Grace Deming

This professor has taught: ASTR101, ASTR300
Information Review
Grace Deming

Expecting a B
Boring as hell. Avoid her if you can. Class is easy if you pay attention but that can be hard sometimes, especially if you don't have any interest in space and objects billions of light years away. Overall and easy class for a lab if you can tolerate her
Grace Deming

Expecting a B-
I do not recommend taking this course. Lectures are painfully long and the TA's really don't care how you do in the class. The tests are extremely hard, even after studying for about a week before. Deming is very nice and her office hours are helpful, but if you're just taking this class to fulfill the requirement I suggest finding something else. As a business major, I found this class to take up way too much of my time and took away focus from other classes that I actually care about the material. Also, the labs are painfully boring and you get almost nothing out of them. Although I respect Professor Deming for her depth of knowledge, unless you are very interested in Astronomy, do not take this class.
Grace Deming

Expecting a B
If you're looking for an easy class to fulfill your lab requirement, this one is a pretty good choice. Deming is a pretty boring professor, but the assignments and labs are pretty straightforward. I recommend bringing a laptop or something to class and discussions so you have something to do, as the hour and fifteen minutes of her talking can drag on a bit. Her lectures are almost straight from the book, so reading the right sections before exams should be all the studying you need.
Grace Deming

Expecting an A+
Deming is a great professor. She's very excited about Astronomy and is able to convey that feeling during lectures. The class itself is extremely interesting and I felt like I came out of it knowing a lot more about space than I did before. Lab sections are the only downside to the class imo. A few of the labs are ok, but mostly they are just time consuming and tedious. They're not hard though. You will need an elementary understanding of algebra going into the class which shouldn't be a problem for ANYONE. The class is easy, interesting, and Deming did a nice job teaching it.
Grace Deming

Expecting an A+
Vinayak Ramaswamy
I enjoyed this class. No doubt it was very difficult for a core that we wanna get out of the way, so if you're looking for that, this may not be for you. Deming's lectures were hit or miss, depending on how dry the material was, because her voice can have the ability to make you drowsy. If you stay engaged, however, you can really understand the material. There are a lot of extra credit assignments on the homeworks, and these help bolster your grade. The labs, homeworks, and activities are graded pretty strictly, and systematically, but the EC can help override that. Exams are tough, especially if you have other exams close to them, because you need a week of steady. Otherwise, get ready to cram in one night, which I was forced to do for most of them. I got A's on the exams, but it was stressful. I guess with more study time, they aren't as hard. My TA was AWESOME. Hannah was really helpful, always willing to take time to explain concepts and help with the homework. Tough class, but not impossible. If you work a decent amount, you will be find. Easy to get a B, but a lot tougher to get an A. Just put in the effort, and you will do well.
Grace Deming

Expecting a B
All lectures mandatory because of random quizzes/activities, and it is the only way to get the detailed notes, which she WILL ask about on the exam. Discussions mandatory because of graded activities. Labs are very easy. Exams are what make this class difficult to get an A in. I had almost 100% on everything except for exams in this class, with an 87.5 on midterm 1 and an 85 on midterm 2. This left me with an 89.7 avg going into the final. Final was very difficult and I got a 77 on it, which gave me a B overall in the class. 2 midterms, labs, lecture/discussion activities, 5 HW, and a Final will make up your grade. An A will require a lot of studying for exams in this class, however getting a B is not too much work.
Grace Deming

