Amin Gholampour

This professor has taught: HLTH672, HLTH710, MATH140, MATH141, MATH299Q, MATH403, MATH405, MATH406, MATH461, MATH462, MATH463, MATH600, MATH601, MATH603, MATH606, MATH607, MATH808C, MATH808E, MATH808G
Information Review
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
this guy is the goat. if he ever teaches calc 2 again you NEED to take him. be honest, you don't care about calc 2, you just need to pass with the highest grade possible. that's amin.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
A decent professor indeed. Good lectures, reasonable homework and exams, and very flexible and helpful office hours. Amin clearly knows the content very well, and also good at explaining. Does examples in class which is similar to hw. He has office hour basically every day. He is friendly and patient, answers questions in class whenever someone asks. It is important to do hw on time. His hw emphasis on the important parts and can use as a good review of the recent content. If you have question, simply go to office hours and you can get the help you need.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
Amin is okay at teaching, you can't really understand but he goes straight from the textbook with examples from the textbook so you could look back at them later. His grading policy is extremely good, correcting his mistakes in class gives you some points and all the curves are great. This is a hard class so it is an expected workload. All the TA are pretty good too, his quizzes come straight from the textbooks problems.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
A decent professor but a terrible teacher. His lectures of him reading off the textbook are nigh on impossible to follow, and he never answers questions: instead opting to just say “I’ll get to it” while never getting to it. Heavy accent and terrible handwriting as well does not help the understandability. I would recommend not going to lecture at all, and instead just read the textbook while going to discussion to ask questions. All the TA’s (especially Hong my goat) are pretty good and willing to help. Discussion quizzes are also just free points, and expect a decent curve on every test and a huge FINAL GRADE (not exam) curve.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
You will do well in this class IF YOU PUT THE WORK IN. To be honest, don't expect to learn during lecture. Amin's style is hard to follow. Use the notes he posts before lecture, read the textbook and take notes, watch Organic Chemistry Tutor videos if you still don't understand a concept, and do the WebAssign right after to practice. Don't fall behind on WebAssigns because you'll hate yourself when all 30 of them are due before the final. Go to TA office hours if you need help with a problem or concept, they will help you get it right. TA HONG IS A REAL ONE. You'll be rewarded with good grades on the weekly quizzes if you do the textbook practice problems, because the questions are taken directly from the textbook. The best way to do well on an exam is to spend time every day learning and practicing and do not fall behind, as the course moves at an extremely fast pace. Even with a curve, exam averages are low, from 60s to 70s. I slacked the first two exams (mid 70s), but came out with a good grade because I got my act together for the remaining exams. Also, Amin's grading policies make it so that you can still finish with a good grade even if you fumble two exams. An A is possible with Amin, as long as you work hard and take advantage of his grading policies.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B-
Me personally did not have a great experience with Amin as a teacher. His lectures are extremely hard to follow and he skips steps constantly. After I pooched the 2nd exam I started teaching myself from his lecture notes and I got a B and A on the 3rd and 4th exam. He did something weird with the 4th exam by giving us a problem bank before thanksgiving break then the exam was just questions out of that problem bank. Quizzes were easy bc they also come from a problem set from the textbook. Make sure u do good on these bc they replace ur second lowest test score. HWs were hard and tedious but good practice. I left them until the end of the semester. DO NOT DO THAT. To succeed in this class you really just have to live in the textbook, do a crap ton of problems from the one he gives in lecture and in the textbook. If u do that ull be okay. Easier said the done but the class is a battle of wills. Also from curves and grade replacements after the final my grade went from a 64 to a B-. The one other nice thing for stem majors, is that this class teaches u good study habits. U absolutely cannot cram for these exams unless u are that smart. So I would take him again just for the college reality check. So I guess inadvertently he did teach me something.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
Amin is not a good lecturer. Period. He will put the textbook on the projector and read off it, doing some of the problems on the board. He does post his lecture notes but like....its just textbook problems again. His class is set up like this: there's 30 web assigns do all on one day at the end of the semester and 2 get dropped (stay on top of it you will hate yourself later). There's 10 quizzes that consist of 2 problems from the textbook and he does drop 2 quizzes. He does give you 7-10 problems in the textbook those questions could be, however he does do it where he will teach a chapter the day before the quiz and you have to learn how to do all the problems that night with no help from the prof or TA. That was extremely frustrating for me to be taught material the day before getting quizzed on it on top of him being a bad lecturer. I can only speak for my TA and...he was not helpful. Super nice guy, but not great at teaching. The tests are hard and averages typically be in the 60s, but he does drop a test and replace another test with the average of either your total hw or quiz grade (depending on which is lower). My advice if you take Amin? Watch professor leonard on youtube or at least some other resource to learn the material. His tests can be hard so practice as much as you can from problems in the textbook. Also, his curve is very nice. People went from a 55 to C-. He also gives bonus points in class if you answer a question.
