Cheryl Holt

This professor has taught: HLTH230, HLTH498R, HLTH666, HLTH742
Information Review
Cheryl Holt

Expecting an A
Dr. Holt was a great professor. Her class was structured in a very specific way. Her notes were short and to the point. Her exams came literally word for word from her slides so you have to make sure you're in class to get the notes. She doesn't post them. Exams were all multiple choice, scantron. The only thing that got peoples grades were the pop quizzes. She randomly gives 5 and drops the lowest so you have to make sure you go to every class. Some people tried skipping class and just studying from the course pack, but those were the ones that ended up with B's or C's. If you go to class, there's no way you can't get an A. She's a really good professor and she's always available to answer questions.
Cheryl Holt

Expecting an A
Anything above 3 stars is way too generous. Dr. Holt seems to space out every now and then, and her lectures are pretty boring. That along with the fact that its an 8 am class with dimmed lights makes it difficult to stay awake. Of course it is always best to go to class (and get there on time because the pop quizzes are given right at the beginning of lecture), but i'd say about 60% of my class would leave after they turned in the quiz. The good thing about this course is that it is pretty easy to get an A. Dr. Holt is very nice, passionate about her work, and will stay after class to answer any questions.
Cheryl Holt

Expecting an A
This class was very interesting. If you do the reading and come to every class you will do fine. There are 5 pop quizzes and there are no warnings. Exams came directly from lecture, readings and power points.. no surprises.
Cheryl Holt

Expecting a B
Overall the class was okay, the exam was pretty easy but what really got my grade were the 5 pop quizzez, one is dropped just make sure you go to each and every class, the pop quizzez are unpredictable , again I repeat GO TO EACH OF HER CLASSES! Good Luck! :)
Cheryl Holt

Expecting an A
Dr. Holt is a good instructor with real-world research experience and this class is really easy as long as you do the short readings, attend class, and write down the info on the powerpoint slides. The grade is made up of five 20 pt pop quizzes from short readings (drop the lowest), three multiple choice exams w/40 questions each (80 pts) and an 80 pt cumulative final. Most of the exam questions are straight from the notes and you only cover about 8 theories in the entire semester.