Farzad Fathi

This professor has taught: BMGT230
Information Review
Farzad Fathi

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS CLASS WITH FATHI! I took Professor Fathi over the summer and although it was difficult sometimes to stay focused (it was three hours on zoom Tuesdays & Thursdays), the work was pretty manageable and he was very approachable if you had questions. Professor Fathi really cared about his students doing well and didn't make you feel dumb if you were confused with a concept. He used a lot of real life examples which really helped. Best decision I made was taking this class with him.
Farzad Fathi

Expecting an A+
I loved this professor! I took Fathi's winter course for BMGT230. It was three hours on zoom Tuesdays-Fridays for three weeks in January. Our grade was based off of 5 homework assignments and 2 exams. You had to put in a decent amount of effort, but taking this class over winter break was the best decision I've ever made. Pretty much everyone got an A. Fathi was good at explaining concepts and was always there for extra help when you needed it. He was approachable and actually cared about his students, even if it was just over Zoom. Definitely worth it!!!