Anil Gupta

This professor has taught: BMGT758A, BMGT878J, BMGT878N, BMSO778G, BUMO754, BUSI674, BUSI690, BUSI713, BUSI758B, BUSI758G, BUSI758N, BUSI758X, BUSM758A
Information Review
Anil Gupta

Expecting an A-
This review is for Ayush Gupta. Ayush was amazing at leading you though the creation of the hovercraft without simply telling you what to do. He is personable and approachable. He is amazing at taking something unclear, and there are many such things when building the hovercraft, and distilling it down to understandable ideas. He is funny, memorable, and a great teacher. I would absolutely want to have him again.
Anil Gupta

Expecting an A+
This review is for Ashwani Gupta, not Anil Gupta. Dr. Gupta is very knowledgable in the field of waste technology, in fact he is one of the leading authorities of waste technology in the world. He is very friendly and informative, however it was a 3 hour class and the lectures became extremely boring. He is also very vague in laying out projects for you. There is homework and a summary due every week, these are very easy. The exams are fairly easy too and he basically tells you what each question will be about. The material is interesting and also includes a trip to an incinerator plant in Baltimore.