Stefan Doboszczak

This professor has taught: AMSC460, BIOI601, CMSC460, DATA601, MATH120, MATH140, MATH140H, MATH141, MATH240, MATH241, MATH246, MATH401, MATH410, MATH416, MATH462, MSML601
Information Review
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
I took this course in Summer '24 and it was async. The lecture videos cover all the theory you need and plenty of examples. Stefan was also responsive on Piazza and seemed like a really sweet guy at office hours. Overall, I had a great online course experience and suspect he's pretty great for regular courses as well.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a C
Exams don't prepare you for final, and the homework is significantly harder than in class examples. Our final was significantly lower than Anna's class. He is very boring and only does examples in class that aren't very helpful. Don't take him
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B-
Note: This was his first or second time teaching Math141. Stefan is a nerdy but nice guy who is willing to help, but his examples are rather straightforward and much easier than the web assign and exams. His exams tend to be easier than other professors but the easiness of the problems doesn't prepare you all that well for the final.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
Honestly, I love his lecture style and personality. His notes were clear and helpful, and he always posted them online. I did well on all three exams, and was expecting an A, but got a C on the final, which was a lot harder than the other exams and also weighted very heavily. I don't think I can blame him for that though, just be sure to ask questions as soon as you're confused. It's obvious that he loves the topic, as he likes to make nerdy math jokes. My TA, Alzubair, was also super helpful. It's a little hard to understand him sometimes, but he always tried his best to explain topics. He also gave us tips on how to do problems in a much easier way than we learned in lecture.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a C+
Note that Calculus 2 is probably one of the harder math classes at UMD. Stefan is a good lecturer and explains concepts well but his examples tend to be fairly easy compared to what's on the web assign and discussion worksheets. As a result it seems his tests are easier than other professors, but so is what he does in class. He tends to skip around at times and get through the calculus of the examples. His explanations are rather short sometimes leaving some confused. He goes over the concept but not the hard parts of each concept, leaving it up to you to figure out. His exams are not the best prep for the cumulative final that is given which makes the exam harder. There is no curve on the class but you do get a 10/10 on the discussion worksheets for showing up and attempting them.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a D
32 Webassign HWs that are not helpful in learning concepts make up 8% of the grade. everyone would be better off if we were quizzed on concepts instead of given really challenging homeowkrs. in one hw stefan said there was no need to understand a concept because it would not be on the final, but the concept was on the homework.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a D+
Our final exam average was a D. Stefans a nice person but he can improve explaining concepts. For notes Stefans style is to offer theorems and definitions, with a few examples per theorem sometimes only one example per theorem; stefan cannot go through lots of examples cus theres many concepts in calc 2, he can do better by incorporating more examples. there were times Stefan did not explain a shortcut well or explain concepts that involved other maths (calc 1 or algebra tricks) overall stefan expects you know calc 1 extremely well and I would not recommend this course if you did not take calc 1 the semester before. for context i took calc 1 more than a year b4 taking calc 2 and would definitely take Anna over Stefan if possible
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Very good lecturer who pauses to let people ask questions to ensure everyone understands. If you study and know what you're doing, you'll do great in his class. He does not curve midterms but is lenient with the grading. There weren't any quizzes and the worksheets are based on effort so depending on your TA, it's free points. Finally, I would not expect a curve on the final, however, depending on the class he'll round up if you're borderline. Overall, a great professor who knows what he's doing, and as long as you study for the exams, you'll be fine.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
The absolute GOAT. If Stefan has 1000 fans, I am one of them. If Stefan has one fan, it's me. If Stefan has no fans I am dead. If the world is against Stefan I am against the world.
Stefan Doboszczak