Amin Gholampour

Amin's lectures were often pretty hard to follow which sort of ended in getting lost about halfway through each lecture. However, he does post lecture notes that usually were pretty neat and had the fully worked versions of the problems he went over in class, so self-studying was easier. Exams were extremely difficult and often felt unfair, but this was made up in the fact the quizzes were easy, a curve of 10 points per exam, and a significant curve at the end of the semester.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
As many other students have said, Amin is a nice guy who cares a lot about his students; but, his teaching style is a little difficult to follow because he is expected to fit so much content into a 50 minute lecture. However, he always posts copies of his lecture notes and a recording of the lecture on elms. Furthermore, he makes the class fairly easy to pass with many implemented policies designed to boost your grade like dropping the lowest 2 quizzes and webabsignes, as well as your lowest exam score. The weekly quizzes are not hard to do well on because their questions are chosen from a set list of problems for the textbook. Overall, if you're willing put in the time and effort you should be able to pass just fine.
Amin Gholampour

He is a SAINT.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
If you have the option to take Amin as a math professor, definitely do it. Out of all the people I've talked to with other teachers Amin is by far the most lenient. I got < 70 on 3 exams, and have to get < 40 on the final to get a C. He is super lenient on how much he drops (like double other teachers), and the quizzes are super free. Also the final grade replaces your grade if its better, so you also have the option of doing ok and then trying hard for the final and getting an A. This is on top of the supposed curve he apparently will give. For a weed out class he really wants you to succeed and understands that the content can be challenging for no reason. Yes he is a bad lecture, I had to basically stop going to lectures because of how confusing it was, I would definitely recommend at least learning the content from videos online out of class, but when it comes to the grading and assignments Amin is top.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Amin is overall a very strong teacher. He knows a lot about his content, and most of his explanations and proofs are not terrible to follow (they are hard because the course is hard, but he explains it well and makes it as easy to understand as a course like this possibly could be). He really likes when students give answers or ask questions, and I do think his enjoyment of the content makes the class more enjoyable. He is also super helpful in office hours - the homework gets super tough, but if you make an appointment with him he will clear up any questions you have. His grading structure placed a big emphasis on homework - which personally I liked, because it means your grade is far more dependent on the work you do consistently each week, and you can get help with it, instead of having your entire grade boil down to how well you do on a few timed exams. The grading structure with midterms and finals also ensures that if either your midterm average or your final exam score is high enough, the other will also be very high. So overall the class was hard, and he does fall into a classic college level math teacher pattern of talking at the board for the entire class, but I thought he was a good teacher with friendly policies.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Amin has a teaching style that may feel hard to follow/scattered sometimes which can cause confusion and misunderstanding. He is very passionate about teaching and math and gets super happy when students answer a difficult question/bring up something he hadn’t thought of. Amin makes it really easy to pass the class, all of the quizzes (10 of them) are out of the textbook problems he suggests, all of the test problems are out of either his class notes, suggested problems, or WebAssign so it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. He also drops the lowest test, lowest 2 quizzes, and lowest 2 webassigns while also curving at the end of the semester. He also has all of the WebAssigns due at the end of the semester which is convenient if you like flexible deadlines. If you put in the work to be prepared for assessments and complete the WebAssigns on time, you’ll pass this class.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
Amin is such a nice guy like he genuinely cares about the course and his students, the only problem is, is that his lectures are a little bit scattered and it's hard to understand. However, with this I HIGHLYYY recommend watching short videos on what is taught in the lecture before hand, so that you go into lecture having somewhat of an idea as to what he is talking about, because I found that since the lectures were only 50 minutes he did not have enough time to actually get through the material, so if you watch like organic chemistry tutor before hand, the lecture will be a little bit easier to follow. Additionally, professor Leonard on YouTube is the biggest G, if you just watch him you'll do good in the class because he explains the same things. About his grading, his grading is immaculate. You can basically fail 2 tests and be fine. But still try on each test because you wanna get the highest score possible. Also quizzes are the same questions as the homework, but they are sill hard because it is a lot of questions you have to remember with not enough time to study, so make sure to take those seriously despite the fact you have the possible questions before hand. This is because there are like 20 questions and there's only 2 of those questions on the quiz, so while it is helpful to have those questions, you still need to know how to do the problems. All in all, I think he's a good professor to take only because of how he drops so many things, so at the end your grade doesn't suffer. However, if you want to understand the material then you have to do a lot of extra work.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
