Jordan Goodman

This professor has taught: HONR238W, HONR378N, PHYS105, PHYS106, PHYS174, PHYS272, PHYS272H, PHYS499P
Information Review
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
He wasn't very understanding or lenient professor. I asked him If I could do the clickers in a different way because of my financial situation because UMD stopped paying for the Point Solution clickers and he said no to be quite in a rude way and so I dropped the class immediately.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
One of the best professors in the physics department. Despite this is merely a gen ed, his lectures shows how good he can teach. Goodman has organise lectures and slides, also a reasonable distribution of work. Exams are basically covered in the review sections. For many optical phenomenon, Goodman provided examples which are either pictures, and/or actual demonstrations, explains every bit one needs to comprehend. At least just for the significant amount of really cool in class demonstrations, you should take it.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a B
I enjoyed my time with Professor Goodman. He is clearly enthusiastic about this subject. Unfortunately, I am not strong in physics, so I struggled a lot in this class. He records lectures and posts them, but sometimes that is not helpful as not all of the information you need to know is on there. The quizzes were helpful in studying, but I wished that he would tell us each week what subjects are on the quizzes to help us prepare. Overall, I liked having class with him, but am definitely not taking physics any time soon.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
TLDR: Goodman is a good professor and you won't do bad in the class if you submit things on time and really put some effort in learning. You can already see that I haven't given this professor 5 stars, so to explain myself, I will divide my reasoning into pros and cons. Pros: - You will definitely learn something cool from this guy. He's very knowledgeable in the field of physics, and he does do a great job in dumbing down things for us, even to the point of relativity, which is crazy! - He's funny as well. Yes, he's old (QUITE OLD), so maybe not all of his jokes might be funny but overall you will vibe in his classes so you should definitely attend his classes. - The questions he ask on exam are mostly questions that are almost (if not exactly) the same from the clickers, lectures, homework, quizzes. That being said, his exams are quite do able, but you should still study for it if you want to get like an A+ or something (which I found hard to get even though I am a bright student) - Demos and Clickers: All his demos are awesome and cool and usually help you understand the concepts. His clickers usually (NOT ALWAYS) help with understanding the concept, but it requires further understanding through using Google/ChatGPT. Cons: - Very Unorganized: I am really sorry to say this but this dude is very unorganized. His lecture slides are basically a mess, because most of it are pictures and barely words. You need to go to his lectures to be able to understand the concepts really well. Also, it just doesn't make sense how we spent most of the beginning unit to study conversions and units (which is a very basic high school thing) and spend tad bit on relativity and complex quantum stuff, which is beyond the scope of what we are learning in PHYS106. He's definitely a genius and smart man, but I get it that it can be difficult to organize all these content really well piece by piece and in a flow and balance, which isn't tempting to do so assuming that this is really just a gen ed class (but doesn't mean you won't learn anything --> YOU WILL, QUITE A LOT, and LOTS OF COOL STUFF) - Clickers and Lectures: So basically, classes are mandatory and there are clicker questions that you need to respond to (that's basically the way he checks for your participation). Clickers are for your participation, so you need to be in class for that. Kinda annoying but still not a bad idea since I believe attending the lectures do help. - Recordings: Yes he posts lecture recordings but the audio sometimes isn't that good. So keep that in mind. - Exam Grading: I think the dumbest thing is the fact that he makes a very simple one-word answer question worth like 5 points (and having tons of those kinds in an exam), which can mess your grade quite a lot. If you actually got an 81, you should've maybe gotten at least a 90. He did curve my class and it did help my grade, but yeah it just makes me mad about getting a certain score on an exam even though I studied a lot for it and didn't do that bad on it either. Overall, he is a great professor. Definitely take this PHYS106 class, you'll learn a lot and while I can't give him full stars, he's done a great job teaching this class.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a B-
