Dean Hebert

This professor has taught: HONR100, HONR258T, HONR359A
Information Review
Dean Hebert

Expecting an A-
The class is split up into two parts. The first part of the class is reading short stories and discussing them in class. The second part of the class is where each student writes their own short story and then the rest of the students read them and discuss them. Grades come from 4 written papers over the course of the semester. Each essay analyzes a short story. For the final you need to write the ending of a short story and then also write an analysis of the short story and your ending. Hebert is very passionate about short stories and the entire class is very much discussion based. Honestly, discussing and writing short stories turns out not to be my favorite thing, so I didn't love in-class time. Nevertheless, writing your own short story and getting to read and discuss the short stories of your classmates is pretty cool. The workload is not nothing, but not bad at all.
Dean Hebert

Expecting an A
Dean Hebert is a great teacher. He really cares about the subject and loves to discuss short stories. He is insightful, and had us read many interesting stories. I loved taking this class and it really made my first semester at UMD way better. If you get the chance at any point in your UMD career, I highly suggest you take this class.
Dean Hebert

Best class I have ever taken and Im a senior at Maryland. Dean is extremely engaging and the class is thoroughly entertaining. There are 4 3-4 pg papers but they are really easy to write. You have to write a short story but it doesn't count towards your grade and they're fun to write and review. Great class, great professor. Fairly easy A. Take it if you can.
Dean Hebert

Expecting an A
Dean Hebert is an absolutely fantastic professor, and if at all possible, take his seminar in the fall. As the first reviewer had said, the workload for the course is moderate, but if you're willing to take the seminar, it doesn't seem like very much because it's mostly stuff that you WANT to do anyways. The course is essentially this: four essays, reading 2-4 short stories a week, writing your own short story, and a final in which you rewrite the end of a short story and explain why you wrote it -- it's really not that much at all, and his sense of humor keeps you engaged for basically the entire class. the class isn't really so much about how to write each detail of your short story as it is to just have fun with things - he's rather laid back and is very responsive to the essays you write, oftentimes including 2-3 paragraphs just for feedback on your essays; the most work I did all semester was just having my story workshopped, in which all of the students in the class had a bit of input on my story and continued to ask questions. Again, if you have the opportunity to, take Hebert's class. You won't regret it.
Dean Hebert

Expecting an A
This course is a great way to fulfill your HL requirement. Dean Hebert is a really awesome guy and a very fair teacher. Classes will always be fun as all you do is discuss the most recently read short stories. Mr. H always has some good jokes for each story. The workload is not bad at all. On average you will read 2-4 short stories a week, which is very manageable. I just made a habit of reading one before bed each night. You will write 5 essays of about 4 pages double spaced each and you will create your own short story. This may sound like a lot of work, but it is not. This class is not so much about learning facts as gaining an appreciation for short stories. You will learn some terminology related to short stories, but mostly you will learn to appreciate how authors think in order to write short stories and the amount of creativity and detail that goes into them. Writing your own short story is pretty cool too. Everyone in the class writes one and then he hands out copies of each one to everyone else and then for the last half of the semester the class just discusses each others stories and gives constructive criticism. The only really hard part about this class is final, for which you have to write your own ending to the part of a short story that he gives you and then explain how you wrote this ending. This is very difficult to do well, but he is fair in grading it. Overall, Mr. H is awesome and this class is really fun and interesting.