Thomas Gilray

This professor has taught: CMSC330, CMSC430
Information Review
Thomas Gilray

Expecting a B
This guy really knows his stuff! So nice and very easy to follow.
Thomas Gilray

Expecting a B+
I think this was Gilray's first time teaching CMSC 430, and he did a really good job. The content is quite tough and some projects are very challenging, but Gilray held office hours right after class to answer any questions. If you weren't able to catch him then, he's very active on Piazza and is really knowledgeable on the content. He's also very understanding and knows that his class is tough, and as such he gives out extensions on the projects on a case by case basis. Some of the lectures themselves are very heavy, but Gilray does a good job explaining the material and don't be afraid to ask questions! Overall a great instructor and just a great guy in person.