Roohollah Ebrahimian

Information Review
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Since so many undergrads take this class, I suppose it's worth writing a review on here. Lectures are a bit dry, but the material is well-presented and we keep a good pace. He's an extremely fair professor, and will happily answer questions and such. He clearly enjoyed teaching this class (he mostly teaches undergrad courses, but in my opinion he's also well-suited to teach graduate courses like MATH600, idk about something more specialized). Cutoffs were 6 points per gradation, i.e. 100-94 A+, 94-88 A, etc. Generously curved the final exam because it was hard lol. Learned a lot of algebra!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ebrahimian is an awesome professor! He's kind, understanding, and is very, VERY knowledgeable about math. You can tell that he cares about his students and loves seeing them improve. It helps that the class is small, so you get to know him better than if it were a larger class. As for the course, it was pretty easy to do well in. It's just once a week. You just have to go up to the board sometimes and give your attempt at a solution for the problem sets (it doesn't need to be complete, just enough for it to be useful). So, you need to spend time outside of class doing problems from the problem sets. You don't need to know all about each topic, but you should know up to linear algebra/diff eq, and proofwriting (you don't need to have taken a course that involves that, just study proofwriting the summer before the class if you are unfamiliar). Also introduce yourself to number theory. At the beginning of each class, someone presents for 30 minutes about the topic for that week. You have to do one presentation, so I'd recommend looking at the list of topics and choosing which presentation you want to do early, so that you don't have to present about something you aren't familiar enough with. Download his "Putnam Guide" from his website, which contains useful info + problems about each topic: The course definitely helped me improve for Putnam. I definitely wasn't as knowledgeable in math as other students there and am just taking the Putnam for fun, but I genuinely felt a lot of improvement over the course of the semester and I'd definitely recommend this course if you are interested. It's not very difficult (the course I mean, not Putnam itself haha) and you'll have fun if you enjoy doing these types of problems.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
Overall he is a good professor who cares about his students and does a great job at helping students understand material. However, his lectures can become quickly confusing for those who have just come out of AP Calculus. I definitely struggled the first half of the semester with actually understanding topics and found myself learning faster using outside resources.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Very good professor and very knowledgeable although I have trouble staying awake due to his soothing voice.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
As someone who didn't have prior knowledge of Linear Algebra nor MV Calculus, I definitely struggled a lot to grasp new topics, since the natural pacing of 340 is very fast. I often found myself finally understanding the concepts of one chapter a day or two before the quizzes on them (which are weekly). I visited office hours a lot for help on the homework, and Ebby was really good at clarifying any confusion I had about a topic. Be aware that the homework is time-consuming and the exams are weighted heavily, but also keep in mind that Ebby has policies designed to set his students up for success (lowest 3 quizzes dropped, final exam score can also replace a midterm score if it helps your grade). As far as lecturing goes, Ebby is good at making time for questions, but I often felt like I couldn't fully understand what he was lecturing on once we got into the MV Calc portion. The information he gives and the examples he does in class are very helpful, but don't expect to be confident about the topics he lectures on until you've done the assigned homework on those topics the following week. Chill, helpful, and fair professor. He does everything he can to make a difficult class feel manageable.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
W teacher and his jaw is as sharp as his mind. I want to be like Roohollah when I grow up
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Keeps pace with the syllabus, explains most things to a level that you're able to understand conceptually rather than memorize, and made himself accessible to students.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C