Quick Pros and Cons list. Pros: Class is just memorize, memorize, memorize. Definitions, processes, and like 3 formulas. Cons: Where do I even begin? -Deming is nuts about Astronomy. That's a good thing, but it also causes her to go further into the subject than we should. -Often wastes time during class talking about unimportant, extraneous, or unnecessary subjects. -Has a very boring lecture tone -Treats us like children. I feel like I'm in a high-difficulty 4th grade class. -She requires you to go to lectures and stay until the end. She often has lecture activities that count for grades, and you don't know when those will be given. -She doesn't post full powerpoints online. Only a tiny outline -Her tests often focus on the details she explains during her lectures. Sure you may be thinking "oh, that's what everyone says, you must be stupid." But no, I knew around 85 to 95% of the material, but seriously, that 5 to 15% of lecture related details that no one really cared about... they really drag down your score. You make one little mistake and here's a B... or worse. -I don't like the TA I had. He took 10 minutes to explain something that can take 2 minutes to explain. No, he was not just going into detail, he was repeating himself, thinking about what he was going to say, saying completely obvious things that a 6th grader would know, etc. He wasted a lot of time, and it didn't help anyone. All in all, don't take this class for a core.
Grace Deming

Expecting a B
Deming is absolutely crazy. Don't take this class unless you have to. My advisor told me this was going to be an easy lab to fulfill my lab requirement but it was NOT. The exams are extremely difficult and random and no matter how hard I studied (one test i studied for two weeks), I could't get an A because of the tricky questions she likes to throw in. Labs weren't that bad but still really annoying. She does give extra credit opportunities and holds reviews sessions which are good, but I still hated this class and am so glad I will never have to talk about space ever again.
Grace Deming

A class from hell...Seriously I feel like Im at a Star Trek convention everytime im at class...Do not take for Lab Science Core it is way to hard for an intro lab class
Grace Deming

Expecting a B+
This class is one of those classes where the exams make or break your grade. The exams are really hard, which makes getting an A in this class very hard, especially if you are not interested in astronomy and can't memorize all the details well. I don't think I got the grade I deserved, but other people did much better that me on exams, so it might be a more personal difficulty with astronomy. Astronomy is my first B in college and I am a second semester freshman.
Grace Deming

Deming was a great professor. Even though I thought astronomy wouldn't be interesting, she made it interesting. Lectures were very good. Discussions and labs were mandatory and not the most exciting, but they were good grade boosters. All of the exams were pretty easy. There was also an online quiz every week and 5 homeworks total, but all of those were easy.
Grace Deming

I love her enthusiasm. Great teacher.
Grace Deming

Expecting an A+
Class is WAY easy, especially if you know anything about space already. I read A Brief History of Time after her class, and she uses a LOT of the information presented in the book in her class. Didn't read the textbook, just went to lecture/discussion and took notes. Study for the exams so you can at least get the avg, because the range of scores for some of the exams were: hi-95, low-13.
Grace Deming

Expecting an A
She is absolutely amazing. I was a business major my freshmen year, however, after i took her class, I fell in love with astronomy and switched majors. The class can be a little tricky. Its not extremely easy however if you put a next to some effort and show up to class, you would have no problem getting an A. She's very nice and very easy to talk to.
Grace Deming

This course was a lot harder than I expected. Exams are tricky, but review sessions do help a lot. If you get a good TA you will do a lot better in this course as well. Deming keeps things interesting with a lot of cool demonstrations and she hands out free stuff. Towards the end of the semester material gets heavily into physics, which I hated, so beware. She gives a lot of extra credit opportunity for homework and on exams, which I liked. If you put some effort into studying and go to all lectures, you'll be fine. Labs are easy, as are discussions. Lots of easy points in this class, but exams will make or break your grade. Be prepared to spend some time studying!
Grace Deming

Expecting an A
I was very happy with this class. She's a good professor, and is very nice and approachable. She also reminds you when the homework is due, and gives opportunities for extra credit. I came in without much knowledge of physics, but did well, after putting in a little bit of work. Having a good TA is essential, as the lab, which you do with the TAs, is annoying. Focus on the class notes, not the reading, when studying for exams.
Grace Deming

Expecting an A
Her exams are hard!! She's a good teacher though, and her lectures are interesting. The course requires a lot of reading which I found difficult to retain. Count on spending a lot of time studying for the exams. To her credit, she does give a good review session before exams. Your TA can make or break you in this course; they grade all your work, and some are a lot harsher than others when it comes to grading.