Kelly Fleming

This professor has taught: LARC151, LARC455, LARC471, LARC642
Information Review
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A+
This class is very easy. With the TA I had he only gave like 2 quizzes and was a very easy grader, but Professor Fleming didnt put a single grade in until the very end of the semester. I had no clue what my grade was in that class until like the last day of finals week. She doesn't respond to emails at all, and even though the work in this class was super light, the stress of not knowing what my grade was on any of the assignments, midterm, or final was killing me. If you do all of your work and show up to discussion and don't care about contacting your professor take this class. But communication between Professor Fleming and my TA and the overall structure of the class was not it.
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A+
Professor Fleming is a super kind person, however the course is one of the most poorly put together classes I've seen in my life. The lessons are equivalent to those in a middle school ecology class. A semester as a landscape architecture student, I couldn't tell you what that even means. I stopped going to class after week three, and I still ended up with an A+. The group project is incredibly tedious, and the guidelines are very unclear (even for those who DID attend class). I didn't receive a single grade until week thirteen. That being said, if you need an easy gen ed, and aren't looking to learn anything, this is the class for you.
Kelly Fleming

This professor doesn't respond to emails, doesn't grade ANYTHING until practical finals week, and barely explains how both group and individual assignments are meant to be completed. The canvas page was always a mess and hard to navigate, and she relied too heavily on her TAs. Speaking on the TAs for the class, they were great, but the professor didn't even know how many sections HER course had. Because of this, she did not even realize some of the discussion sections were missing a TA. Since she barely taught let alone explained anything in the lectures many students were lost, and many others were just bored and uninterested altogether. At the beginning of the semester she mentioned how she was told to just teach this course pretty late in advance, so it felt like she wasn't sure how to go about teaching/talking about the course in general.
Kelly Fleming

Such a poorly constructed course with vague directions for each assignment. I can't blame the professor for being so terrible because apparently she was "thrown in" as the professor for this course, which isn't even her strength of study. So, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU WANT AN EASY GEN ED
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A-
participation is worth a grade. Attendance to discussion is required.
Kelly Fleming

Expecting a B
the professor doesn't even know what she's teaching us. most classes are guest speakers and we have to do research projects. quite boring and there's a group project at the end.
Kelly Fleming

If you are looking for an easy, low effort gen ed this class and Kelly are ideal. I did not attend a single lecture and only one discussion and got an A. Group work was easy
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A
This class is extremely easy. However, the professor is new to this class and isn't too sure about what she is doing, mainly recycling slides and recordings from the past professor as people said before. The discussions are important to get clarifications about the assignments, because the TAs explain them much better than the professor (kind of backwards). Take this class for an easy gen ed.
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A+
bruh she has no clue what she be teaching. She be only bringing guest lecture on a zoom and just sits at the corner while the recorded video plays. She only gave lecture twice in the whole semester. But the class is easy so take it for a Gen-ed
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A
This class is the greatest gen ed ever. I think for most graded assignments basically all you needed to do for an A was submit it. Discussions were required while lectures were optional. Most of the time I spent about an hour a week on this class and its discussion. No real tests or final, just projects throughout the semester.
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A
Horrible class compounded with a professor who had no idea what she was doing. Basically recycled slides from the previous professor who taught the class in past years, without really seeming to understand what was supposed to be taught. We watched an extreme number of documentaries that were utterly pointless. There were extremely few assignments, which might be a blessing, but the TAs were also really slow on grading them, so I never knew how I was doing in class, and as a result, a lot was riding on our final project. Most assignments were group assignments, luckily my group was pretty good, but I know that that can go bad. Group project for a final?? Hated it.
Kelly Fleming

Terrible instructor, she does not know what she's talking about at all and half the time just puts on videos or has other people lecture for her, it's a miracle she's still getting paid. If you're taking LARC151 just to have an easy gen ed, definitely take it, but if you want to actually learn about landscape architecture, do not take this class with this professor.
Kelly Fleming

Expecting an A+
LARC151 is a breeze - straightforward material, an instructor who's there for you, and helpful TAs. It's the perfect easy win for a gen ed requirement. If you're looking for stress-free learning with solid support, this is the way to go.