Kathleen Garland

This professor has taught: CLAS170
Information Review
Kathleen Garland

Expecting an A+
Great professor! She's very understanding and easy to talk to, and is passionate about the class. I would say that the readings can be heavy here and there, and requires 4 books (which are costly), but I would highly suggest only getting the NAWL book as the others can be found online. She gives out handouts which can be used for all the quizzes and the midterm. The final is a project, and gives you a lot of creativity and flexibility for it. There are also so many extra credit opportunities (even on the quizzes) to help boost your grade. I would advise against skipping class, as for most of her lectures there are no slides to the lecture, and she does not record her lectures. Additionally, attendance and participation is a grade in the class. Overall, I enjoyed her class, and I would suggest taking her if you have an interest in Greek & Roman Mythology.
Kathleen Garland

Expecting an A
This class is pretty reading heavy with multiple readings assigned every class. She also tells you to get 4 books. I would only get NAWL and skip the others because you can find the other texts online. If you don't like reading or English classes don't take this course. She's a very nice person and the quizzes are open note. You can't skip lecture because there is a participation grace. She also goes over the readings in class and gives handouts, which are very useful on the test. This is a pretty easy A as there are many extra credit projects (one of which you can submit multiple times) and the last quiz you can earn up to a 150% in.
Kathleen Garland

Expecting a B+
If you are interested in Greek mythology, you will get an A. If you're like me and don't really like or hate it, the class can be a little slow at times and it's easy to not want to do the weekly readings or get lost during the classes that discuss the readings, as they can be tedious. However, Kathleen is a great professor and very helpful for students. She always has office hours and answers emails very quickly. If you need clarification on assignments' expectations, she happily answers and provides a clear idea of what is to be expected. The course load isn't bad, with weekly readings and weekly online lectures that range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. I'd take this course if you don't mind reading a good amount and are able to participate in weekly discussions about readings. Also, she occasionally gives pop quizzes, but allows you to bring notes. So, if you do the readings and watch the lectures and take notes, you'll be fine.
Kathleen Garland

Expecting an A-
This is an easy gen-ed if you are somewhat interested in Greek mythology/classics. I was not fond of the organization of the class- pop quizzes, random tasks that make absolutely no sense (ex; check out 5000 books from the library just to never open them once), and boring lectures. She would expect us to watch boring lecture videos and then quiz us on them. Aside from the annoying assignments she gives, Garland is really nice and understanding, replies to emails fast, and is very knowlegable in Greek mythology. There are easier gen-eds out there, but this ones not a terrible choice.
Kathleen Garland

Expecting an A-
Great professor, okay course-load. This class is reading heavy and its easy to fall behind if you do not keep up with it weekly. Ms. Gardner is very understanding and answers emails very quickly. She is happy to provide clarification on any assignment. Be aware she sometimes gives out random pop quizzes.