Javier Morales Delgado

This professor has taught: MATH246H, MATH401, MATH461
Information Review
Javier Morales Delgado

Expecting an A
He's supper scatterbrained and disorganized. But he's a nice guy and his practice exams are exactly the same as the actual exam, just with different numbers pretty much.
Javier Morales Delgado

Expecting an A
If you hope to learn something, do not take Javier. However, if you want an A without learning anything, then I highly recommend Javier. He is an absolutely awful lecturer and his notes, assignments and exams are filled with typos. To make up for this, his exams are stupid easy and he offers up to 10% extra credit. He wants everyone to pass and an A is well within reach if you put a little effort into solving the graded practice exam (which is nearly identical to the actual exam.)
Javier Morales Delgado

Expecting an A
The class at first was very difficult to understand, but if you devote a lot of time to this class as well as go to a lot of office hours, you will do well because he is very willing to help the students. The goal of his class was to make everyone pass as well as make everyone do exceptionally well in the finals. He offers a lot of extra credit which is extremely helpful.