Richard Daniels

This professor has taught: BMGT380
Information Review
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Great professor. He's so funny but the only thing about him is that he doesn't use powerpoint to teach so he just sits up there every class and lectures us which can be difficult at times when he mentions hard to spell words and we're trying to rapidly take notes. There are three exams (all online). For the first one, he made us do an analysis of a scene from a movie and identify cases that the people in the scene can make (this was so dumb, everyone in the class did really badly).
Richard Daniels

Expecting a B
Professor Daniels makes business law difficult to learn. He sits at the front of the classroom without a powerpoint and just talks at you the entire time. You have to be good at quick typing notes if you want to succeed in this course. He also cold calls people to give a summary of the cases you must read before class. I would advise against taking BMGT380 with Professor Daniels.
Richard Daniels

Very good teacher. Goes over the concepts in depth and is open to any questions. Definitely need to read the textbook cases before class. Exams are online.
Richard Daniels

I despise his class a lot. I'm not sure if this is just a common style of teaching at UMD however I'm not a big fan of it. He literally just sits there without anything on the board/projector to help categorize our writing and talks about specific business law scenarios and vocabulary. And that makes writing and organizing topics written down difficult and harder to comprehend in my opinion. His teaching style is not for me. I know he’s very skilled in business law but as a professor, he’s not ideal. But if that's your style of teaching I'm sure he's a good professor for you then. (not graded yet)
Richard Daniels

This professor was great! I took this class online so I can't confirm any of the negative reviews because he always seamed respectful and helpful to all his students. To begin, I recommend getting the book because a lot of what you will need for class and the exams comes directly from the text and he references it quite a bit. There are free versions of the text online. He prepares you well for the exams in terms of content but the questions can get confusing, as law by nature is extremely confusing. Please attend lecture as he will reiterate important topics that you may see on the exam. When in-person, I am unsure if the class will be regularly scheduled as our lectures were recorded and there were only 4-6 recorded lectures before each exam. He is honestly not trying to trick you and any questions or concerns are answered, but I know that B-law is hard, especially if essays need to be written in specific language. The up-side is there are no assignments due, which leaves time to prepare for class and study hard for the 3 exams, weighted equally. Overall, the professor is nice, provides examples for complicated topics, and I recommend for you to please please study hard because these topics can be difficult to remember.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Daniels is a funny guy and a great professor. Just go to class and get to know him. Additionally it helps to skim the book before class to reinforce the material. He will also go over the exam material before the test so make sure you go to class. He is very generous and understanding- I would take him again.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
I almost always agree with the OurUMD ratings but in this case, I completely do not understand these reviews. He is a horrible teacher. Daniels is terribly unorganized and all over the place. The class has no routine. Every day feels like it's his first day ever teaching. Even by the last month of the semester, you'll have no idea how class is going to run. He loves to talk about himself and his cases, and he loves to show videos from movies that are completely irrelevant to what we're learning. Basically, class involves sitting in class and listening to him rant about law, then trying to write down as much as you can so you can look up the key words and concepts later. Students who ask questions in class are often told, "look it up on your own later." The guy is a horrendous teacher. He constantly tells us not to become lawyers because it's horrible. He seems quite miserable. He also does not believe in holding office hours in Smith, so if you want to talk to him you have to take a trip to his law office. He's a jerk. He's one of those teachers who you look at and wonder, how did you get a job at this university? Also, a tip to students taking him, READ THE SYLLABUS BEFORE THE FIRST CLASS. He expects that on the first class, you've read chapter one.
Richard Daniels

Expecting a B
This is the first time I've felt compelled to write a review on a teacher. I signed up for Daniels because of the great reviews he had below. They were extremely misleading. Here's how Daniels and his class actually is (btw this isn't a review being written by a bitter student, I got a B in the class): To sum Daniels up in 2 words would be arrogant a$$h0le. Pros: - reading the book is helpful, but not mandatory. he spends most of class lecturing, so you end up having in your notes everything you need to know for the exams (that is if you can write fast enough to catch everything he's saying). - he lets you take the exams at home. if you email him a week before the exam and tell him you're overwhelmed and have a lot of other exams that same week, he'll email you the exam for you to take at home. 2 midterms and a final. obviously you can't do this for all exams. - he does sometimes have interesting stories about cases he's had or court room stories - he shows movie clips in the beginning of class (except he starts them 15 min before class actually starts. if you're early to class, you're on time. if you're on time, you're late. if you're late, he'll embarrass you in front of the class) - sometimes it's funny when he embarrasses people in front of the class..unless you're the one he's calling out Cons (oh god, where to start): - sooo disrespectful. If you ask him a question, he'll make you feel like an idiot and make you regret ever asking. - it's hard to keep up with taking notes. i had a lot of half finished bullet points because you don't want to miss what he's about to say. - the 1st half of the semester, he'll randomly call on people to play the attorneys on both sides for a case that you have to read for homework. aka stand in front of the class and be criticized by daniels. Sometimes there'll be 4 different cases in a chapter and you won't know which one he's going to use the following class. - the exams have an essay portion, which is fine, but he looks for a certain number of phrases and definitions. for each phrase you include, you get points. for each phrase you don't include, you lose points. How are you supposed to know which phrases/words he wants to see in your essay response? Good question. He seems to forget that we're not law students. - Participation is 10% of the grade. You don't know what your grade is until the end of the semester and he doesn't have a system for giving out these grades. He'll give you anywhere from a 1 to a 10. He bases the grade on how much he likes or dislikes you. I attended every single class but got under a 5 for participation because "going to class is expected." I'm not really a raise my hand and voice my opinion type of student, so someone who came to class 5 times and participated each time probably got a higher grade than me, even though I never once missed class. It's really just frustrating to sit through a class being taught by such a disrespectful and rude individual. He never once called me out in class or did any of those obnoxious things to me, so that's not why this review is being written. I just think people should know what they're actually getting themselves into. Oh and when did grades come up? Final exam was December 19. Grades were officially due December 22 or 23, but rules don't apply to the almighty Professor Daniels. Several people emailed him asking when grades would come up, he never answered those emails. Grades finally went up January 2, 2013.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Fantastic teacher! Always keeps lecture very interesting and uses a lot of stories from real cases. He's a big fan of movies related to courtroom cases and law and will show a lot of clips. If you put in the effort to memorize terms, you'll have no problem doing well. It's a good idea sitting up front so he gets to know you.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Excellent professor. The lectures are very interesting since he will use real life examples. The best thing is he will tell you exactly what is on the exam so you dont even need to read the book. His exams are very easy since he goes over everything during the review. This is my favorite class so far.
Richard Daniels

Professor Daniels is easily my favorite teacher. He actually makes me enjoy class and makes it really easy to learn the material. Tests are hard but he will tell you exactly what is on them if you go to class. This is the first class that I've cared enough to write a review for, seriously, you should take this.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Excellent professor. Lectures are very interesting. He does well at interacting with the class. I agree with the previous comment. He does pick favorites but do not get discouraged because he DOES pay attention on who is engaged and whether you are listening during lecture. My best advice would be to sit in the front. I used to record his lectures and listen to them. Managed to get A's in all his exams since he goes over everything on the exams during class. Excellent professor.
Richard Daniels

Expecting an A
Professor Daniels is an excellent teacher. He is a real practicing lawyer, and brings his knowledge to the classroom. He keeps class interesting by showing clips from movies and telling hilarious stories from the courtroom. Some people may find the test hard because they are mostly essay. He does pick favorites very early on in the semester. He will remember these few people's names and no one else's and mostly call on them. This can be discouraging at times if, like me, you are not one of his favorites.