Sarah Humud

This professor has taught: AASP298L, AMST298Q, CMLT275, ENGL101, ENGL222, ENGL234, ENGL235, HHUM106, HHUM206, HHUM328, HHUM329, WMST275
Information Review
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
Dr. Humud is nice and all, and you never have to worry about deadlines or something, she's very accommodating. The class itself is pointless and I wish she would do something else with it, but it's honestly just a filler class because HHUM doesn't know what to do with us. She spent the first half of the semester on environmental justice with a tedious number of readings and discussions, and then suddenly she wanted us to do a mural. We spent about a month just brainstorming ideas and revising them, which was so, so pointless, before actually going to paint it in like two class sessions. And then in the last two weeks we had to do Capstone projects, which were also pointless. This is a low-effort, low-reward class. You will not have to worry about it.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Easy A but so ridiculously boring and disorganized. Sorry Dr. Humud. Weekly discussion boards are an easy 8-9/10 and there will be Kahoots on the readings but if you review them briefly they are not hard. Dr. Humud rarely lectured and instead brought in guests. About 3 weeks of the class were dedicated to painting a mural off campus - the bus was late getting back so keep that in mind if you have back to backs or walking conflicts. Capstone is 20% of your grade and you are given a week to work on it so be prepared and start as soon as she mentions it but you should get an A if you turn in all assignments.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
What even is this class? She seems like a nice person but this class is fucking atrocious. From the way she talks, she clearly knows what good pedagogy is yet never seems to apply it to our actual class. The first third of the class was spent doing readings about environmental justice where she would "lecture" which was basically her just reading quotes and showing us videos. The second third was us making a mural and it is so clear that this is just something that she wanted to do because she thought it would be cool. When we first started the project, she genuinely thought that it would only take 3 hours to complete an entire mural and that 60 people could work on it at once. This is not a fine arts class so there was no developing of skill or technique, just us being thrown to the wolves. When we expressed concern about this turning out well because we care about our work, her response was literally "if it turns out bad, we can just paint back over it." She did increase the amount of time we had to create the mural, but didn't want to take accountability for anything, making it so students took the fall for all of her actions. If the question was "who's idea was it to do [x]?" the answer was always Humud. It is bad when the your classmates don't even look at the professor for answers and immediately ask you as if you have any actual authority here. Even once we started painting she didn't seem to grasp how long it actually takes to paint anything and wanted to add a brand new detail literally in the last 40 minutes of working on the mural. I ended up being the one to veto it (this wasn't even my design). She did work a lot on painting the mural, which is why I believe that we did this project just because she wanted to paint a mural. This mural isn't even our final project. We still have to complete a capstone after this and its going to be another "student lead project" where she just sits there and it is our fault if anything goes wrong as if she isn't the professor and couldn't actually just do her job and be in charge. I love honors humanities, but this class feels like a waste of time. I wish they had someone who could practice what they preached when it came to teaching 106.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
It was better than HHUM105 and we hardly ever even met for lecture. Dr. Humud was chill and there was only one big assignment.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
The old reviews aren't really relevant anymore. The professor is a really nice person. She makes a lot of connections to conceptual philosophical stuff in a one to one convo which I find pretty interesting to experience. Most of the class is just guest speakers. I skipped since I wasn't such a big fan, which you probably shouldn't do, but alot of people seem to like them.
Sarah Humud