This class isn't supposed to be easy at all. At first, I hated Amin and his teaching style. His lectures seemed very winged and unprepared, but at the same time, it isn't his fault. He is given only 50 minutes to try and teach you subjects that are complex and difficult to understand. He does his best, but honestly, the lectures will be confusing regardless of your professor. If you take this class you must put time and effort outside of lectures and discussion to learn the material and master it. The webassigns are all due at the end of the semester which is like a double-edged sword. It gives you some wiggle room to slack but if you slack too much then you won't be able to finish in time. Most of the webassign is impossible to cheat on (you can't use photomath or mathway) if you do at least 2 per week you should be fine. His exams aren't insanely difficult but I would recommend you study every day of the week following the exam to ensure you pass. His curves are generous and his TA's are exceptional. My TA was Shin Song and she was honestly pretty good. Quizzes are every Thursday but should be a free 20/20 every time as long as you do the practice problems he assigns. Overall his class isn't impossible to manage but is very difficult and will require a large amount of your time. Amin has a passion for math and enjoys teaching it. He also enjoys questions asked during lecture which should be utilized if you need help. Don't take this class lightly and you should be able to pass easily.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Amin is a good professor if you work with him. In class his lectures can be hard to follow and scattered, however if you meet with him, complete the recommended problems for each section, study and try to understand the concepts in your own time AND (i cannot stress this enough) keep up with the webassigns, you will not only pass the class but will also retain the material. Calc II is considered the most difficult of the Calc sequence, so the class will never be easy by any means regardless of the professor teaching it. Amin is obviously brilliant and has a genuine passion for math. In the beginning of the semester it was hard to adjust to his lecture/teaching style- however as the semester progresses you will become more familiar with his notes and the way he structures his lectures and class as a whole. The tests are very hard, redo all the problems in his written notes + the recommended book problems for your best chance at getting a good grade on his tests. Another thing is, KEEP UP WITH THE HOMEWORKS. Calc II is the epitome of a weed out class. It can feel overly complex, the exams are difficult if you aren’t 110% prepared, but most importantly- all of his webassign homeworks are due at the end of the semester. These homeworks are not something you can mathway/integral-calculator your way through. Each homework requires a considerable amount of effort and also time, and falling behind with the homeworks/not keeping up with them will screw you grade wise and also in your understanding of the material. They cannot be done all within the last week of the semester. The weekly quizzes are simple enough and if you do the recommended text book problems you should be able to secure a 20/20 on each one. To summarize, the class is hard. Focusing more on understanding the material and worrying less about your grade (as there is a big curve) will ensure that you come out of the class feeling like you actually learned a lot. Math genius or not, Calc II is rigorous and leave you feeling lost and confused at many points. Practicing is the only way to strengthen your understanding of the concepts as this is not a class that you can cruise through because you think you are good at math. Amin does his best and although he may not be the best Calc II professor, if you take advantage of the resources that are recommended to you then you will be okay. Amin does not make the class more difficult, Calc II does that all by itself. This is a class where you are expected to teach yourself along with what you are taught, and that is not specific to Amin.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Had him fall sem, lectures are decent but can get confusing for people especially if they don't have a strong calc/math background. USE THE TEXTBOOK!! I failed the first exam, but after that I would just do the practice problems to study and do really well on the exams after. Thought I was gonna get a bad grade but the curve was INSANE. Literally failed 2 tests and the final, but with a bunch of dropped grades and replacements, I somehow ended up with an A LMAO
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a C-
