Evan Hart

This professor has taught: NEUR200
Information Review
Evan Hart

Expecting an A
He is the nicest professor I've taken at UMD! He applies concepts of neuroscience to real life scenarios, making them easier to visualize and his lectures are very easy to follow. The way he teaches truly makes you want to learn more and is absolutely interesting. His exam material is fair and does not try to trick you at all. I love that he is very approachable with questions and is always interested in what you have to say, making the classroom environment much more engaging and warm. I would love to take a class taught by him again. Attend the lectures and you should have no problem getting a good grade in this class!
Evan Hart

Expecting an A
He is a great professor; I would recommend taking his class. I like his class compared to the other NEUR 200 professors because he only has two assignments: just reading research and asking questions, no groupwork or presentations. Also, his exams are online in the classroom, and you imminently get a grade, which I like.