I believe Professor Ebrahimian is one of the best math professors out there. I was struggling in the class for the last half, and he had so many resources available, from shorter YouTube videos, guided study sessions, and even held office hours in the Y occasionally. He is very approachable and will give you advice on how to move forward in the class if you ever come to him for help. For the class itself, he dropped 2 quizzes, which was very helpful. Also, if your lowest midterm was lower than your final exam score, he would take your final exam score out of 100 and replace the midterm score with it.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Ebrahimian is the ideal math professor. He's very kind, incredibly knowledgeable, and an engaging lecturer. He doesn't record but goes over everything on his YouTube channel anyways. Textbook homework is optional but good to do. I found that his explanations of concepts were clear and concise, and his examples are very relevant to what he tests you on. All in all, he was the best option for MATH241 and is probably the best for any class he's teaching, but I'll detail Calculus 3 in particular: - MATLAB: 4 projects, they're not time consuming and are very good practice for exams. You can resubmit in MATLAB Grader until you get everything right, so this is a free 12.5% of your grade. - Quizzes: Weekly, except exam weeks. A couple were tricky, most are easy, just look over lecture examples and you're good. He drops the 2 lowest ones as well. Another 12.5%. - Midterms: There are 4, worth 50% total. 4 midterms are a lot, but it really is the best way to subdivide the content. He provides 5 practice exams and a list of recommended textbook problems for each one. Do some practice and you'll be fine. Averages were 95, 86, 77, and 74. -Final: worth 30%, and also replaces your worst midterm if you did better on the final. Again, it's very fair. He gave loads of past final exams with solutions and they're the same difficulty. I doubt I'd have an A if I had Conway instead. I'd take Ebrahimian for any class, he mogs and has tons of aura which is even more important than how well he teaches.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C+
First if you’re looking for a curve then you’re in the wrong place. Professor Erbahimian is a man with passion and dignity when teaching during lecture. He makes sure the class is engaged and that is the first time I’ve ever seen a math professor at umd do so. His exams were easy during the first two but quite hard for the last two. I’d recommend going to TA office hours as the two goats Foivos and Eric Kubischta were there to help at understanding any topic within the class. The final was surprisingly easy and Professor Erbahimian helped prepared you for it by making sure his exams have questions that were similar to what you would see in a final exam. Definitely would take again, i appreciate his time and commitment to the mathematics of multi variable calculus.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
GOATED Professor!!! All I gotta say is the average on the final was around a B (this is multi variable calculus) Great lecturer, answers every question, has online review sessions before every exam (including a 2 hour exam review before the final) He also has a YouTube channel where he goes over the content and runs through exams. You couldn’t ask for more out of a math professor. Go to lecture, take notes, do practice exams , watch some YouTube and you’re golden.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
I love this man. He explains things so well, is always open to questions, and his practice exams with answers are godly. Also has a youtube channel where he posts how to do problems we did in class. He really cares about his students and wil even have "dinner office hours" in the y where people can come and chat with him. Highly recommend!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

I pulled an all nighter(never again) and decided to take an hour power nap, then my alarm doesn't go off and I run into the exam 30 minutes late. Professor Ebrahimian then allowed me extra time to complete the exam. I don't think any of my previous professors would have allowed this. On top of that he is an amazing teacher 10 stars
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Clear, informative, knowledgeable, posts notes. Weekly quizzes and exams are straightforward and similar to homework/practice problems. Pay attention and do the homework and you will succeed.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Dr. Ebrahimian is an excellent teacher. He's not particularly easy, but he's there for you if you ask for help. He cares a lot about teaching well and about students learning the material properly. This means his courses tend to be harder, but he also gives you plenty of resources to help them to be manageable. His lectures are quite good. He also makes his own notes, which may follow the text closely but with additional material and examples. He gives additional practice problems in addition to the (fairly sizeable) weekly homework. He pulls from {homework, practice problems} for his weekly quizzes. Attending lectures is important. He holds extensive office hours, holds review sessions before exams, and is available via email. He often gives the answers to the homework, quiz, and even exam questions (modulo some slight modification) between his lectures, review sessions, and rigid study guides. The course grades are typically not curved (or only lightly), so you have a good idea of where you stand throughout the course, but he does drop your lowest few quizzes and homeworks, and your final can supplant a midterm if you did poorly on one.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