A lot has already been written about this professor so I will keep my review brief. - Terrible lecturer, could not explain anything and just made thing confusing so I basically stopped going to lectures - If you have a good TA they will carry you and your grade. I had Dominic and he was amazing, he explained the concepts incredibly well and he is the main reason I learned anything in the first place. - The midterms were pretty fair but the averages were incredibly low (think in the 50s and 60s) - Dropped the lowest midterm - Final exam average was also abysmal - There was a MASSIVE curve because without it like half the class would have failed In terms of the actual class, it is definitely manageable if you go to discussion and if you teach yourself a lot of the concepts straight from the textbook or watch YT videos/Khan Academy. Not a fun class at all but if you try hard then it will pay off. If I had put in more effort I definitely could have finished with a B or better, so just do your best and it will pay off.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
His lectures were pretty average and didn't always leave you feeling fully prepared, but he did give PDFs of his lecture notes and recordings of his lectures. The quizzes were out of a set list of textbook problems, which made them basically free points. The exams were somewhat challenging, but the class had a generous curve which helped significantly.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
I was gonna write a really long grating review about Amin, but one of the people below me covered it pretty well. I'll rehash the main points and add a few things. Gholampour's a nice guy, but he's a terrible lecturer. After the first exam, I stopped going to lectures simply because they were making the class more difficult than it was by just learning the material in other ways. The TAs, as mentioned, are generally excellent. What I will say is often one TA will be better than others, so try and find the best one by trying out their various office hours. Gholampour's exams are completely brutal, averages were quite low (low 60s, a 75, and a 33), with the final exam average being a 48. When our fourth exam average was a 33, I went to a lecture with the purpose of mentioning my thoughts to him, so I talked to him after that lecture about my thoughts and he was completely unsympathetic to the idea that this somehow reflected on either his teaching ability or his ability to write exams. As for my advice for passing this class: watch Organic Chemistry Tutor videos on the topics, and follow along in your notes. Don't just watch it and assume you understand, genuinely walk through them with him. If you're taking it in a semester where GSS is offered for the course, go to GSS. And go to Keystone. It's not a well-known program, so it was generally 1 on 1 tutoring, although with the publication of this review it may get more traffic. Amin's curving policy was ridiculous, and in my opinion gave far too much leeway for people who slacked off, rather than reward those who worked hard (second lowest exam was replaced by your homework grade, which was basically a free A on an exam for everyone, regardless of how well students scored on their second lowest). Additionally, lowest was dropped, and specific exams were curved (albeit not the final). At the end of the day, what matters is your grade and not anyone else's, and because I got an A-, I am satisfied enough. But I wish Amin structured this course far better. I would recommend taking another professor if possible.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
I honestly think a lot of the problem with this course was that lectures weren't long enough. 50 minutes was not enough time to cover the topics we were learning, and class would often end before Gholampour was finished teaching what he had planned. He's a really nice guy and is clearly trying, but it's incredibly difficult to effectively teach 2-300 students in a giant lecture hall in 50-minute increments. For me, my TA carried the class. Dominic Flocco made every topic understandable and he was a really nice guy who also wanted us to succeed. This class was very difficult, and I'm speaking as someone who already knew the material from having taken AP Calc (Exam grade didn't transfer). However, Gholampour added multiple grade-saving curves/grade adjustments at the end of the semester, so most people passed even if they weren't doing well.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
While I did end up doing well in the course, it was less because I was able to understand and master the content and more because of Amin's insane curve (My grade went from a c+ to a-). I feel like most of these reviews are a little misleading. He's a super nice guy, but let's not fool ourselves, his lectures were awful and exams were unfairly difficult. Luckily the TA's for this class were great- office hours is where I truly learned the course material. For anyone taking this course in the future, that would be my strongest recommendation for this course. DON'T SKIP DISCUSSIONS AND GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Also, as a lot of these reviews mention, Amin is a super compassionate and caring guy and makes himself available for office hours pretty much everyday, so if you have any questions you could also go to him. I never went to his office hours, but some kid in our class group me explained how he met with Amin everyday with questions and did very well in course. Any way, this is a hard course and one that easy to fall behind in, so stay on top of your work!
