Information | Review |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/23/2024 |
He is really big on this "flipped lecture" style, where you watch video lectures to learn the concepts and take a little quiz on it before every class. Then in theory, you spend all of class time just doing practice problems and stuff. In reality, he actually spent most of class repeating the exact same content that had been in the lecture videos. Some of the lectures are relatively short (like two 20-minute videos) but some of them, especially at the beginning of the semester, could get a little long (like three 40-minute videos). It would sometimes take me several hours to get through the videos, which was a lot considering we had to do it for two lectures a week. Homeworks and exams were tough but fair, he never gave us anything really unreasonable and the TA would usually go over problems very similar to the homework in discussion; they also graded homeworks very leniently. I found this class difficult but I honestly think the average student would be perfectly fine in Horiuchi's 303. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 12/22/2024 |
He's decent. He has a flipped lecture style in his classes where you watch pre-recorded videos, do a short quiz (that in ENEE303, you could retake once; not sure if this will be the same for ENEE304), and then go over some more examples in lecture. A decent chunk (I think roughly 45 minutes usually) of his lectures end up being review from the lecture videos and most of the lectures weren't directly related to the HWs (which we all felt were more dependent on what the TA reviewed each week), so a lot of people ended up skipping lectures. Make sure to do practice exams and understand HW solutions fully; even though he has a really nice curve the averages for the midterm and the final were in the mid 60s. He allowed us to bring a cheat sheet for 303 and also said (close to when the exams would be) what topics the exam would cover (specifically question by question), so those who didn't actually skip lectures ended up doing better than the average than those who skipped. All in all, he's helpful/approachable and detailed. |
Timothy Horiuchi
Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/20/2024 |
pretty good professor, I wasn't a big fan of the pre-lecture teaching style since you had to spend hours taking notes before the actual lecture but if you do it, it's super helpful. he's a really smart guy and gives you everything you need to do well in the class, with lots of exam preparation material. super organized guy, I'd recommend him to anyone needing to take 303. I never did the prelecture stuff but I learned a decent amount by just going to lecture and learning from his lecture summary that is the first 10-20 mins of class before you go into example problems. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Anonymous 05/16/2024 |
Dr. Horiuchi leads his class in a flipped lecture style where you have to watch videos and take a quiz on the content before class. I personally did not learn well from this style of teaching and found myself spending 2-3 hours of time out of class simply watching the lecture videos and trying to understand what the content was about for each lecture. My problem with these lecture videos were that he would often draw a random circuit and talk about it for a while so you'd have to sit there and either remember the content as he's saying it, which I'm not very good at, or write it down as he's saying it, which takes a really long time. This meant about 4-6 hours a week on pre-lecture content, not even including homeworks. He does not follow the recommended textbook, often jumping around, adding his own content, or stripping down content meaning that your main source of information is those videos. In lecture, he runs through the lecture content again and then gives you about 3 problems that I found were always too difficult for me and my friends who used to always come to lecture and try for the class. The content finally started clicking near the end of the class when I started doing an overall review for the final but that was also because I started to look for online videos on each subject. The only reason I did well on the homeworks was because our TA was beyond amazing and was able to break down the content in a way that was digestible. The exams were both very difficult and he said that "each problem should take no more than 10 minutes to do if you know what you're doing" but almost every single person in the class would use the full time and still not be able to finish. The final was designed to be a "one hour and 10 minute exam" but nearly everybody used all two hours and most weren't able to figure out all of the questions. Outside of lecture, Dr. Horiuchi wasn't very approachable and couldn't give you answers to basic questions- he'd always give super high level answers which didn't help me at all. If you asked him what he thought was a bad question, it felt like he'd be condescending to you. Overall, this class felt like him flexing how knowledgeable he is on this subject rather than actually trying to teach the content. I feel like the only thing I got out of this course was practice with algebra and using KCL. His grading scale is nice but I'd prefer to learn more from the class than what I actually got out of it. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE611 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/19/2023 |
Good lecturer, very fair assignments and grading. I highly recommend Dr. Horiuchi. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/20/2023 |
The class is taught in a flipped lecture style, where we are made to watch lecture videos and complete a short MC lecture quiz before each lecture. And the actual lecture time is spent reviewing the concepts from the video and doing some practice problems together. I would say this would be great if you're actually interested in learning the content. But if you're just taking the course because its required, like me, it was not bad at all either. We had 2 exams 35% each, and we got to bring in a cheat sheet front and back for both exams. Exams were easier than what was taught in class, and the preparation material Horiuchi provides is plenty enough to do well. I had no clue what was being taught 90 percent of the time and was able to pull off an A because the exams :). That said Horiuchi is great for 303. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303H Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/15/2023 |