W professor, take him if you can. His quizzes are from the homework, and he gives a study guide before tests that covers everything you'll need to know.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Before I start this review, this will be a review of both the course of MATH340 and professor Roohollah Ebrahimian and how he teaches the course. I love this class. BUT understand, if you are debating on taking this course, understand this: This course is HARD. I have basically never studied for math tests in high school and I feel this class pushed me harder than I ever have before, and I have likely spent more time on these 4 credits than the other 13 credits I am taking this semester. You may think you are good at math, this course will humble you real quick. Also a little background of what knowledge I knew going into the course so you can compare against me. I know the equivalent of CALC BC in high school with very little background in linear algebra, proofs, analysis. I knew a SLIGHT bit of multivariable calculus but still very little. Needless to say, almost everything we learned in the course I was learning from scratch. Also note I put the expected grade as A+ (which is my goal) but it is very possible I will end up with an A as well depending on how I do on the final (which I will be happy with). Favorite class I have taken so far at UMD. Easily. I love this course and it has flat out changed the way I have looked at math and I am now likely going to pick up math as a double major because of it (before I was just planning to be CS). The Class: As I have said before, this class is HARD. Do not take this for an easy A. Take this if you want to learn. Likely one of the hardest classes in the math department in terms of "skill jump" per say, but the effort I have put into the class is well worth it. Something I feel the math department (not the class) fails at is describing the course properly through testudo and any other websites. This course if PROOF BASED (at least mostly). For majority of the year you will be doing proofs and looking at theory, not just computation. This changes in the multivariable section of the course (because the proofs will become so complicated and long that its just not doable to do them in this course), but understand you will not be doing basic computation like, "solve this integral" or "take this derivative" like what you are normally used to. Another thing that testudo does not properly cover, is that the course mostly takes place in R^n (n-dimensional space). NOTE: I am happy the course is taught this way, I am just saying that it needs to be explained better when signing up for classes. For the structure of the class, I would split up the course sections like this 1. Proofs and set theory (really just first week but all these concepts will be used heavily for the rest of the semester) 2. Linear Algebra 3. Some analysis and a little topology 4. Multivariable calc There is a lot of work. Every week we get a bunch of generally difficult problems to complete. These HWs are HARD. I have spent hours on hours doing these homework's. Some of the problems are very very fun, some not so much, but I can say with certainty they have helped me understand and absorb the material significantly better. Work in groups on these HWs, help each other. I cannot overstate this. Make sure you communicate and talk with classmates while doing these problems. If there is one tip I could give you going into the course its this one. TLDR: Hard class do not underestimate it, worth the effort, and very rewarding. The Professor: TREE(3)/5 stars. Seriously I cannot recommend him enough. Amazing professor who explains things very well, and very clearly genuinely cares about math and teaching. Something that stuck with me is on the first day of class, he told us the reason why he teaches the course is because of the students and their passion to learn (paraphrased). He is very accommodative and would highly recommend you take him if you have the opportunity (this goes for all classes not just 340!). He types of notes of EVERYTHING we do in class, which are amazing. I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled up that document and read through it while doing the homework. These notes are amazing. Seriously, take advantage of them if you take Dr. Ebrahimian. He also has a YT channel where he posted explanations of lectures ( Although he had to slow down and not post as many at the end which is completely understandable. 340 related content: For 340 he gave weekly quizzes. Although stressful at times, I actually am pretty gratefully for the quizzes. Studying for them forced me to make sure I completely understood the topic before moving on, making sure that I have a clear understanding for future content. Throughout the semester he drops the 2 lowest HWs and the 2 or 3 lowest quizzes, so if you mess up 1 or 2 weeks it is not to bad (seriously thank goodness for these quiz drops). On top of this, if you do better on the final over 1 of your midterms, the final grade will replace the midterm. Example if your confused (M->midterm, F->final): Say you get M1: 80% M2: 90% and F:98%. Then your final grades would become M1: 98%, M2: 90%, F:98%. This guarantees even if you messed up 1 midterm, you still have a shot to do well in the class which is much appreciated. I cannot recommend this professor enough. Take him if you have the opportunity.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Ebrahimian posts pdf notes and occasionally YouTube videos about what he goes over in class which is super helpful. He takes his lectures seriously and tries to answer questions as well as he can. We take quizzes every Friday at the beginning of class, and homework is also due at the beginning of class on Fridays. Exams align well with what we're taught, and he posts study guides for them. Would recommend.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