Great professor. Exams are very fair and he teaches very well. Uploads notes and labels them by topic section. The discussion worksheets were graded on participation. Only problem is that he does not have many previous exams to study from for his tests, but using other professors tests are just as good. Takes questions straight from lecture then changes values into the exam.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a C
not bad but not great. my grade was going to be a b+ but i tanked the final which is why it's a c. my ta wasn't very good but he did grade the weekly quizzes pretty leniently. if you're confused def talk to him bc he can be easier to understand than the TAs. lectures are NOT RECORDED and i had a 9am lec so i ended up oversleeping a lot of the time
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
He is really boring and honestly idk why so many people say he is great. His exams or ok but the final was awful.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Very smart guy and good at what he does. But sometimes he would skip "basic" steps that would leave the whole class confused and when asked about it he would say it was some 241 or 246 thing that we should be able to immediately decipher. HW answer keys also omitted a lot of work making it pretty miserable to study for the exams from them since you were relying on your work being right. Despite this, enjoyable class and I can say I learned a lot. Would 100% take another class with Stefan in a heartbeat, but he's no Justin :)
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
I had him for both MATH241 and MATH240. His exams are fair, his lectures are engaging, and his notes are very easy to follow. There was no curve for either class and no recorded lectures but they aren’t needed. He makes learning difficult concepts feel easy.
Stefan Doboszczak

Not a good 240 teacher at all. Hard to follow and doesn’t curve at all.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a D
Didn't curve a single assignment the whole semester. If you do badly on one assignment, you're basically screwed the whole way through.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
Not the best lecturer, mic wouldn't always work so back of lecture room could not hear, not easy to do well
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
stefan seems like a good professor but i didn’t really like his teaching style since it was literally all just kind of reading straight from the textbook. linear is a relatively theoretical and i felt like i learned better just reading the textbook. also, my ta would just tell us to do our homework during discussions which made discussions a little useless. class is very test/quiz heavy, with the only non-quiz material being the 4 matlab projects (very easy). the tests are pretty fair though, and as long as you do the homework + some of the practice exams, you should be good.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
Great dude, very very fair exams. I skipped most of the lectures because it was in the morning, but I could mostly stay up to date because he never strayed from the textbook. The only problem is that 85 percent of the class is quizzes and exams, which is rather heavy, so you have to do well on those because there is no other significant way to bring your grade up.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
I love Stefan. His personality and teaching style led to really straightforward and engaging lectures. He was always open to answering questions in class and gave really quick, thorough, comprehensive answers; he knows his stuff. Especially for him not usually teaching linear, I was thoroughly impressed. He never made us do hard applications of linear algebra and kept applications of subjects pretty simple throughout the semester. Exams were fair, sometimes a little difficult and sometimes a bit of a time crunch, but not bad. 3 midterms and a cumulative final. He doesn't have required homework but has practice problems posted if you want or need. Quizzes in discussion once each week, usually pretty easy. Four pretty easy MATLAB projects throughout the semester. Would absolutely take him again because his lectures are crystal clear and he doesn't expect too much of you.
Stefan Doboszczak

