Mark Fuge

This professor has taught: ENME392, ENME440, ENME472, ENME743, ENME808E, GEMS296, GEMS297, GEMS396, GEMS397, GEMS496, GEMS497
Information Review
Mark Fuge

Expecting an A-
Best class I have ever taken at UMD I get everyone hates the stats class which I didn't have him for but for enme440 is helpful, enthusiastic, and very intelligent. This class has changed my career path for the better. The class itself is kinda difficult but completely project based - no tests. If you have any small interest in ML take this class! It will teach you the important parts of the theory but is much more focused on the application. I fully believe you could do an entry machine learning job just based on the information learned in this class.
Mark Fuge

Literally one of the worst professors in the ENME department. Seems like a pretty nice guy but does not teach the class at all. Have fun scrambling to teach this to yourself and especially teaching yourself Matlab. All the examples he goes over in class are irrelevant to the homework, which are then worthless for exam preparation. I wish this class was taught that you were rewarded for conceptual fluency, not if your answer is incorrect because you are .0000001 off from the actual correct answer.
Mark Fuge

Expecting a B
Nice Professor, patient and will answer questions - but the course layout for his class is really bad. For example, if going over a new topic he doesn't give it a name and kinda just dives into describing how it works. So it never really feels like the lessons had a beginning middle or end. It feels kind of like he just talks at you.
Mark Fuge

They were delusional to believe that there setup for the course was good. Horrendous setup. Fuge seems like a nice guy in person, but the approach for this class was terrible. This class should have doubled for Matlab credit given how heavily we had to use it. So if you ain't have a clue to use it, you're out of luck.
Mark Fuge

I really wish I could give zero stars for this, but I can't. This course allowed me to get a glimpse of what Hell actually looks like. There is no organization for this class. This semester was a flipped classroom setting which was just awful. Many of the homework processes that they show in class are wrong, but Fuge will deny that it's wrong. The exams were online and there was no partial credit. The averages on the exams were around a D every time, and there are too many long questions on the exams for the small amount of time given. Also, if you ask a question through Piazza or via email you won't get a response ever or you have to wait 3-5 business days. I believe that this course was meant to set students up for failure. Welcome to Hell if you're going to take this course.
Mark Fuge

This is by far the worst course I’ve taken at UMD. The professors are incompetent, constantly retracting their own statements and overall a complete disgrace to the university. The course layout is awful and inefficient. We are expected to watch all lecture videos and do homework before coming to class which begs the question, Why even come to class? Furthermore the professors instruct us to asks further questions on Piazza, which they have frequently neglected to answers for multiple days on pressing issues. Cuckier is frequently wrong in his demonstrations which only further confuses students, while Fuge insults is by only asking for “high level questions” Lastly, no one can ever seem to give a straight answer without having to “confer” which in other words means they will never tell you the answer and are dodging the question. The worst part of all is the use of prarie learn. Each question must be completed twice to get full credit but if a student doesn’t complete one single part of a question, they have no way of earning any points on the second attempt. Furthermore the exams use instant feedback which i will admit is nice, but the professors don’t even bother with partial credit which destroys all hope of earning credit for displaying what you know.
Mark Fuge

This was baaaaad. Asynchronous time made students even more confused and feedback was ignored. The averages on our exams were well below passing and I learned very little this semester.
Mark Fuge

Possibly the worst setup class taken, ever. I was awfully surprised at the lack of organization and support. At least the TA's and TF's are good. Dr. Fuge is friendly, helpful at times, but goes on way too many tangents that can lead to more confusion.
Mark Fuge

One of the more poorly set-up classes I've taken. Not the best teaching style to try and implement in an online environment. Maybe he is better in person, but it was hard to understand these concepts over Zoom.
Mark Fuge

Expecting an A
Dr. Fuge is a really interesting professor and extremely friendly. This class is very difficult but he does his best to explain the material. He is definitely better than most of the other stat professors in the department in my opinion.
Mark Fuge

Expecting a B
Weak professor. He has been consistently behind in lecture meaning we need to learn how to do most of the HW on our own then have him go over it the following week. Only upside is that for my class each lecture was streamed and saved so we could access it later.