Daniel Foster

This professor has taught: COMM107, COMM424, MUSC448N, MUSC469D, MUSC669D, MUSC699N
Information Review
Daniel Foster

Expecting a C+
makes an easy gen ed class into a massive unnecessary commitment
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
takes comm way to serious
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Class is outrageously hard for what is supposed to be an easy gen Ed. The most nitpicky grader I’ve ever had in a class. What I will say is that I definitely got better at public speaking in this class, however it took so much effort which made my other classes more difficult. If you want an easy gen ed to knock out, pick someone else.
Daniel Foster

Expecting a B
DO NOT PICK THIS PROFESSOR. I am a freshman who took this class for the FSOC credit, expecting an easy communications class; this couldn't have been further from my experience. Dan's main issue is his expectations when grading, scrutinizing every tiny detail of your speech, down to the fact that you are holding your notecards with both hands (which, according to him, is poor body language). Throughout the year, he takes away as many points as possible on various assignments. Compared to all other COMMS/INAG professors, this guy makes the class feel like a level 300 course for your major requirements. Please pick another professor if you want to get this credit without giving this class all your attention. I think that along with my hardest ECON class this semester, I gave this class the most attention and couldn't even get a B+. Tread with caution.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
I tried hard to understand him, but it felt like his rules would change every day. He is a rigid and slow grader, so getting feedback and improving is challenging. Nobody ever wanted to go to class. He is personable sometimes, but sometimes it also rubs everyone the wrong way. Honestly, I would avoid him if possible. It's not that he's a bad person; I just think he's not a great professor. The midterm was difficult and is entirely based on memorizing and grasping all the content. It's not hard content, but his way of teaching is talking at you. There are no visuals, papers, etc. He talks at you, expects you to engage constantly, if you don't, he starts going on tangents.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Dan was a great teacher, seems to have an interest in the students and nice class environment. While his grading was harder than other professors, his class is relatively easy to do well in, with him giving good feedback and constructive points. He was overall a solid professor who I would take again.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
Nice guy overall. Lots of reading, like 30-40 pages 3x a week for a 50 minute class. You write a paper almost every other week, but none of our grades got put in until week 12. He is passionate about material but his lectures are kind of confusing, and there are no powerpoints or visuals. Attendance is mandatory. He has said he doesn't care about his reviews 😬
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Dan is an awesome communications professor. As a COMM Major in a 400 level course it is very engaging and feels like you are learning relevant skills to finding a job in the communications world. He is very passionate about his teaching, and classes are held as discussions more than just him “talking at you” he wants students to engage with him and be real, give their honest feedback and recognize the course and material as more than just a grade or way to earn a few more credits. If you give the effort, it will be reciprocated. He genuinely cares about his students and wants to help prepare them for their “real job” post-college.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
He's a great teacher and he genuinely cares about the students and the material. You gotta go to class for attendance but you don't really miss anything crazy he doesn't give any out-of-class assignments except reading and you can skim that. He's an extremely understanding guy and if you put the effort in you will be fine and definitely learn a thing or two. He's also very interactive and entertaining and makes an effort to get to know you.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
He started the class by saying that we were all the same person and that he doesn't have to get to know us because he already knows who we are, since we are all the same, then spends the rest of the class trying to prove that he cares more about us as students than the "average" professor. He is a HARSH grader, he thinks that the standard should be a C, has very obscure grading criteria and treats the outline that you do for the speech like the review of your doctoral thesis. I have a lot of speech experience and I barely got an A in the class, absolutely ridiculous that he is willing to jeopardize your GPA because of his beliefs.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Hands down the best professor I have had at UMD so far. He genuinely cares about all of his students, and goes out his way to make sure we understand concepts in the class. Your public speaking will definitely get better! Highly recommend taking Dr. Foster's class!
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
He thinks this class is the most important class you will ever take, and acts on it. He is full of himself and narcissistic and has genuinely talked crap about other professors and has hinted that he personally thinks he's the most intellectual professor (when the man teaches a gen-ed 100-level course). He has favorites. He makes COMM107, a supposedly easy gened for others, feels like a 300-level class for your major.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Ditto to the comment below. One of the first things he warns you about the first class is that he takes his class seriously, and you should drop if you aren't ready to do "well" in COMM. I thought he was bluffing, but he was obviously not and is super spiteful. He genuinely thinks that COMM107, a GENED class, is the most important class ever. I consider myself a hard-working student, and I have never had a problem with public speaking and am constantly getting mediocre scores on my speeches. My roommate, who says he looks at his slides and never practices his presentations with another professor, is getting high 90s on each presentation, and in my first one, I got an 85%. Dan PICKS favorites, and sometimes it's really awkward and weird, and you can tell who he enjoys talking to and who he doesn't. Also, he highkey cursed out our class one day because someone wasn't paying attention, and he told us it's insane we weren't paying attention because "nothing is more important than COMM". He genuinely thinks you need to put in 10+ hours a week into COMM and COMM > your other classes. He has exceptionally high standards; he's probably just annoyed he got stuck teaching a 100-level course. You should take an 8 AM with a professor with no reviews over him. TRUST me.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A+
He takes this class WAY to seriously. He always says that his class if more important than my major classes. Keep in mind I am an Aerospace Engineering student. He grades super harshly for a communications course. I haven't received a 100/100 on any assignment he was able to grade himself. TAKE ANYONE ELSE especially if you are Engineering or another hard major and you want an easy way out.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A-
Seems like a nice guy outside the classroom. I can tell he is passionate about the subject and cares about students improvement, and is willing to meet outside of class to work on assignments. But this guy is so entitled. Thinks COMM is the most important subject. Literally said first day of class "this is the most important class you will take at this school" or something along those lines. So he thinks his class is the most important out of all your classes, and it seems like he expects you to put in that level of work but this class is just a gened. I understand communication is an important subject, but when you downplay the other classes students take it really irks me the wrong way. I can also tell he plays favorites, and I am clearly not one of his favorites. Takes points off for random small details. Also said whoever didn't read the chapter are "failing to be adults." If you are looking for a chill class to take, do not take this class with this guy.
Daniel Foster

