Ginette Eldredge

This professor has taught: SPAN103, SPAN203, SPAN204, SPAN207, SPAN301, SPAN303, SPAN311, SPAN315, SPAN316, SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN361, SPAN362
Information Review
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting an A
The other reviewers are right- she does assign a lot of assignments BUT that is in part because she usually assigns multiple for the week at the same time. If you look ahead and space them out a little they are much more manageable. Even though some of the assignments may seeming daunting (paper, recorded speech), she is a very easy grader as long as you stay on topic and try your best. Instead of exams/final, she had interviews where we just chatted like friends. I was a little shy for the first one, but I still scored well. There's a lot of talking in this class, which makes sense, but that also helps you with Spanish. This class does what it says it will, and even though I didn't love all of the assignments, my Spanish improved significantly and her feedback made a massive difference.
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting an A
The comments below are correct in that Dr. Eldredge assigns a lot of time-consuming assignments that oftentimes take hours to complete. However, if you want to be proficient in Spanish, you SHOULD spend the time and effort on the assignments. The Spanish department does not exist so that you can get an easy A without some effort. It exists to help students acquire fluency. If you aren't serious about improving your language skills, you should avoid taking any Spanish class in the 300s level. If you truly care about becoming fluent, I HIGHLY suggest taking Dr. Eldredge. Because of this class and Dr. Eldredge's feedback, my writing has improved immensely, as well as my pronunciation and vocabulary. The professor also effectively creates a warm and comforting environment in the classroom, allowing every student to participate and improve their skills. Assignments consisted of videoblogs, essays with a minimum word count of 500, grammar homework graded on completion, and a few in class presentations (that really only took 15-20 minutes to prepare).
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting a B-
AVOID THIS PROFESSOR IF POSSIBLE. Prof. Eldredge is friendly and wants her students to do well, but there is way too much work. The main issue is the course load. Normal classes take 3 hours a week for course work, but I have spent around 7 hours on her assignments every week. She expects way too much. Her 316 class has around 5-6 assignments due a week, along with big semester projects such as a power point, translation pages, and a portfolio.
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting an A
When you take this class it's really evident that she does want you to succeed and she always emphasizes how much your writing has improved since the beginning of class - and it will if you do take her for 301. That being said, you writing will only improve because you will be doing it CONSTANTLY. You will spend a giant amount of time writing and doing assignments for this class, and you will have to be willing to put in a lot of time and effort. However, she will give you good feedback on all your writing assignments in a pretty short amount of time, so you will undoubtedly improve.
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting a C
this class is about her passion, medieval spanish literature. TONS of assignments, but you can tell she cares and wants you to succeed. that said, it is a TON of work and she is not afraid to give you extra on top of it. participation grades are rough but fair. grading seemed fair too, maybe a little tougher than normal profs. the class consisted of: - at LEAST 2 homeworks per week this was definitely the busy work of the class, so. many. assignments. and. so. many. readings. it dragged. - some in-class assignments that are graded for participation same difficulty as a homework, which wasnt bad. you normally had some access to it before class, so you could do it for homework before hand if you had time. - a research-based oral presentation (7-10 mins in length) honestly was pretty chill. the grading seemed pretty light, the topics felt pretty open ended. i was so scared of this but it was honestly the easiest thing. - a midterm (1/2 takehome, 1/2 in class) the takehome half was a traditional essay with a prompt - had a week to do it. she gave a study guide for the midterm. it was 20% where you match a word with the definition, 10 of the words, 13-15 definitions. the study guide had the words but NOT the definitions, so hopefully your definitions wording matched up with hers. the rest was essay responses. the study guide had 5 prompts. the actual midterm had 3, and you had to answer 2. you needed to remember specific quotes and texts to support your answers. - final exam it was 20% where you match a word with the definition, 20 of the words, 23-25 definitions. the study guide had the words but NOT the definitions, so hopefully your definitions wording matched up with hers. the rest was essay responses. the study guide had 8 prompts. the actual midterm had 5, and you had to answer 4. you needed to remember specific quotes and texts to support your answers. - participation grade standard one in the spanish department overall honestly the work isnt hard, its just SO MUCH. don't do it if youre lazy.
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting a C
She is the literal hardest professor I have ever had in my life. I am a computer science major and I spend almost the same amount of time on this class as my cs classes. Save yourself fr
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting an A
So I've had her twice & I'm traumatized. Her teaching style is no-nonsense & she doesn't play at all. She will assign loads of work, grade it in detail, rapid fire questions in class, & make you participate. Please don't take her unless you're willing to put 110% time & effort into every assignment. That being said, she really wants you to succeed
Ginette Eldredge

So she's insane. Like actually built different. She will make you work your tail off for 15 weeks straight. Not only should you be prepared to spend 10-15 hours a week doing the ridiculously long readings and essay questions, but the material is unfamiliar and hard to grasp. This class is the reason why I didn't sleep for a semester. DO NOT TAKE!!
Ginette Eldredge

She assigns so much work like its a 5 credit class. my grades in my major classes dropped because i was so focused on this class because she gave so much! ruined my gpa. do not take her.
Ginette Eldredge

Expecting an A-
Professor Eldredge is a great teacher because she will commit extra time to helping students if they need it. This is the most work I have ever done for a class, and she is a very detailed grader, so it may be difficult to get an A or higher. As long as you show that you are committed to learning how to translate and actually read her comments, the class will be very rewarding.