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B-
Curved my D+ (68) to a B-! Exams are a little tricky, but quizzes are fair because they come straight from the given textbook problems. Lectures are a little hard to follow, but he posts hand-written notes and posts the lectures online. As long as you practice and do your best, you should be alright. Math141 is not an easy class but with Amin, you’re nearly guaranteed to pass!
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Calc II is an undeniably challenging course, but it was made easier by Amin. His lecture goes fairly fast, but Calc II is a hard and fast-paced class, so there’s really no way around it. That being said, he replies to emails extremely quickly and does office hours by request throughout the day and even at night till 9 pm. And he truly is an amazing teacher, so there’s no way you’ll leave OH confused. I emailed him about OH at 8:13 pm and ended up meeting with him at 8:30 pm. When I asked him how he was so dedicated, he told me that he truly loves math. His passion for the subject matter undeniably makes this challenging class manageable. For my Fall 2022 class, he curved 3 out of the 4 tests and the final (10%, 10%, 0%, 25%, 10%). He dropped the lowest test and the lowest quiz. He had 5 attempts per WebAssign and also curved your overall grade as well. He also had two other grading policies that are a little too complicated to explain here but should increase your grade by ~2%. He’s an amazing lecturer, an approachable instructor, a kind person, and undeniably one of the UMD math department’s best professors.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B-
I was fooled by these reviews into taking Amin for Calc 2. I, and many of my classmates, found the lectures to be very hard to follow because he makes too many leaps and expects everyone to follow, even though we are very unfamiliar with the material. The weekly quizzes were essentially homework checks composed of two problems selected from the recommended homework. The quizzes were pretty helpful in forcing you to do the homework, which forced you to maintain some level of competency in the class. Other than that, the tests were pretty hard, beyond a level that you can express your true knowledge of the topics, and the WebAssigns were a little too niche and overly complicated. The curve on the class was massive but it was more to address the fact that many of us had not been properly taught Calc 2 and performed poorly as a result. He's a sweet guy who means well but I think this class sucked a lot more than it needed to.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Lectures are great, he records them and posts his notes too. Sometimes lectures were a little fast but it's fine, lots to get through. Textbook is good resource. If you want more on proofs go to office hours. Four midterms (3 curved for me) and a final (curved). Gives EC for finding lecture mistakes. Overall great professor, caring, definitely take Amin!
