Aya Farhat

This professor has taught: COMM107, COMM200, COMM324
Information Review
Aya Farhat

Expecting an A
Awesome, nice, welcoming, and a fair grader.
Aya Farhat

Expecting an A+
Super kind, but weird grading. Her grading was for the most fair, but sometimes she would take points off for weird things or she would take a lot of points off on one really small thing. She was really great while grading actual speeches, but the outlines were graded really harshly. Overall, her class was as good as COMM107 was going to be.
Aya Farhat

Expecting an A+
One of my favorite instructors I've had, she was very down to earth and felt like a real person. Always defined expectations clearly, and graded speeches and quizzes extremely fairly. Overall enjoyed this class, and learned a lot from it.
Aya Farhat

Expecting an A
TAKE HER!!! by far the best instructor i've ever had. she's very kind and makes a class about presenting as interesting as possible. speeches weren't crazy difficult and she gave us lots of feedback before speech day. i know a class on presenting can be scary to many but she literally does brief breathing exercises before speeches to help nerves :)
Aya Farhat

I admired Aya so much throughout this semester. She is currently a grad student, with so much knowledge about the world! I loved listening to her explain her own experiences with research and communication. She forced me to grow my oral communication skills, which I am forever thankful for. Her class included 5 speeches and I have heard that other classes had less speeches. However, she always gives very constructive feedback and wants you to do well. If you are willing to put in moderate effort, Aya will notice and grade accordingly! The class may seem stressful, but it will help develop your oral communication skills. I definitely recommend her for the oral communication credit :)