This professor is ballin.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B
The ideal math teacher in every aspect. Clear lecturing, clean handwriting. Expanded office hours based on student feedback. Detailed and comprehensive typed notes cover *everything* in lecture. Quizzes are taken from HWs. Exams closely follow the study guide. Dr. Ebrahimian is committed to teaching well. The class itself is a hard 400-level math class (part of the heavily theoretical 403-405 sequence). Spent 10hrs/wk on average. If you are a good math student you will love his style of teaching.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Amazing professor. Dr. Ebrahimian answers all questions, even ones about algebra, he has many opportunities for office hours every week, is available for questions after class, grades easy, and makes what one would expect to be an extremely difficult class not stressful yet still comprehensive. I don't mean he teaches less and has low expectations; the course is more rigorous than 240 and 241. What makes the class incredibly manageable is that he posts around 20 examples and exercises for each week that you can do before working on the problem sets to practice less difficult problems. The problem sets are due on Fridays but assess you on the previous week's material, so you have 1 week to reflect, process, and practice the material. The TAs also grade a few questions on each problem set for completion in the first half of the semester.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
A very qualified professor, holistically. Dr. Ebrahimian is an IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) silver medalist, so clearly he is knowledgeable, which he reflects in his lectures. Speaking of which, his lectures were informative and helpful, albeit they took a lot of energy to follow. I think it would have been helpful if Ebrahimian provided recordings for his lectures so that we could've gone back and checked some topics we didn't fully grasp (especially for a class like 340). Please do not miss his classes, unless you're godsent. The homework for our class was challenging; some problems could take you hours even if you were or weren't familiar with the lecture material. Fortunately, Ebrahimian was very helpful in his office hours and gave good guidance on how to solve homework problems. My least favorite part of the class would have definitely been the weekly quizzes we had, which were based on the homework problems and exercises he assigned us to review. Keep this into consideration if you're planning to take him. I think a lot of stress would have been mitigated if it weren't for the quizzes, and honestly I don't think they helped us prepare for his exams. The class also highly weighted exams and quizzes: HW 15%, Quizzes 20%, 2 Midterms 40%, Final 25%. Fortunately, the lowest midterm grade did get replaced by half of our final exam grade if it were good, but there was still an 85% weight on exams. If you are up for a challenge, Ebrahimian could be a great fit for you. Even though his class for me was stressful, he is kind and reserved, and passionate about math. You'll surely learn a lot from him.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
A very qualified professor, holistically. Dr. Ebrahimian is an IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) silver medalist, so clearly he is knowledgeable, which he reflects in his lectures. Speaking of which, his lectures were informative and helpful, albeit they took a lot of energy to follow. I think it would have been helpful if Ebrahimian provided recordings for his lectures so that we could've gone back and checked some topics we didn't fully grasp (especially for a class like 340). Please do not miss his classes, unless you're godsent. The homework for our class was challenging; some problems could take you hours even if you were or weren't familiar with the lecture material. Fortunately, Ebrahimian was very helpful in his office hours and gave good guidance on how to solve homework problems. My least favorite part of the class would have definitely been the weekly quizzes we had, which were based on the homework problems and exercises he assigned us to review. Keep this into consideration if you're planning to take him. I think a lot of stress would have been mitigated if it weren't for the quizzes, and honestly I don't think they helped us prepare for his exams. The class also highly weighted exams and quizzes: HW 15%, Quizzes 20%, 2 Midterms 40%, Final 25%. Fortunately, the lowest midterm grade did get replaced by half of our final exam grade if it were good, but there was still an 85% weight on exams. If you are up for a challenge, Ebrahimian could be a great fit for you. Even though his class for me was stressful, he is kind and reserved, and passionate about math. You'll surely learn a lot from him.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