She doesn't respond to emails and makes you come to class even when there is nothing to do. The class is 100% based on how well you do on your Keystone Project and she is completely unfair when it comes to grading them. Don't pick her as your section leader, literally pick anyone else.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Easy class and Dr. Humud is very nice. She will do a lot for students and is very approachable.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Disregard the most recent review. This class is meant to show the value of the humanities in life, and what better way to do that than to have guest speakers who actually apply the humanities to their lives? Also, Dr. Humud is more than willing to help anyone who comes to her with a problem. She also super understanding about any issues that might come up and is super accommodating. The environment is wonderful as she and the ta's are great. I have never seen a professor receive this much hate for a class that is barely any work and an easy A +.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
She was very nice and did a lot for her students. Work isn't that hard just don't procrastinate
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
Not a bad course. It's very easy as long as you keep up with the assignments. However, the course lacked a lot of structure. Like other reviews mentioned, the guest speakers did most of the work, and there were hardly any 'lectures'. It was more of an activity course than anything. It's not a course to worry about, but don't expect to get much out of it.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
DO NOT take this class (drop the program I beg of you) This course was absolutely disappointing. There is no reason why a course that is supposed to be about the arts and humanities in practice should be centered entirely around environmental justice. There is no reason that the professor should only lecture 2-3 times over the course of the entire semester and completely rely on guest speakers to do the heavy lifting. There is no reason for the professor to be so removed from the class and its students. Assignments and discussion boards had little to no meaning or depth, readings were barely relevant to the lecture content, and attending discussion sections felt like a waste of my time. Discussions were so performative and surface level, and others were simply "workshop time" when students were given time to work on projects that were clearly just to take up space. The fact that a professor who was called racist by MULTIPLE students last year is continuing to teach at this school, and even worse, in a living-learning program, is the most unacceptable fact of all. This professor is clearly attempting to make up for it, but has not made any clear references to, apologies for, or real effort at rectifying the situation. Overall, this class, and this professor (Dr. Humud) is unacceptably insufficient for what the program promised. Major review is needed.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Listen to the one star reviews. Not because you'll have a choice whether to take her or not if you're in the program. But mostly because at least you'll be prepared. Dr. Humud really just enforced to me the amazement I feel at how low the bar is for teaching about serious and important topics. I wish I had not taken her class.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
I honestly think some of these reviews are overly dramatic. Sure, there were a lot of things Dr. Humud could have done better in teaching this class, but I certainly wouldn't go as far as to say she was one of the worst professors I've taken a class with. She's objectively a nice person and cares about what she teaches about, and is also accommodating with extensions. The class is also an easy A. All you have to do are some participation assignments, projects, and weekly responses. We didn't have a final which was nice. The class this semester definitely left a lot to be desired but don't let the one-star reviews scare you off. In my opinion it wasn't THAT bad.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
nice human who wants the best for you. only note is that, she ranges from not assigning anything to 10 different tasks all at once. ie expectations can be a bit all over the place (same for HHUM106)
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
She is quite possibly one of the worst professors I have ever had the displeasure of taking a class with in my entire academic career. Dr. Humud repeatedly placated students' expressions of being unsatisfied with this course, and was unhealthily passive aggressive with her feedback on assignments. There was an incident in our class' lecture in which multiple students of color expressed that they had taken offense to some of the content and methods of presenting this content to the class about halfway through the semester, to which she made multiple in class statements about. However, instead of apologizing for it, she expressed "how fortunate" she was "to be able to teach a class with such intellectual individuals" or some bs like that. Only when a student in class raised her hand and directly asked Humud to say sorry did she finally apologize. At the beginning of next class she proceeded to have everyone do an activity in which she placed whiteboards around the room with different social aspects on them and asked everyone to stand by the one that they identified with the most. To no one's surprise, all of the students of color stand by the "race" board and everyone else stood by something else, and congratulations, she has now segregated our lecture. On top of this, among other incidents and concerns expressed by students, she cannot be bothered to respond to emails with any timely manner, and gave assignments that felt more like grey spaces in my learning as opposed to anything substantial. It sucks for anyone in the Honors Humanities program because she is the only teacher for the class. If I were to give any advice, it would be to find out which TAs are leading which sections and try to get into the ones that Humud isn't teaching, since the grading is much quicker and much more fair.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
This class was an absolute train wreck. Dr. Humud's ability to make her students lose all respect for her and her class is astonishing. It actually felt like she had to be antagonizing us on purpose, because I cannot imagine a world wherein the level to which she made everyone hate her was merely the result of negligence. She was consistently out of touch with the students, and her promises regarding changes to the direction of the course were unmet. Grading is also inconsistent between her and the TAs, so if you have her as your section instructor expect to have your projects graded much more harshly than your peers'.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
Do NOT take any class with Dr. Humud. Throughout the semester she said multiple racially insensitive comments in a class that teaches about race. She drops random assignments on students with no warning, and the assignments are usually worth a significant amount of points that will drastically lower your grade for not completing. Her grading is completely different from her TAs, so some students will have very good project grades while students with her as their section leader are struggling to pass.
Sarah Humud

She's a really nice person in theory, but this class is absolutely terrible and the way she goes about teaching it is the worst. If you want to be in honors humanities, it's not worth it PURELY because of this class.
Sarah Humud

A lot of busy work
Sarah Humud

She takes a weird approach to teaching this class. This class is easy and basically a guaranteed A, but she is very insensitive when talking about serious and controversial topics. She is kinda boring and she is so big on participation which is fine but also sometimes annoying. The projects that she gives us are sometimes unnecessarily long and tedious. She also assigns them at the worst times (for example she gave us this project on the last day on classes which I felt was super unfair). If you're taking this course, you're definitely going to have her but just be prepared for all this.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
Very kind and sweet. She always is very understanding and gives extensions when needed. She is also very easy to listen to in class plus she is very big on participation which is pretty cool. Definitely take.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Dr. Humud is incredibly nice and understanding, and was always very willing to help. She listened to our concerns and adjusted things based on our feedback. There was never too much work, even with the three main projects you have to do. The weekly discussions weren't great; we'd meet with small groups and discuss a bunch of random questions (which she usually didn't post until late the night before) and turn in the recording of the meeting. We stopped doing those partway through the semester, though.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A
Dr. Humud is very nice and is always willing to chat about class projects or a student's plan for their future. She is great at bouncing ideas around and suggesting helpful things for students who are indecisive. The class load is never too much.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
Dr. Humud is great, I've had her for a couple of my classes now. She's always open for office hrs to discuss class material or honestly anything else, and you can tell she has a passion for teaching the humanities. She's also really understanding, so make sure to communicate any concerns or questions you may have and it'll be easy to work out with her.
Sarah Humud

Expecting an A+
So so nice! I think she is such a nice and good professor. She genuinely wants you to learn about the humanities and makes it interesting while doing so. You can always tell how passionate she is about what she teaches. She also leaves almost all of your projects open-ended and even lets you write your own section of the rubric to include your own expectations so that you can be creative with the assignment. I absolutely loved her and would take any of her classes again.