The quizzes are timed, which can be kind of pressure inducing, but he does drop your lowest test score, lowest quiz score, and 3 of your missed clicker days. Anyway, as someone who was instantly terrified after the first lecture that they made a mistake signing up for this class, I actually gained a lot of knowledge about things relevant in my real life (photography, lighting, colors, wavelengths, how mirrors work, how eyeglasses work) to be really interesting. It can be confusing at times, but if you ask him questions either during the lecture, after the lecture, through email, or even come to his office, he cares enough to explain and go through it WITH you so you understand. The math involved is pretty easy and he gives you the formulas so you don't have to remember, and you can use a calculator. I didn't find the textbook very easy to read, however his powerpoint and guide for the exams are perfect to take notes and study from. Super nice guy, funny, really loves science and teaching. I enjoyed this class.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a C+
Such a nice professor, and you can tell how passionate he is about his work. However, the material is SO hard. It's a lot of stuff to learn, and really hard to understand it fully. Exams are a lot like the study guides and practice exams you are given, but you really need to know how to apply the concepts learned in class in many different ways. The professor does a good job at explaining; it's just a lot of stuff to remember and learn. There were weekly quizzes and hws from the textbooks, which can also tank your grade if you're not doing well in those too. He also does participation grades with the clicker questions. Other than that, there are 2 exams throughout the course and the final. Definitely one of the hardest gen-eds I have ever taken.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
One of the best physics professors at UMD.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a W
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!! I want to start off by saying - the professor is a great guy. Really nice, really educated, really accomplished, and funny. With all that said, I DESPISE THIS CLASS!!!! I wanted to take a straightforward gen ed for my lab requirement - the lab is easy but this class is NOT. Unorganized, extremely hard quizzes (you will fail the hw quizzes even if they are on canvas), and the content is so hard and not taught properly. So much content to cover and it is difficult to understand. I am going to withdraw from this class. DO NOT make the mistake of taking this course - it is unnecessarily stressful and does not feel like a level 100 gen ed. I went to go get tutored for this class and the content is so niche and difficult that the physics department kind of struggled with getting me a tutor, and they all told me juniors take this class as intro to optics - as in junior physic majors. DO NOT TAKE IT - SAVE YOURSELF AND TAKE GEOLOGY OR AOSC OR SMTH.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Shows a lot of passion for physics in his lectures making it an interesting class. This is definitely a gen ed. I would recommend and you should take it with Professor Goodman.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Goodman is a really nice guy, very enthusiastic about what he teaches. He's very down to earth and his lectures are equal part scary and about the world ending and equal part funny because he's sarcastic. Definitely recommend him, but don't necessarily recommend the class. The math is just algebra, but word problems can be confusing. Luckily exams are mostly concept questions from lecture, so definitely go and also take the random quizzes that pop on Elms every once in a while (he might forget to tell you about them). Good content in this class, worth learning --but the discussion feels like a separate class from the lectures. Be prepared to do a lot of conversion computations and basics physics: force, kinetic energy, etc
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Dr. Goodman is an amazing person. His lectures are pretty interesting, and he's a nice guy. That being said, the work he gives in the discussion periods is pretty dull. 99% of it is unit conversions from the beginning of the semester to the very end. If you haven't taken a math class since the start of college, it might be a little difficult for the first month, but not for the whole semester. It gets old and makes the discussion work seem very pointless. But other than that, I have no complaints.