A very qualified professor, holistically. Dr. Ebrahimian is an IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) silver medalist, so clearly he is knowledgeable, which he reflects in his lectures. Speaking of which, his lectures were informative and helpful, albeit they took a lot of energy to follow. I think it would have been helpful if Ebrahimian provided recordings for his lectures so that we could've gone back and checked some topics we didn't fully grasp (especially for a class like 340). Please do not miss his classes, unless you're godsent. The homework for our class was challenging; some problems could take you hours even if you were or weren't familiar with the lecture material. Fortunately, Ebrahimian was very helpful in his office hours and gave good guidance on how to solve homework problems. My least favorite part of the class would have definitely been the weekly quizzes we had, which were based on the homework problems and exercises he assigned us to review. Keep this into consideration if you're planning to take him. I think a lot of stress would have been mitigated if it weren't for the quizzes, and honestly I don't think they helped us prepare for his exams. The class also highly weighted exams and quizzes: HW 15%, Quizzes 20%, 2 Midterms 40%, Final 25%. Fortunately, the lowest midterm grade did get replaced by half of our final exam grade if it were good, but there was still an 85% weight on exams. If you are up for a challenge, Ebrahimian could be a great fit for you. Even though his class for me was stressful, he is kind and reserved, and passionate about math. You'll surely learn a lot from him.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
If you go to every class, take notes, and do all the homework, all of which was fair and doable, you'll receive the grade you want. He provides study guides before midterms and final, and if you can do those and the problems from previous year exams, you'll most likely ace the exams. If you need help, his office hours are insanely helpful.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ebrahimian is a great professor. He is very nice, and even cracks a clever joke once in a while. He puts a lot of emphasis on doing examples in class, and of course always had office hours available. We did a week of preliminary stuff (set theory, notation, and intro to proofs), 4 weeks of linear algebra, and then spent the remaining 9 weeks on multivariable calculus. This is a proof-based course, so if you're planning on taking it, don't expect the homework and tests to be as simple as writing the correct answer. The weekly quizzes are usually not too difficult if you did the homework. That being said, the homework can take quite a long time, so start early! Overall, I really did love this class, and it's one of the reasons I'm adding a second major in math. If you have a strong interest in math or are a math major, I would highly recommend this sequence.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ebrahimian is a very good professor. He explains the concepts so well; even though his course is very challenging, he made it manageable. He gives us study guides before exams, and his exam problems are similar to (almost the same as) the study guide. He has hw and quizzes every week which helps us learn a lot. He tries his best to help us understand the material. Highly recommend him!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
This course was legit one of the most challenging math classes I’ve ever taken in my life. However, having Ebrahimian teach it made it significantly more understandable. I would say Ebrahimian went above and beyond in terms of listening to his students’ requests and working his hardest to make sure we had what we needed to succeed. An incredibly knowledgeable lecturer, as well as a fast grader, Ebrahimian graded all of our assignments in a prompt, timely manner and even went as far as grading our second midterm within a day to give us time to decide whether or not we wanted to withdraw before the withdraw deadline. Never have I seen a man be asked a question and simply go to town on the blackboard and answer it concisely and understandably within a few minutes. He even dropped an extra quiz and homework for us at the end of the semester! 10/10 would recommend.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
One of the best math professor. He has weekly quiz, even sometimes stressful, but do force you to learn. He totally understand the fact that not every math major really like math and good at math (doing new problem during exam) so he give study guide for every exam and the exam questions are basically come from the study guide.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
challenging, but a great professor. had him for 341 last semester, but didn't get around to reviewing until now. his weekly quizzes are mostly reiterations of the homework, and so are free points. but you're going to need those points, as exams are quite hard (but fair), along with homeworks and study guides. if you do well on the homework and study guide, the exams are just like those. you'll walk out of the class really understanding the material he teaches you. if you just wanted an easy a...find someone else. also, his class is very well-organized. notes are posted online, and his "drop one exam for the final" is merciful, since the final has an extra credit question.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
