Lyra Hilliard

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL293, ENGL388V, ENGL391, ENGL398R
Information Review
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A+
lyra is super sweet and the class is pretty chill! most assignments seem to be completion based and the workload is very light (typically just two weekly discussion board posts, with a group project that she gives you time in class for as well as a final essay)
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A
She's nice and assignments were pass/fail. However, she gave an ungodly amount of work. This class had more work than my other 14 credits combined, and way more work than other ENGL101 classes. She talked a lot about how she cut out some of the work she initially was going to assign, but A LOT of the work she assigned felt really unnecessary. She definitely underestimates how much work she gives. You don't necessarily need to avoid taking her, but if you have a difficult schedule I would suggest going for a different teacher.
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A+
She is a very nice professor who was willing to give us extensions whenever we asked for them. All the assignments are pass fail and if you fail she gives you another chance to do them, except for two of the three major projects, those are graded normally. All of the assignments are done to prepare you for the two essays and info graphic you have to do. They're worth a lot but I was able to use the stuff we wrote in our assignments for the two essays and got good grades on them. If you just do everything you're told you should easily get an A.
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A
English 101 was a blended course. Every Tuesday, it was in person; every other Thursday was on Zoom or asynchronous. Lyra was very understanding and kind. The assignments were super easy. All assignments were pass or fail except the Position Paper and Remediation Project. To get full credit on the pass or fail assignments, you need to follow the directions on the prompts. She is very lenient with extensions as long as you ask at least 24 hours before it is due. There were a lot of assignments per week which was annoying but it was expected considering the class was only in person once a week. I would 100% recommend taking the course with her, she made it so easy, and there is no reason you shouldn't get an A as long as you do the work.