James Fry

This professor has taught: HONR249E, HONR278R, MUSC448F, MUSC450, MUSC460, MUSC550, MUSC670, MUSC673
Information Review
James Fry

Expecting an A
Wonderful guy. Really pushes you to learn more about yourself and your classmates with personal things like case studies on creative person of your choice and a very open-ended semester-long creative project. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and being taught by Professor Fry, and I wish him the best in the future.
James Fry

Expecting an A
This was one of my favorite courses ever. It was taught in the most ideal fashion, and it was executed by the professor and students to perfection. As a course about creativity, Prof. Fry knew that there should be few restrictions on what students needed to do to fulfill the course requirements, and that one's grades and effort should be more intrinsically motivated than anything else. Otherwise, would the course really be conducive to creativity? The course began with class discussions based on the readings of a self-help book on creativity written by Twyla Tharpe. I grew to love these discussions as they were student-led and not restrictive on our interest and ability to participate at all. There was no "requirement" for participation, nor was there a quiz or assessment based on the reading. We were simply learning and talking about creativity in the most creative setting of all - a free one. Conversations ranged from the incubation period required to complete a creative idea to how restrictions help one complete a creative project to smell memories that we could recall to our favorite creative location (and if we could repeat going there). I was sad when this portion of the course was about to end, but the next portion of the class was just as entertaining if not more so. We were each assigned to complete two presentations on creative topics. There were suggestions in the syllabus, but really it was up to us to decide. Topics ranged from innovation to imagination to creativity in dreaming to superstitions to creativity in sports trick plays. The lack of restriction on course topics continued to add to the allowed creativity and freedom in this class, unlike many others, and the more general guidelines on what we had to present allowed for further intrinsic motivation as opposed to restriction- or grade-based motivation. Furthermore, this freedom of topic made this version of the course unique, as next semester’s will also be unique, as was the previous semester’s version. I was fearful the end of creative topics (which lasted about a month) would limit my love of the class, but we seamlessly transitioned into case studies, which further added to the perfection that was this course. Each individual was required to research any person in history or current day and present how they overcame a creative problem in their life. Some people researched serial killers, someone did Sylvester Stallone (I was amazed by what he had to overcome), and the sheer variety was spectacular. Once again, the course allowed students to put forth a presentation they were proud of, not that a rubric was proud of, and each class’s case studies will be unique, making our class a once-in-forever experience. Lastly, we had to make a creative project. Now this I was excited for, as if the flawless course wasn’t already enough. And that was literally the basis of the instructions: make a creative project. You had to make a physical result, using what you learned in the course, but the beauty of the assignment was how simple the instructions were: make a creative project. People went above and beyond. They saw the edge of their comfort zones, leaped over it, ran a few miles, and then made their project. The results were outstanding, unique, and, of course, creative. One individual made a comic book with our Professor Fry as the main character. Individuals took photographs who weren’t photographers, and non-poets wrote poems. I was ENCOURAGED to make a nose-based board game, a brain-child of mine for about 2.5 years now, and how many classes would even ALLOW that. The requirements weren’t much - basically create your project and you got an A - but students went so far above and beyond that it really speaks the structure of the course and Professor Fry himself. I loved this class so much. My fellow classmates, Professor Fry, and the course itself really made it fun to walk up to The Clarice twice a week, and I wouldn’t have traded this semester in it for anything. I recognize that not every course can be like this - not all students can be this intrinsically motivated, some students or courses need more structure, some professors cannot teach like this - but this course was truly perfect for what it was. It was a course about creativity, taught by a creative professor, discussed by creative students, and structured in a creative manner that instead of inhibiting creativity, encouraged it. It may not count as any Gen Eds in the future, and it may in fact be a pass/fail class one day, but I would recommend that everyone sign up who can. It’s not often that you can take a course like this, and even if it is outside of your comfort zone, I can almost guarantee that you will enjoy it. Thank you to Professor Fry, for he was the real person who made this course a reality. It was truly wonderful to have him as my professor for this course.
James Fry

Expecting an A
This is a great class to take! I have learned so much from the student presentations in the class, and it's actually really interesting. Everyone is engaged. It's really easy to skip class, but the discussions are so good that it makes you want to stay. I also became kind of close with the other students and professor Fry. He even baked us bread for class. It's such a great atmosphere and really not that difficult of a class. In the class you have to do basically one presentation a month and a paper with the presentation. The first two presentations are on basically whatever you want that is related to creativity. The third presentation is about someone who went through a hard time, and the last presentation is a creative project, so you literally can do whatever you want. Some people are taking pictures, recording videos, making music, really whatever you want. I love watching the other presentations because as long as it's interesting to them it'll be interesting to you which it is most of the time. I highly recommend taking this class. Professor Fry grades decently easy except for your grammar. He's a real stickler on grammar, but I have managed to get A's on all my papers so far with only a few points taken off. Otherwise, it's a very easy, fun, and interactive class!! I would recommend because it's such a great atmosphere and class with little work and grading involved.
James Fry

Good choice for an HA core but be prepared for a bit more work then you expected - then again, most H* courses are a decent amount of work. Four tests through the semester, each one is recognizing 12 songs from a list of 30. Each test is on a different era of music so to speak, so it may be easy/hard depending on your own music tastes. I'd say just download all of the songs, make a playlist, and throw it on shuffle. After those, everyone creates a presentation and 8 page paper on their favorite topic and presents for the rest of the semester. Class was pretty laid back, come in, learn about some music, listen for a bit, discuss, done.
James Fry

Expecting an A
I took this class for my HA core and loved it. The workload is so manageable: 4 exams based on the songs you hear in class. You gotta be able to recognize the song, then identify the composer/title/some characteristics with a couple short answer questions at the end. You do 1 presentation on a topic of your choice and write a paper with it (~8 pgs.) Class was so chill, just go in and listen to some crazy songs. Really opens you to a whole new realm of music [and you don't have to be musically talented!] Professor Fry is a really nice guy! I would most definitely recommend this class.
James Fry

Expecting an A
Excellent teacher and musician. Great at explaining musical concepts and giving examples. Gives funny and interesting anecdotes within his lectures and is generally a nice guy when it comes to grading.