Elizabeth Duke

This professor has taught: PLCY631, PLCY688G, PLCY688Y, PLCY698T, PUAF688G, PUAF688Y, PUAF698T, PUAF711
Information Review
Elizabeth Duke

Expecting an A-
She is understanding that life happens, as long as you let her know, you'll be fine. No-nonsense classroom- expected that you are prepared for class as readings/materials for that day, will not be repeated or summarized because it is expected that you are prepared (valuing time of the class and its participants). Reading the material as much as you can is key for PLCY631. Additionally, her teaching style includes lots of opportunities to break into groups for discussion and multiple major group assignments. Overall Professor Duke is really sweet and cares about how you are doing and your goals, she is very responsive and proactive to make sure students succeed. Professor Duke personally took time to assist me outside of class and followed up with me. She also offers a lot of opportunities for anonymous feedback throughout the course