Vedat Diker

Information Review
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A
This course needs more detail. The class consists of in-person lectures, weekly class assignments that are done together in a class, three major take-home assignments, and three larger project assignments that follow a similar style to the homework assignments. The issue with this course is that there isn't really a clear direction in which it wants to go. The lecture slides aren't very helpful, and nearly all of the readings are random and don't correlate with what's being covered in class. Easily, the worst part of the course was the agpss part of the course. There needs to be more content that students can reference, such as recorded lectures and lecture videos, considering the class only meets once a week. Overall, the course wasn't too bad, but it felt rushed and unfinished at times. Dr. Diker would normally go on for over an hour, and Duffy would speed-run the remaining slides after Dr. Diker would leave. The class overall is not bad, just rough when one group assignment has the potential to tank your grade.
Vedat Diker

Expecting a B
Dr. Diker was a great professor. He was more than willing to help his students and was always available when needed. He is also a fair grader.
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A
Very easy class but a horrible professor in terms of understanding students' needs and issues. Even with sicknesses and important private matters, he did not show any leniency and is very hard set on being a difficult person. He did not put any effort into helping me through my situation or understanding it. Horrible experience but very easy class.
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A+
Easiest class I've taken in my entire life. You don't ever have to attend lecture. However, this class was the worst class I've ever taken. Pamela Duffy/Vedat Diker are stuck in the past with how they teach. Frankly, they have no idea how students actually learn, and they assign a stupid amount of pointless work which teaches you absolutely nothing. Long ass discussion boards every two weeks, required presentations which are nothing but busy work, and you're required to attend discussions every week, where literally all you do is wait until the TA gives you answers for work that you could just do yourself at home. Discussions in this class were the worst thing I've ever done in school or at UMD in general. Worst class I've ever taken.
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A
Firstly, very easy course. However a TON of bullshit work (ex: discussions). Diker himself is very helpful and wants to see everyone succeed, however half the activities are unnecessary. Will say I did learn a good amount of SQL in the course.
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A+
I am taking family mediation and this INST123 is still the stupidest class I'm taking. Technical content is easy. But not sure why we have so much busy work. Every week we have discussion posts that are ~500 words. Since the class goes so slow, there's nothing to really talk about in those posts.
Vedat Diker

Expecting a B
Isn't a great lecturer but is very helpful to students. Also a pretty lenient grader.
Vedat Diker

Expecting an A
Very Cool guy! Good discussions in class. Very understanding and adjusting professor