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
Took 403 in Spring 2022 with Amin. The class poses an interesting dichotomy - he's a *really* good teacher, and his explanations of the concepts are clear and very helpful. However, the homeworks and exams are extraordinarily difficult. It took hours and hours to do each homework assignment, to the point that I was spending more time doing 403 homework each week than time I spent working on every other class combined. I would highly recommend taking Amin as a professor, just maybe not for 403 as it's already hard enough of a class on its own.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B-
Amin is the best choice for Math 141. Exams are insanely hard but quizzes are super easy. Curve is insane my 66 is a B- just don’t slack off and do the practice problems he assigns and you’ll be good. Hes an Ok lecturer but he’s a great tutor during office hours
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Dr. Gholampour is a decent lecturer, but amazing grader. His way of lecturing may not work for everyone (which was to go through example problems of the topic at hand) but I felt it worked out for me, especially because I tried to do the WebAssign practice problems a day or two before he would go over the topic in lecture. MATH141 can be very difficult, but with Dr. Gholampour, the experience can be rewarding if you are willing to put in the work doing the homeworks on pace with his lectures and the practice problems in the book he gives (which are very similar, if not the same, as the questions you'll see in quizzes). If you do fall behind on the homeworks, you don't need to worry, as all of them are due at the end of the semester. If you fall behind on the actual material, you can always go to his office hours or meet with the TAs, who are very helpful in discussion and in exam preparation. His exams were definitely challenging, and when I talked to those with other professors, they had easier questions. However, he curves a lot (to the point where you can go into the final with more than a 100% in the class), and the final is also curved (even though it is pretty challenging. Your lowest exam is dropped, and your lowest quiz is dropped, which in the end allows you to actually focus on learning the material instead of stressing about your grade.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
Taking MATH141 is absolutely never a fun experience. Being one of the hardest lower-level math weedouts with a significantly high fail rate made me extremely nervous to take this course. I was never good at calculus, so my stress levels were at its peak while taking this course. However, Amin made this experience worth it in the end- his lectures definitely were not my preferred style of learning but he is by no means a bad lecturer. He is always happy to answer questions before and after lecture, and during office hours. He also gives bonus points to those who catch his mistakes during class. He also records each lecture and posts notes every day (though the quality of the recordings are subpar, they can prove useful sometimes.) His class is formatted in a very straightforward way- there is a weekly quiz that will only feature examples directly taken from the textbook. As long as you study the textbook problems given, you will absolutely get 100%s on all your quizzes. These quiz problems also help you a lot for the midterms. I would say Amin’s midterms are significantly harder than other professors midterms- but FEAR NOT! While the exam averages were quite low, the curves given were insane (10%, 10%, 0%, 25% respectively). He also drops the lowest midterm score and the lowest quiz. This offered a massive cushion to those struggling in the course. As long as you do around or above the average, there is no fear of passing. Amin also offered a system where if you are still failing the course, if you do well on the final the final grade can replace your course grade- so hypothetically if you get a C- or above on your final you have a chance at success. All homework was due at the end of the semester, although I would highly recommend doing the homeworks as you do the units covered in class for maximum success in this course. Overall, I am extremely glad to have taken Amin for MATH141. If you are a student debating whether or not to take him: TAKE HIM! I cannot stress this enough. He might be an angel from heaven.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
Awesome professor, he is kind and genuinely tries to help his students. Make sure to keep up with your homework so you don't have to do it all in one day lol. Textbook problems are highly recommended as they are basically what is on the exams and quizzes. It may be a bit difficult to follow lectures if your knowledge of calculus 1 is little (things you should know are unit circle, derivatives, limits, some basic trig identities like sin^2 + cos^2 = 1, etc.).
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
There is a reason why he is highly rated compared to other professors. Where to begin? First off he drops one of his exams and exams are 50% of the grade so you only need to do good in three tests, there are other professors who don’t drop exams. He also makes his quizzes based on the book problems what that means is the same problems in the book are the same problems that will be asked on the quiz. So really it’s almost impossible not to get 100% on quizzes easy 12.5% right there. Homework is hard but you can google or use a calculator if you want or ask him for help more on that later so another easy 12.5%. His exams are harder than usual which prepares you for the final and because they are harder he usually curves and oh boy the curve is CRAZY he curved the class like 4 times. He isn't your enemy he is on your side I joined the class late and got a crappy low quiz score the TA wouldn't drop it so I talked to the professor and he dropped it without any question. He is an okay average lecturer if you are excepting him to magically teach you everything in 50 minutes he can't do that no other professor can but his lectures are way better than some of the other choices if you think he’s bad go watch the other professors lectures you’ll miss him. He follows and explains the book and answers any questions pretty typically stuff. What makes him probably one the best math teachers and a 5-star teacher, in general, are his office hours. The way he runs office hours is like a free tutoring session he is an amazing teacher one on one. All you gotta do is ask him when is he available for office hours then you’re set to ask him any questions he always helped me with my homework daily because there are some people who thought he was just “another bad professor” and never bothered asking him for office hours there mistake. Trigonometric substitution, partial integration, and series you name it all complicated topics that I didn't understand at all but in 30 minutes I learned it easily because of his office hours. 100% take him. Also, he makes all his homework due at the end of the semester and drops the lowest homework and quiz so that's neat.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Amin has been a fantastic lecturer and provides more than enough information to succeed in this class. He is a very nice person and is very fair when grading. While his tests are difficult, he curves nicely and they help to prepare you for the final exam. He also has weekly quizzes on problems given in the textbooks, which makes it very easy to get 100's on them. They also help to reinforce the understanding of these topics by making you do some extra practice. This has been a great class and I would highly recommend him to anyone taking this difficult class!
