The questions on the quizzes, homework, and exams are so bewilderingly difficult that it's impossible to expect students to be able to complete them all in the allotted time. If you can do anything in your power to avoid taking this professor do it, his teaching style will literally drive you up a wall.
Yong Cui

DO NOT TAKE THIS TEACHER! You will have to teach everything to yourself. This was the worse class I have ever taken. It was so hard to learn anything.
Yong Cui

Avoid! If given the option take the class with another professor. Everything was confusing and if you want to pass you will have to teach yourself.