The best math professor. Everything was explained really well. The quizzes and exams are fair, and the homework can make you learn a lot.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Professor Ebrahimian is genuinely the best math professor I could have asked for. He has incredibly well-structured lectures and is always very well prepared for the class. He is concise and clear when explaining topics and has a very good teaching style. His exams aren't too difficult either. He makes sure to review practically all the different kinds of questions he's gonna ask on the exam so if you go to class and just pay attention, you'll get an easy A. For my class, he took a lot of quizzes but they only helped me out more cause they made me actually learn the section he was gonna quiz us on. If you can take him, TAKE HIM. I highly doubt there's a single math professor at UMD that is as good as and cares as much as Professor Ebrahimian.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Dr. Ebrahimian is a very good professor. His lectures are very informative and it's very useful if you go to them, however he does post some summarized lecture notes that are useful to know what you missed. You can also use this lecture note PDF to know what topics may fall in the quiz (as the weekly quizzes cover material from the previous Wednesday to the Monday preceding the quiz). As for his exams, they're overall fair. He provides a very generous amount of review material for every exam (even the final!) which you should ABSOLUTELY study. If you know every topic on those practice exams, you're near guaranteed to do well on his exams. He does teach fast, but he has to due to the sheer amount of material there is. Lowest exam is dropped for your final if it helps your grade, and your lowest 2 quizzes are dropped as well. One thing to note, the MATLAB assignments start off really easy, but the last couple can be challenging, so don't start those too late. If I'm recommending a good time to start and do these assignments, do it while you review for your exam! They're normally due shortly after an exam, but the content on these assignments are really helpful when it comes to understanding how to set up your integrals and the topics you should know. I found myself doing them AFTER the exams then being upset I didn't do them earlier!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
His lectures are well organized, does many practice problems to solidify our understanding, and he is very knowledgeable, so he can answer almost any question that is asked. One thing to note is that he does not grade homework, but it is very important to do
Roohollah Ebrahimian

He is a very good lecturer and explains concepts very well. He also answers any questions you have during lecture without making students feel embarrassed about asking complex or simple questions. The class is very fast paced but if you go to class you will learn everything pretty well. His tests and quizzes were also extremely fair.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Dr. E is incredible. He teaches fast, but well and truly cares for his students. His tests and quizzes are fair, and he explains the material clearly. Can't go wrong with them. Definitely take him if you can, he is great.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
The course is definitely difficult and requires you to pay attention, but Professor Ebrahimian made the class so much better. He knows literally everything there is to know about all the subjects and is always willing and able to help any student when they are struggling with a problem or grasping a concept. I absolutely loved learning with Professor Ebrahimian and would recommend him to anyone who needs to take Calc 3. The course was set up very well, and I liked that the hw was not required. It created a system that encouraged you to be responsible for your own learning without affecting your grade. The entire course was planned out in the syllabus, and there were no surprise assignments or unexpected changes to the schedule. His exams were super fair and his grading was very fast. We often would receive quizzes and tests back within a week of taking them, during the following class or two. This course was probably my favorite math course that I have taken in my academic career, and would love to have Dr. Ebrahimian as an instructor again in the future.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Great professor. He's very organized and responsive. I've never had an issue with approaching him with a question. He seems to really care about his students. Ebrahimian's quizzes and exams are fair. His expectations of students are also very reasonable.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Best math professor I've ever had at UMD. As long as you pay attention to the classes and practice sample exams, you are on a good scale. He explains stuff so clearly and breaks down the hard stuff well. I really enjoyed his classes and hope I would have chance to take more.