Jordan Goodman

He covered a PHYS270 lecture for my class and taught the topic well. He spoke loud/clearly, gave many example problems that weren't too computation-heavy, and overall just did a great job for just filling in a lecture. Would definitely take him for a class if an opportunity ever arose.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A-
A lot of these reviews are pretty dated, so it's probably time to give an updated review. To start, Jordan Goodman is wayyyy overqualified to be teaching this course. As such, he has some high expectations for his students. His lectures cover a lot for a 100-level class, and it can be pretty easy to lose track of his lectures. The class requires a decent amount of work out of class, but nothing ridiculous ( 3-4 hrs a week?). His exams are probably medium-easy if you study for around 2-3 hours beforehand. As a professor though, he is great with a good sense of humor and is obviously passionate about what he teaches. He definitely reciprocates respect, so if you show up to class and participate, he's more likely to be lenient with you. Despite his class being a little harder than most natural science gen-eds, the corresponding lab (PHYS107) is the easiest lab you could ever take. Overall, I'd recommend this class to people looking for a gen ed class if you have a good habit of going to class.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a B+
This course is unorganized. There were many quizzes that we didn't even know existed until the deadline passed. Assignments kept randomly popping up with due dates the next days. The group projects in this class were tedious, several group members just did not show up, and I ended up doing most of the work by myself. This class is a lot of self-study.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Dr. Goodman is one of the best, if not the best professor at the University of Maryland. He is an outstanding lecturer who makes every lesson interesting and fun, while still incredibly informative. I learn a multitude of news things every week and always get a few laughs. He is also very approachable and the TA for my course was also great. The course overall is not a ton of work, although it is slightly challenging. If you put in the work it can definitely get you an A. It also fulfills GenEd requirements, and is an I-series course. This is the only class I have taken so far that I look forward to going to each week. I absolutely loved it. Please take this course, you will not regret it.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Awesome professor. Dr. Goodman knows a LOT about science, in particular climate science. He's a super enthusiastic professor who managed to keep me engaged at every lecture. He also had a few substitutes who were also very good, the man knows how to keep a class going. PHYS105 itself is not very difficult either. It's an interesting course and you learn a lot, but it's not too hard. There is a fair bit of work involved, mainly group projects, so keep that in mind. The exams are all short-answer based and they actually have very few equation-based problems. This isn't so much memorizing physics equations as it is understanding physical concepts as they relate to climate change and energy. I learned quite a bit from this course, it's an excellent choice for CORE non-lab science.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
Possibly the best class that I've ever taken. Professor Goodman always kept the class entertained and focused. Very interesting and enlightening, I recommend everyone to take this class. Book is not necessary. Class is very easy with a minimal amount of work.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
I was worried about having to take a science lab for CORE, as I normally hate science classes, but PHYS106 was amazing! The lab itself was really, really easy. And Professor Goodman's lectures were very interesting and relevant to what I care about. One of my majors is Studio Art, so it was great to be in a science class where you get to learn about illusions and how your brain perceives color. The only slightly annoying bit is that he uses clickers, but then again, going to class was seldom a hassle. You have to write a short paper, but it could be about nearly ANYTHING related to the subject, so it's not bad at all. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking for a good lab for non-science majors.
Jordan Goodman

Expecting an A
I absolutely loved this class! I'm so glad that it was offered this year, and I would recommend it to almost anyone who wants to learn about some important issues and to know how to make a difference in this world-there was a lot of interesting stuff presented, and I'm really glad I took it. The material covered was very interesting and very relevant. The work was not very hard at all, most of it was reading or group work (of course, there are always challenges working with others). The class was kept engaging by clicker questions, occasional experiments or fun tasks (including a mini field trip), and discussions about interesting issues. Goodman showed his knowledge in the area, and really wanted us to understand his work. He presented things well and even had a good sense of humor. The only downside of the class was that discussion sometimes seemed very "scattered" and sometimes my TA was a bit hard to understand. I think though, that all the "bad" moments in class were only because the class was new so adjustments need to be made. All and all though, a thumbs up!!
Jordan Goodman

Expecting a B
J. Goodman is an awesome professor! He is very personable and down to earth with his students. He encourages people to come to his office hours and helps them with their homework. Course material is actally pretty interesting and is presented in an understandable and applicable way. Professor is funny and loves what he does and wants to share his excitment. However, attendance is really important because clicker questions ( $50 clicker btw) are in every class and 15% of the grade. Tests and homework are challenging but fair and come directly from lectures. overall A+