Prof Stefan is a great professor. I have had him now for both MATH241 and 240 and his teaching style was exactly the same: to-the-point lectures, optional homework, one quiz a week, and 3 exams with a final. My only gripe is that is if you do bad on one exam, it will have a huge impact on your grade so stay locked in for the exams.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
His class is extremely well structured. If you do the suggested homeworks, you will do well on the quizzes and exams. The quizzes are graded very generously. The exams are written fairly. His lectures never went over time. He is very active on piazza.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan lived up to the hype. His lectures were always useful, the homeworks were manageable and offered great practice, he would run through old exams before each midterm for review, and his exams were fair. For PDEs, you can't go wrong with Stefan.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan is a great lecturer and has relatively easy midterms, which are worth 15%, 15%, and 10% of your grade (10% is your lowest grade). Every week you don't have an exam, you have a quiz in one of your discussions, which are different for different TAs from what I've heard. Personally, my TAs quizzes were very easy and often only 1 question. Quizzes make up 10% of your grade, and the lowest one gets dropped. There is no homework for his class but I would recommend doing the suggested textbook problems to keep up. Other than this, the final is worth 35% which could have a large impact on one's grade, but if its anything like the midterms it shouldn't be too bad. Take 240 with Stefan.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
He is not as amazing for MATH240 and has a very hard deadline for assignments.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Awesome professor who is funny in lecture and understood that while MATH410 is a very important class it is also typically the first rigorous math class a student takes. There were weekly homeworks that were difficult but doable and the three midterms and final were quick but fair. Also there was a 24h no penalty grace period with HWs which was super helpful. Not so much related to Stefan but the textbook for the course is worth every dollar and probably one of the best I have ever bought. All in all Stefan is the GOAT.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
so freaking goated 🤗
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan is a great teacher, explains the concepts very well and writes easy exams. My only complaint about this class is the amount of exams (4 midterms and final).
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
I struggled a lot with Calc 2, but Calc 3 with Stefan was a breeze. He's a really chill and friendly guy. Stefan is a thourough lecturer and his drawings are neat and clear. His exams are straightforward and directly reflect the content of the course. Four exams with the lowest one supposedly out of 50 instead of 100. The quizzes were also fairly simple and there was no graded homework. There were three MATLAB projects, which were a bit tedious but it's a lot easier if you have people to work with. Stefan's lectures combined with Justin's youtube videos really helped me understand Calc 3!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan is great! In the beginning of the semester, he said that he's not as amazing as Justin. I think they each have their own strengths. Stefan is great if you have a solid grasp on basic algebra and trig knowledge and you learn from doing a ton of practice problems. Justin is a bit slower and is more catered to the person who has a bit of a rough math background. That being said, I thought Stefan was great even though it had been 3 years since a last studied math. His exams are straightforward, if you know the topic it is an easy A. His group work can be quite a challenge, but with the help of your TA and peers, you can get through it (and its also graded on participation). There are quizzes almost every week, but they are also straightforward (they count for a good portion of your grade). There is no homework, but there is suggested homework. I'd recommend doing the ones for the topics you don't understand well. If you don't understand things, go to his office hour. He's super chill!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
Stefan is by far the best Professor at this school. His exams and quizzes are fair. For groupwork all you have to do is show up and put a little bit of effort in it and you will get a 100. His lectures are very helpful and he does problems very similar to the exam ones in class. If you don't understand the material, he will take time after lecture to clarify the information. His TAs are very helpful as well. He made Calculus 3 very easy to comprehend and I felt I genuinely learned a lot this semester. TAKE STEFAN IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!!!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Solid professor, exams are very fair/easy, no mandatory homework. Completion graded groupwork on Tuesday and quizzes on Thursdays which were a pain.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
i had math241 and math246 with stefan. in both classes, the lectures were structured very well. exams were easy and straightforward. that said for both classes, especially math246, practice outside of class is absolutely necessary to succeed. For math246, there was no homework, only matlab projects and exams. for math241 there were discussion quizzes and matlab projects, but exams were weighed less. only thing i didn't like was the lack of lecture videos or lecture notes, if you miss a class you gotta get class notes from a fellow classmate.
Stefan Doboszczak

Stefan is super organized and a super sweet professor! All his lectures are really clear and he's receptive to feedback and always happy to explain more as long you ask. His TA's are also super cracked and reliable :) overall I feel like I could have done much better in class than the bare minimum, but Stefan's tests/exams are really fair and he goes off of Justin's notes a lot. 🫡 Thank you for a great semester!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B-
I have taken upper level class like MATH405, MATH410, STAT410 and did pretty good with them. I've heard that stefan is great and was really looking forward to take AMSC460 with him, but honestly, I am kinda disppointed. I am not sure why this year is really different from previous year (it could due to change of textbook we used in class). First of all, his notes and lectures are kinda unorganized. Sometime I feel he brings some randomly points that are necessary but just don't explain it further, which makes the lectures hard to follow and also makes me feel stressful. Also his use of variable name randomly change and not matching, (sometimes do bring new variable without explaining the constraint on it). Secondly, I personally feel his problems wording for homeworks and exams are somehow confusing and not consistent. The solutions are usually good, but I am struggling to figure out what exactly he is asking. There is usually one or two typo in the homework which making life much harder. Finally, the exam2 we have this year is really different from the previous year. The exam2 for all past semesters have 4-5 questions, but we got 8. Overall, he is a nice guy. He probably did really good for other classes and for past semester, but in my opinion he is somehow unorganized and making things harder this semester. :(
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
Great guy very chill but his notes are unorganized and messy. sad. homework and exams are fair but have to work extra hard to understand the material due to the lack of organization. stress.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
One of the best Math professors here. To this day, I'm convinced Calc 3 was easier than Calc 1 and 2 because of the way he taught the materials.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
Very fun class. This semester he experimented with a final project rather than a final exam, so the last topic of ODEs was never tested / elaborated. Taught everything else very well.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B-
Had the opposite experience as others. This class is statistically known to be the HARDEST class for math majors by far. From my experience, he would always leave proofs half written and have students figure it out on their own, and sometimes he would look at his own proofs and find small errors. Before exam day, students requested he go over the whole practice exam for review since it would be great knowing the difficulty of the material, but he simply refused.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
I took this course in SUMMER and it was async. Professor Doboszczak is good at teaching. His notes and videos are fantastic. Homework are challenging and you need to spend long time on them. The exams were all multiple choice questions and you need to be familiar with all the important things. The total grade was fine and I did good job.
Stefan Doboszczak