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Amin is quite possibly the greatest professor you could take for MATH141. He explains concepts extremely well, and answers a lot of questions during lectures. The TAs he chooses are really good at covering what he does in lectures in a little more depth, as well as general doubt clearance. He provides you with a list of practice problems which help you cover most, if not all of the major concepts that will be tested. These practice problems are also used for the quizzes, so if you are thorough with the problems there is no reason for you to lose any points on the quiz. His curves are also extremely generous, and he makes changes to his grading policy in order to bring up the class average if he sees that the class is not doing so well. All the homeworks being due at the end of the semester also mean that you can do things at your own pace, which I really liked about the class.
Amin Gholampour

He is an amazing professor. He handles the content extremely well and he picks the best TAs to help the students. The TAs that he picks are willing to go above and beyond for their students. He is also very understanding and compassionate with the students. He will recognize the effort that students are willing to put into his class and rewards them for how much effort they put in instead of just simply their scores. Thank you, Amin!
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
I took MATH141 last semester and I had Tod Rowland. Rowland is very clearly smart, but his lectures were impossible to follow and he was very absent minded. He is a really nice and accommodating person. Unfortunately, his lectures did it for me. I couldn't follow through the second half of the year. I ended the semester with a C- and I needed a B-. I retook 141 with Amin and I have a 93 right now. Yes I am retaking the class, but he is one of the best 141 lecturers. He does not give any discussion worksheets and instead gives weekly quizzes (lowest is dropped) and the questions come straight from the textbook, meaning you can get 100s every week with little effort. His homeworks are ALL due on the last day of the semester so no more staying up until 4 in the morning on mondays and wedensdays for WebAssign, and lastly his tests were very hard but he curves very very well. Currently he is curving the first 2 tests 10 points, the 3rd one 0 points and the 4th one 25 points, in addition to that the final is being curved and it seems he is going to lower the letter grade cutoff as well. Will likely end the semester with an A+, please please take Amin actual goat.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Cannot recommend Amin enough, he's an amazing professor. He teaches the content very-well, giving examples of applications of every theorem and lemma as well as proving each one with techniques that often come in handy later for your own usage. All of this is also kept within his copy of the notes so you can refer back to anything you didn't fully get or want to review from class. He's very responsive to questions and even if you don't get it after asking, he'll explain again in whatever way necessary. You can tell he has a lot of enthusiasm for the subject and it really shows in the way he teaches it. Homework was weekly, difficult but prepared you very well and really helped you understand the content. Deadlines were super chill regarding late work. He also dropped the lowest exam grade and then curved at the end. Amin made one of the hardest if not the hardest class I've taken into one of the most enjoyable ones.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A
Amin is a competent lecturer with a good amount of responsiveness/attention and his assignments/exams were mostly fair. For our class, we had only weekly homeworks (lowest 2 dropped) and 2 midterms (lowest one dropped). No quizzes nor extra assignments, which was very respectful for our time. Some work could be really tedious (single HW problems taking hours was usual, expect to take multiple hours weekly to review content to make sure you understand it). That's to be expected given that this is one of the hardest classes in this department, but he did allow work to come in late and to ask him for help, he responds quickly via email and is usually available for office hours or just after class if you can ask him then. It was also convenient of him to have all of his notes online, which he would clarify in class or go over in more detail if anyone asked him. Once some people started getting lower grades on exams, he included extra credit parts in the exams which gave even more leniency for getting a higher grade. He also grades very quickly in this class so we could quickly discuss what we thought was and wasn't fair. Overall, he was a professor who knew how to instruct and had good control over how much work he assigned and gave many opportunities to do well in what is one of the most infamous math classes. TL;DR he is a solid professor, and it's a good idea to take a course with him.