Zachary Greenberg

This professor has taught: MATH113, MATH140
Information Review
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting a C+
Horrible experience. Only survived this class because of one of his amazing TAs and working with the MATLAB tutors and the Guided Study Sessions. Would not recommend this professor one bit.
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting a B
I loved that he posted recordings of the lectures so you could go back and reviews concepts you may have struggled on during class. I found the course to be pretty challenging but he does a good job of balancing out the tests with other grades like quizzes and homework's. Also very understanding of student circumstances which is why he drops the worst 4 homework grades and replaced all exam grades that were lower than our final with the score we got on the final exam.
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting a B+
he is very accommodating to students by providing many office hours. However, he would sometimes beat around the bush in office hours when I would ask about a homework question because he didn't want to give me an answer which ended up with me still not understanding the problem. his teaching improved over the course of the semester but there are occasions where he over explains things and makes things a lot more complicated. He keeps a google doc open for questions during lectures which many students used. If you study the material and go to his and TA office hours, you'll be fine.
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting a C-
He is a really good professor and does a good job presenting all of the material. However the class is very fast-paced, and it seems like he talks and writes in 1.5 speed because by the time I copy an equation down in my notes he has already moved on to the next problem. He is receptive to all questions (and if you don't like speaking out in big lecture halls he has a question google doc too which was very helpful). Has many office hours which I would recommend going to. Overall would definitely recommend him as a professor, I wish he taught Math141 too.
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting an A
This guy makes absolutely no sense in his lectures. His handwriting is atrocious, and he does not teach what is on the homework.
Zachary Greenberg

Expecting an A
He is very understanding of students and tries to help out as much as possible. His class was challenging during the summer, but he tries to make you learn the subjects on your own, and then clear things up in person that you don't quite understand.