Professor Doboszczak is a great professor. As an engineering major I have taken just a few math courses throughout my degree.... and Stefan is definitely one of the best I've had. He doesn't just go over the most basic example in lecture and give you the hardest problems to solve for homework. He gives a great balance of examples and theoretical explanations and gives challenging but solvable homework problems. He gives great practice exams and plenty of additional resources to learn the material. The only downside is that he doesn't release answer keys to the practice exams. So you should work on them well before the exam so you can get assistance from him or the TA's if you're stuck. The course, though being titled computational methods, has a lot of cool information regarding the IEEE floating point standard, how computers store numbers, and how to figure out how accurate your answer can be on a given machine (single precision vs double precision). The second half of the course I found to be more challenging as it is the more theoretical mathematical concepts you see on the course description (interpolation, quadrature, differentiation, etc). I was weary to take this class after being required to take so many math courses -- but I actually enjoyed every lecture I watched because of Stefans teaching. I would 100% recommend this course to anyone that has the option to take it.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
Stefan's a nice guy and pretty smart but he isn't good at teaching the material in an understandable way unlike other Diff Eq professors such as Kendall. He does not really teach the concepts or reasons around topics, so you'll have to learn it outside of class or learn from your peers who took another professor. His exams are a little too easy, and it sucks because the average is so high and making a mistake will put you below. His exams also don't prepare you for the culmulative final, because his exams were much easier than other professors'. When reviewing for exams, I found that a lot of my peers who took another professor were taught to actually understand the material and taught helpful shortcuts and tricks. It will help a lot if you took linear algebra before you take diff eq, and you won't have to learn it outside of class because Stefan went over lin alg basics once and expected us to be knowledgable on a lot more when most of the class has never taken lin alg (bc its not a pre-requisite).
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
Stefan's teaching was well organized and clear. In general differential equations is a tough class that covers many, many topics however his lectures covered everything that was necessary. Stefan went over several examples in class to show us how to do the problems. His lectures were straight into the point, but he also provided some intuition for why we did certain things. Most of it was just applying an algorithm or formula though. In addition, he provided suggestions from the textbook for the class. This was never required, but doing these problems strongly prepared you for his tests. The only graded homework we had was MATLAB assignments, which were fairly easy (you had infinite attempts). The tests themselves were fair. The problems were similar to those from the textbooks, so if you studied those and went to lecture you should be prepared. The final exam was more difficult however, but it was a common exam between all lectures. The grading on these tests was fine, and his averages were higher than other professors.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
My favorite professor at UMD. you can tell he's very smart and really loves math, and is always great at explaining material. he's also super approachable and loves answering questions. homeworks are fairly challenging but if you just pay attention in class and takes notes you'll be fine (he grades most of the hard problems for completion anyways). exams were fair and individually curved as needed. 100% take him if you have a chance for any class
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
Gives clear examples during lecture and fair exams. He's a good lecturer which made this class feel not as hard as it actually is.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
His lectures were great, things were always clear and concise. We always did ample examples and his exams were very fair. His exams consisted of content directly covered in class and not content from a random textbook made 60 years ago. He's a calm, nice guy and likes to tell jokes in class. Would love to take his higher level math courses but I'm stuck on the waitlist :(
Stefan Doboszczak

