Phoebe Dainer

Information Review
Phoebe Dainer

Expecting an A
She knew most of the material to help us but was a little rude and short to my friends and I when explaining things we didn't understand
Phoebe Dainer

Expecting an A-
Precisely snarky TA would be how I want to describe her. Whenever I had a question for help she would speak so fast I can’t keep up. When I asked her please slow down she got mad at me and would not give me the same help she gave others around us and felt she was trying to shoe me away. The reason I’m giving her two stars is because she does seem like she at least knows half of what she is talking about but my first interaction with her really rubs me the wrong way. After that she seemed to remember me from our first interaction the first time I asked her a question and wasn’t the nicest to me for any other questions afterward. The big reason I’m putting this effort for the review is because the best time for me to go visit office hours was when she was the teaching assistant on duty so it partially ruined the experience for me. I hope someone can see this and start requiring all the teaching assistants to have specific training to improve.