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Pretty decent lecturer. The curves were nice and allowed me to succeed in the class despite getting Bs on most of the tests. Weekly quizzes, but he told us the possible problems ahead of time so if you did them ahead of time you were fine. All the homework was due at the end of the semester which was great. I personally did not like him as he seemed more responsive to the questions/answers of the guys in class compared to the girls, but he was a good instructor and I'm glad I took his class compared to what I've heard from other professors.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A-
Average Lecturer. Godlike human. Good curves (10,5,3,20) on the four tests. I think he even curved the final. The test questions were similar to the final. A quiz a week on two homework problems. WebAssign all due at the end of the semester. He is very nice and understanding of student's concerns. Calculus 2 was not a fun course, but it was a lot easier taking it with this professor.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B
Amin is a sweetheart with a PhD in math. His lectures are good, and his tests are fair. Quizzes are easy if you do the practice problems. My only issue with this course was the WebAssign homework. Most the topics covered in them are not relevant to the course, or are too far fetched.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a B-
Amin was a good teacher, but his notes were very hard to read. By the end of the semester, there was a 100+ page PDF of notes from the semester, all handwritten, which made it hard to look for exactly what you needed at times. Exams were open note and you had more than just class time to do them (7 hours for exams, 12 for the final) which was nice because you didn't need all of it, but you had it if you needed. The class is very focused on proofs, and covers a lot of material. You could drop one exam and one of the weekly homeworks, too.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting a P
This course is really difficuly and we had huge curve every exam since the averages were always really low. He is willing to explain everything as long as you ask. We had 3 midterms (the lowest one was droped) and homework every week.
Amin Gholampour

I highly recommend Dr. Gholampour, he did just about everything you could ask for in an online class. Prerecorded lectures to watch any time, and organized lecture notes. A list of practice problems to go over with the textbook. 24 hour exams that were fair. Very willing to help students. Very generous curve, for the summer he let the final grade replace the midterm grade if the final was higher. Also a great teacher - gave clear explanations for everything and provided a good balance between applications and proofs.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Dr. Gholampour is an amazing professor. He really likes math and knows how to teach math. I really recommend him as an upper-level professor.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Great guy. I just loved Gholampour, he is such a sweetheart. One of the nicest professors I ever had. He curves the class by a lot because most people taking this course are freshmen and many of them are like non-stem majors and it's a hard course so the averages for exams are like 55-68% range. Therefore, he curves by a lot. His exams aren't bad but they are questions similar to webassign. If you get your exam back and see the TAs took bunch of points off for some dumb mistake you made, talk to the professor he will give back points if you can show the mistake you made and you understand the correct answer. (Max points got back was like 10 points)
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Great professor who really cares about his students. He dropped the lowest grade of the 4 exams, then curved the rest 15 points. I think he also curved the final on top of that.
Amin Gholampour

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor!! Really cares about students, gives back points on tests, HUGE curve at the end of the semester. Homework and tests are not too hard, just do some practice problems and ask questions in discussion
Amin Gholampour

Pretty average lecturer. It can be hard to understand him when he speaks due to his accents and his hand-writing can be challenging to read, at times. Amin is good at answering any questions thrown at him during lecture and gives out bonus points to your final grade if you call out any mistakes he makes in lecture or if you correct him. The TA's are below average. They are hard to understand and the mandatory quizzes during discussion classes seem to be on material unrelated to the prior lecture. The G.S.S. sessions that are held are very helpful. His classes are nice because he always curves a lot at the end of the semester.