Overall great professor.
Stefan Doboszczak

His exams were very fair and on the material that we went over in class. His averages were always much higher than other professors and its very worth going on the waitlist for any of his classes. His lectures are filled with examples and him writing everything down on the blackboard in neat handwriting.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
His exams are very fair and the averages are always higher than other professors. If I could, I would take every class with Stefan. The way he teaches is very clear and makes me want to go to class. He enjoys what he does and kept me engage each class by doing relevant examples. He is hands down the best professor at this university and deserves the world.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Fair exams and good lecturer. Highly recommend him!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan was great. Decent lecturer and would focus on the important information and not waste time on overly wordy proofs (unlike Gulick for Calc 1 and 2). The course structure was amazing. There is a great balance between non-exam and exam grades. The grading is clearly outlined and followed throughout the semester, we even got more quizzes dropped in the end. The discussions were very organized with a groupwork worksheet on the first day of the week then a quiz on the second discussion of the week. Exams were extremely fair and usually followed very closely with Justin's exams, which makes studying for them very intuitive. I would go out of my way to take Stefan again.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
Solid teacher, good lectures. Very responsive to questions via piazza, exams were pretty easy if you did the homework.
Stefan Doboszczak

Completely agree with all the other reviews - his lectures are clear, the assignments & exams are fair, the course is well organized, he answers emails/piazza quickly, and the material was interesting.
Stefan Doboszczak

Solid lecturer and gives very reasonable exams and assignments.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
The best math professor I've ever had, even better than Justin. I was prepared to take what all my friends have called the worst math class for a math major and understood everything he went over. He always answered the questions that students had in lecture and also had very generous curves. Take him for anything you can.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
Very generous with grading. Any homework if you emailed him he would give you an extension. Office hour appointments out of scheduled times if you asked, and generous test grading. Very fair teacher for a wicked hard class.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a C
Stefan is a pretty good teacher. I think his exams were also well-designed. Never any trick questions. If you did the homework, you can go into the exams fairly confident. And there were no quizzes in discussion sections or anything, so you can safely skip them. The only thing that bugged me a bit is that he switched from synchronous to asynchronous lectures a week into the semester. I prefer synchronous lectures, but it's not that big a deal because Stefan was active on Piazza, so you could still get questions answered there.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
Honestly one of the kindest professors I’ve had at UMD. I wasn’t a fan of Justin as a math professor but Stefan really set the bar high! We writes notes during class and later uploads them + a video. Office hours are helpful too and exams are fair.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
Explains concepts very well. Gives fair grades and fair exams. Work load is not too bad at all.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
Amazing professor. Explains things very well, answers questions in a helpful way, and tests are extremely fair.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
I had Stefan for MATH141 (online - fall 2020). He is an excellent professor, explains things very clearly, answers emails, and is very personable. I highly recommend taking him.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
I felt so lucky to have Stefan for 141. He is straightforward in his lectures and explains concepts pretty well. Best of all, he doesn't throw any curveballs on his exams! If you attend his lectures, go to your discussion section, and do the WebAssign homeworks, everything on his tests will look familiar. I actually found the exams significantly easier than the homework. Best of all, he's a really nice guy and brings a bit of humor to his lectures at times. Don't settle for a lesser professor, take Stefan!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
I had him for online this semester His lectures were strong and his exams were quite fair. His lectures are not mandatory and the exams were open notes due to covid. He does curve exams if the class does poorly on it
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
He was a great professor and was actually able to teach.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A+
Stefan is great professor! He is very clear about class expectations, and spends a lot of time working with students to ensure they get class concepts.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Lectures can be a bit boring but he does a good job in explaining concepts and answering questions. There are a lot of homework assignment due (at least 2/week) but he drops 8 of them. The discussion worksheets are group work and he also drops the lowest 4 worksheets.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
Great professor! Math140 is a challenging course and Stefan made it very understandable. Great guy and funny too. Lectures could be boring, but is math so what do you expect
Stefan Doboszczak

Best MATH120 professor!! He explains things clearly and he's a very fair grader. I think doing well in his class is very easy if you study and go to the discussions.
Stefan Doboszczak

Awesome prof who teaches well and is very organized. Exams are not hard as long as you study like a normal person.
Stefan Doboszczak

In my opinion, Stefan is one of the best math professor's at UMD. His lecture's are clear and easy to follow, and he teaches with a lot of personality, making the lectures more fun to attend. He assigned homework once a week, but was very flexible if we needed an extra day or two to complete it. If you go to class and complete the homework you can do very well in the class. I HIGHLY recommend taking him for any class if you get the chance.