Jacquelyn Glidden

This professor has taught: EDHD411, EDHD413
Information Review
Jacquelyn Glidden

Her class is structured a little annoyingly. You have weekly readings, where you're then required to do a reading quiz at the beginning of class the following week. She has it open note but the notes can only be hand-written which I think is just silly (because whats the point of having it open-notes if you have to then hand write those notes? just seems counterintuitive, especially if you type your notes on a laptop or write those notes on an iPad in which those are unacceptable as well). She also assigns two class activities due on Sunday of that week which aren't hard assignments, just annoying and tedious. She's going to be on maternity leave midway through the course so we're have an instructor switch and take over the class which I also think will be very abrupt in everyone's learnings and will force us to have to adjust to the new instructor. I doubt Professor Glidden will teach this course again since she's a graduate student teaching the course but if you can avoid taking her, then I would.