I took ENEE303H last semester with Professor Horiuchi His in-class lecture is very useful, and he was very helpful in office hours. The PSPICE hw for the honors section was nice, especially since 205 has moved more towards Circuitlab. Very knowledgeable and helpful professor |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a W Anonymous 03/02/2023 |
Was not a fan of the class structure, which was a flipped classroom where you had to watch the approximately hour long set of videos prior to class, and take a quiz on said videos before class. The classes themselves were like large discussion sections, which I did not understand the reasoning behind since there was already a discussion time built into the class. The homeworks took fairly long, but seemed manageable given you were up to date with the material. The class moves fairly fast and the material is somewhat difficult, so it is quite easy to fall behind and difficult to catch up with, which is what happened to me. Decent lecturer within the videos, although is very theory heavy when most of the homeworks and exams are based on the concepts in practice. Don't recommend unless you have a light workload for the semester or genuinely care about learning the material and don't mind the work that comes with it. I'm guessing all the positive reviews for this professor come from these kinds of students, which I feel do not represent most of the students that take this course. I will give him credit for the curve, though, which has a 50% as a C-. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Anonymous 01/23/2022 |
He's really nice and gave relatively easy exams (never tested on the harder parts of the material). Lectures were recorded online and a bit dry in my opinion but that's probably just me not being interested in the material. I did think watching the recorded lectures in advance before each class took a lot of time, but it helped me learn. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Anonymous 12/26/2021 |
This professor cares about his students and wants them to succeed. His flipped lecture style can be difficult at times since you have to watch recorded lecture videos and take a quiz before attending that lecture in person, but they helped me retain course content a lot better. He does a lot of examples in class and in the recorded videos, so pay attentionand do plenty of practice before exams. He wants to set up his students for success, so I recommend taking a course from this professor! |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/26/2021 |
Great professor who really cares about his students. Online teaching is hard to do but his Livescribe PDFs made it a lot more bearable. I would recommend him for any ENEE course. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE307 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/11/2021 |
Easy class if you have a nice TA, and Horiuchi is a great professor. 100% recommend you to take him for this and even 303. There are 7 labs in total due every 2 weeks so the workload is very manageable. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/21/2019 |
Not much workload, and exams are fair. Grading scheme is very easy as well, with a 50+% being a C. Didn't really like the teaching method, which was a reverse classroom structure, but the class was easy enough. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/21/2019 |
Good professor. Has videos of lectures online so easy to keep up but also easy to fall behind. Exams weren't bad just do as much practice as possible. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Anonymous 12/19/2019 |
An excellent professor. He had well-written lecture notes, that would supplement his teaching (note supplement, not replace, go to class!) and was clear in teaching, and very helpful. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting an A Anonymous 11/17/2019 |
Great Professor! Very clear lecture notes and really made me enjoy circuits. Exams aren't too bad and there's a nice curve at the end. Highly recommend. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting an A scable 12/16/2014 |
Horiuchi is a fairly good professor for 303. He goes into a lot of detail about device physics, which didn't interest me too much personally, but it does make the derivations of the equations a bit easier to follow. We spent a lot of time discussing different designs that can be made with transistors, which was nice, but it felt like the second half of the semester was just a million ways to use the MOSFET, with little actual "new" content. Regarding the work, homeworks were fairly straightforward, if sometimes long. They come about once a week, and cover mostly whatever you do in discussion that week. Also, GO TO DISCUSSION. This is where you will get most practice with application of concepts. On exams, the midterm and final were weighted equally and designed with the same expected time and difficulty. You get one cheat sheet, and there are no numbers, which is a godsend for people like myself who tend to think 9 + 2 = 13, or other similar math errors. Overall, a good professor to take this course with. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE313 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/26/2012 |
The class as a whole wasn't bad, even though device physics isn't really my area of interest. Homework assignments were usually pretty tough, but could be figured out by closely reviewing the textbook or lectures notes. The exams were also tough, but he lets you bring a double-sided sheet of notes, which is more useful as a study tool than for actually relying on during the test. In fact, he tends to give you most, if not all, of the equations that you will need, you just need to figure out how to apply them. His grading scale is laid out in the syllabus, but he will curve individual exams if the class average is really low. Overall, I'd recommend Dr. Horiuchi. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE303 Expecting a B Anonymous 02/26/2012 |
Lectures were fairly straightforward, assignments were a bit difficult but not unmanageable, and there were only 2 exams, including the final which was designed to be the length of a normal exam. However, my one complaint is that Horiuchi spent a lot of time discussing device physics, topics which never appeared on the homeworks or exams. |
Timothy Horiuchi
ENEE313 Expecting an A timmycake 02/01/2010 |
they dont call him tiny tim for nothin! |