Rachel Haber

This professor has taught: GEOG110, GEOG330
Information Review
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
she takes her job seriously and has extra credit
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
Besides the heavy amount of group work that was at times a little annoying, this class is pretty solid. Dr, Haber is a good lecturer, but, can be boring if you don't enjoy geography. Overall, I would recommend this to students if you like the content. However, it is not a blow-off class like I was led to believe by many peers.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
Dr. Haber is a kind professor and her TA grades relatively fairly. Overall, it was a good course. I was hoping for an A+ and in part I believe the amount of group work brought my grade down at times. I have no major complaints and found the course pretty interesting. I would recommend it if you are interested in geography.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A-
Professor Haber definitely has a passion for geography and sustainability, which is displayed throughout her lessons. The exams are not too bad as long as you pay attention to the lectures. You are graded on participation during the discussion sections. Though attending lectures isn't required, it is crucial to go because she does not post the lessons on Canvas. For a 300-level class, it was not too bad and was easy to pass.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
Pretty fair grader, will allow regrades if you think anything was inconsistent. The lectures were very digestible, but honestly the content is so simple it doesn't really matter. Exams were very similar to the practice ones, just study with quizlets and you will be fine. Discussion section had some interesting projects and group work, like a mass debate that was kinda fun. All around a fun and easy course.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A+
Dr. Haber is a very good lecturer, very patient, informed, and kind. She is always willing to take questions and meet during her office hours for extra help. She does not allow laptops open during lecture (only paper notes/ iPads or tablets that can lay flat) but the policy honestly saved me a lot of time studying because I was very infrequently getting distracted during lecture. There are two exams total (the final is a non-cumulative second exam) and they are both very short and extremely fair to the content. You will get points each week for attending discussion, so attendance is mandatory but the TAs are very nice and keep discussion entertaining (shoutout Amanda). There is one initial (short, creative) paper, one midterm paper which definitely requires a good amount of effort, and an optional paper at the end of the semester for extra credit if needed. Overall, I would definitely recommend others that are interested in sustainability/the environment/geography/development to take this class.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
Dr. Haber is a fantastic lecturer. Everything was organized and made sense, and the material was really interesting! The exams were fair, and though discussion was mandatory, the activities we did helped me understand the concepts better. I didn't really like how group work was emphasized so much. We did a debate during discussion, which in principle, wasn't so bad, but the TA basically held our hand through the entire thing. Overall, I didn't have to worry too much about the course except for exams, and I appreciated being able to just attend lectures and absorb the material.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A+
Professor Haber is incredibly intelligent and knowledgable. Her lectures are straightforward, and the content is generally easy to digest. The material covered in lectures are almost directly based off of the textbook readings. She has a no laptop policy, but she'll let you write on an iPad or tablet (most people just wrote in a notebook though). Despite this policy, she talks fast sometimes, and it can be hard to keep up. There are two exams, two papers (there's another optional one for extra credit), and group projects. The papers are research and creatively based, but make sure to get an early head's start, as they are longer papers. Overall, I felt like there was a lot of work to complete for a gen-ed, and lectures got boring towards the end, but it wasn't a bad class to take (especially since it fulfills 3 gen-ed requirements).
Rachel Haber

Expecting a B
Pay more to suffer more during summer vacation... I hoped to improve my GPA but got the lowest grade of all my courses instead. I wish I could have some ways to drop this GenEd. (The exam was so hard. And you have team assignments, you won't get good grades if your teammates don't do well, even if you do your best for your part)
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A
Lecture material is easy to understand, exams are fair, and overall a great class. I would recommend taking this class.
Rachel Haber

Expecting an A+
Easy GenEd class with a good professor and exciting topics. Dr. Haber is a great lecturer who helps keep her class engaged. My only complaint is that she does not allow any computers for notes which makes me feel stuck in the past; everything must be handwritten.
Rachel Haber

Dr. Haber (previously Dr. Rachel Bernstdon) is a world-class lecturer. She always explains concepts in a way that is very clear and easy to follow. She does have a few weird course policies, though. Either way, I would highly recommend taking a class with her!
Rachel Haber

Expecting a B
Geog110 is said to be an easy gen-ed, but not with this professor. The class is claimed to be a global perspective but you only see the discussions from an ONLY typical (in a wrong sense) American perspective on viewing other areas. The part about actual science is totally good stuff since it is simply doing a reference source review (very good review, yes). but when this professor talked about politics in the area and certain politics-related aspects, there exist information that is not accurate (not at all) and obviously biased. If you want a pass and do not mind getting uncomfortable and boring, you can put effort (probably more than you expected) and get decent passing. Scores are not easily earned at all and all those details (exactly boring and uncomfortable). Class content is not hard (seriously not hard at all), but professors are divergent.