Zhongtian Han

This professor has taught: HIST285, HIST339X
Information Review
Zhongtian Han

Expecting an A-
I'm pretty sure this was his first semester teaching at UMD but long story short he's great! This was my first college level history class(I'm not too much of a history person I just needed this for my Japanese major) but he made classes incredibly interesting and super low stress. Assignments were made up of: discussion post questions(you post one or two after each reading; super easy), class participation, two short essays(500-600 words), and two longer essay assignments in place of the midterm and final(midterm assignment: two 600-700 word essays, final assignment: two 700-800 word essays). His grading was very lenient as he just wants you to expand your knowledge on East Asian history and improve your critical thinking skills. Professor Han is incredibly personable and well spoken and creates an environment where anyone will feel comfortable asking questions.