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Dr. Ebrahimian is an awesome professor. He always explains the concepts very clearly. He is happy to answer questions, and answers them very well. He gives very useful practical examples that help to explain the content better. He’s also a very nice guy and you can tell he cares about his students. He grades his exams and quizzes very fairly and the difficulty is also reasonable. I highly recommend Dr. Ebrahimian for MATH241.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Fantastic lecturer. Very knowledgeable and encourages participation. Keeps a document of all of the notes (theorems, definitions, example problems, etc.) from class, although you should still take notes because that document doesn't show the solutions to in-class examples. Doesn't grade on participation or attendance but those are still imperative to your understanding of the material if it's your first time seeing it. The weekly quizzes and 3 exams over the course of the semester are not very difficult if you're caught up and have properly reviewed the notes and homework. The homework can be very difficult and time-consuming (especially the first few assignments) but it is generally necessary and helps with understanding.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ebrahimian is a great lecturer and professor, especially for 403. Abstract Algebra is his research area so he is very knowledgeable on the subject and could answer any questions during lecture. This grading methods are also easy to follow and simple: drops 2-3 homeworks, 2-3 quizzes, and also lets you replace a bad exam with your final exam grade if you do better on it.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Dr. Ebrahimian finds a good balance between being accommodating and helpful while still making sure you actually get a good understanding of the material. Tests and quizzes, which make up the vast majority of grades for the class, are pretty similar to the examples covered in class, so take good notes and study them and you'll be fine. My only criticism is that the MATLAB textbook was sometimes pretty unhelpful for the projects, so be sure to find some resources (like Justin's notes) to get those done. Overall, definitely recommend taking this class with Ebrahimian though.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B-
Great lectures, easy quizzes, but a pretty hard class overall, so make sure you do as much of the HW as possible. Highly recommend taking 246 with him.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

He is an awesome teacher! I really enjoyed his lectures. I definitely didn't find the class easy but the exams and quizzes were fair.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Dr. Ebrahimian is one of the best math teachers I have had. His lecture notes are clear and easy to follow. If a student has a question, he took the time to answer it even if it was already asked. Dr. E never got annoyed by "too many questions," and encouraged more questions. If we did not get to all the lecture material he wanted, he adjusted the following lectures accordingly. Although this was over virtual learning, I am certain the way he teaches in-person lectures is just the same. Quizzes and exams were very representative of what was learned in lectures and discussions. There were never any curveball questions, so if you attend lectures, discussions, and GSS occasionally, you should have all the resources needed to be successful. There were suggested textbook problems, but I found they were more complex than what was asked. However, they are good for more practice since the textbook is online and has solutions underneath each problem statement.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
Yo he a goat fr. His lectures are very clear and he takes the time to answer pretty much every student's question, even if someone else has already asked it before. His tests and quizzes are just like the homework and the class examples. You can't go wrong with him
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Dr. Ebrahimian is a good, organized lecturer. He also very much enjoys the process of problem-solving, and he is willing to field any questions. He posts all the lecture notes, and he has a nice summary note collection in pdf format with further examples and problems. He has been pretty reasonable, although a bit of a traditionalist in ways. His class is more engaging than most 403 courses in a few ways: 1.) It covers somewhat more material (e.g., Sylow theorems, solvability, group presentations, which are not generally covered); 2.) To that end, he sometimes left material out of lectures to notes; 3.) He has weekly quizzes. Beyond the usual benefits of attending class, he also tends to draw exam and quiz problems from examples seen in class once, or in the extra examples/problems in his notes, or from the homework. In some cases, this has a slight problem insofar as it can mean two students might have equal overall understanding of the material tested by a particular question, but one of them, say, looked to the examples in the notes and say nearly the same question worked out, so they can do it basically immediately, whereas the other has to struggle through it and so spend less time on other problems. Of course, this is always a factor, but it seems somewhat distinguished here, so being studious is especially good in this class! Overall, a great professor and an important, interesting class for mathematics majors. The difficulty is probably 5/5 for most students, but it is also rewarding. The structure is essentially traditional with lecture, weekly p-sets, weekly quizzes, two midterms, and one final. I believe two quizzes and p-sets are dropped, and your lowest exam grade can be supplanted by your final, but otherwise, little or no curving.