The dude is aight. He has decently engaging lectures but grades unreasonably harshly for a gen-ed like COMM107. He will give you massive point deductions for stupid details on the assignments and seems to take points off the speeches for the sake of doing so. Don't expect to earn above an A- on your presentation even if you thoroughly research and practice your speech. Overall, I guess he's not terrible if you can't find anyone else. But you're better off with a professor who actually grades based on effort and cares about your improvement. This guy grades like he has some sort of dignity to uphold.
Daniel Foster

This guy sucks. He's so full of himself and takes this joke of a gen ed way too serious
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
This guy is a great professor. He is very down to earth and real with the students in his class. One thing I will say is don't take this class if you want an easy COMM professor who doesn't care much about the speeches. Dan will give you real feedback that will genuinely help you become a better public speaker and tends to be a harsh grader on the non speech assignments (such as outlines and reflections). However, if you take COMM with him, you will definitely come out a better speaker at the end of the semester.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
His lectures are engaging and he is a fun person to talk to! He is very understanding and wants the best for his students. You can tell he enjoys teaching and that makes the class enjoyable.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A+
Very vulnerable and understanding guy. Quizes are very easy and open book, the work load in general is very laid back. He's also very funny
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
This dude is wackyyy and so chill. Barely any work. Lectures were fun and engaging. Being all online, this was the only class to genuinely put a smile on my face during lectures.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
Great guy. Straightforward class. Syllabus schedule is detailed so you should never forget about some minor assignment.
Daniel Foster

Expecting an A
Wackiest dude I've ever met. He has a great teaching style, and vividly exemplifies the concepts. Absolutely magnificent.