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Ebrahimian was a great and organized professor . The notes in class were fantastic and provided the general theory and lots of example problems. The quizzes and exams were representative of the notes from class and were a mix of easy and difficult problems. Overall great professor definitely one of the better options for MATH246.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Very good lecturer. He does a lot of examples and every week he provides written notes that include even more written out examples. His homework does take a lot of time but that may just be due to the nature of Math 340/341. However, he is very helpful during office hours and does a really good job helping students out when they need it. Quizzes/exams are not overly challenging (at least they are not necessarily questions you don't expect) and he is a fair grader. Very happy to have taken him.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
I found his classes to be very difficult (especially since he has weekly quizzes), but he is a great lecturer and I learned much more than I would have with most other professors.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Prof. Ebrahimian is a good professor. His grading is clear and his exams are not so hard.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ebrahimian is a good professor. He explains things in an easy way.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a D
If you take this class with any other remotely difficult or time-consuming classes, you are doomed. He has homework due every class and weekly quizzes. As well, he will go very quickly through the material and if you take time to ask questions, he will just skip some material and say he will go back to it later (which he won’t). However, I believe I would have had a much better time in this class had it not been for the rest of my schedule also being rigorous. He is very friendly and tries his best to help everyone succeed, but only if you approach him. His grading is unforgiving but some of his policies help mitigate that (only if you do well enough in most of the course). Overall, a rough class that I wish I was more prepared for, but Ebrahimian is a good professor if you have too much time on your hands.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
I don't think MATH341 is that hard. But take that with a grain of salt. if you put in the same amount of work that you did in MATH340 then expect to get a higher grade in MATH341. As taught, the content is definitely conceptually easier for many people to grasp and the computational nature of the course suits many of the "honors" kids who are very good at doing that type of stuff. Conceptually nothing in this course is very difficult if you bother to remember some of the concepts that you absorbed in MATH340. There are a lot of theorems which will have to be black boxed (some of the existence-uniqueness theorems require difficult real analysis). As a lecturer I think Ebrahimian is okay. He covers the content with plenty of examples and if you have questions he will usually have a good explanation. There are plenty of professors in the department who are just awful lecturers, and Ebahimian is NOT one of them. He is a little more demanding than the average professor, however. Do make sure you keep up with the material. Doing homeworks last minute does not count. If you do that the weekly quizzes he gives will probably tank your grade hard.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C+
He seems like a nice guy, but meh as a teacher. He writes everything down really fast and flies through examples making it hard to follow lecture sometimes. That said, lecture is pretty much him explaining concepts followed by doing examples all class. On the bright side he doesn't grade homework for 241 (at least when I took it in fall 2018).
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Great teacher! Extremely useful lectures.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
A great sense of humor and extremely knowledgeable. If he doesn't know the answer to question, he'll tell you and may come back with answer next class. Entertains students' questions and concerns, going so far as to sending out a survey on his performance halfway through the semester.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Ebrahimian is the man. Extremely knowledgeable on whatever subject he may be teaching, always willing to help students and is passionate about math overall. I think his courses are a bit on the hard side compared to other professors, but he teaches the content so well you probably won't even notice.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Ebrahimian is a very effective teacher. The best thing about his class is that he engages students and lets students finish proofs. If you want to learn material well, take his class. However, he makes the grading a bit harder than is really necessary, and has HW due every single class.