Zubin Jelveh

This professor has taught: CCJS418E, CCJS699F, INST414
Information Review
Zubin Jelveh

Expecting an A+
Unless you have a strong passion or interest in python coding, do not take this class. Zubin is very nice, but he is a terrible professor and does not know how to explain anything. His teaching style is awful considering 85% of the class is completely lost on the concepts. He calls on people randomly-- expect to get called on at least once each class. He does not take "I don't know" for an answer and will not call on anyone else until you come up with the correct solution. He does not answer questions directly and instead makes you go in circles trying to figure it out yourself when you're already confused. The only reason I would recommend this class is because he curves all of his assignments and adds extra credit questions to every problem set and quiz, which is the only reason I got an A. This was genuinely in my bottom 3 classes I have ever taken at UMD simply because of the professor's teaching style.
Zubin Jelveh

Expecting an A+
Great guy, great professor! Honestly was expecting five star reviews on here when I checked and I was really surprised to see otherwise. Excellent professor if you're interested in data science, I really feel like I learned a lot in this class regarding bias/discrimination, and he does a great job of showing actual applications from his previous research. I actually felt like I left this class being able to do work that can have an impact.
Zubin Jelveh

This is one of my favorite classes so far, the professor is extremely kind and helpful. Most of the class is struggling with the material so he had us take a step back and really go over material and answered any questions we had even when we still weren't fully understanding. The class materials also are not that hard coming from someone who has never coded before, he gives us a lot of time for the quizzes and problem sets. He is very genuine and really wants us to succeed in this class. He does call on us in class but we are all in the same boat and it helps us break down a problem step by step and see how we could solve it on our own. I definitely recommend taking this class, because of the way we review material I am learning a lot. He even brought his dog in once!
Zubin Jelveh

If you take this professor, you better pay attention in his class. He might randomly call on you and you’ll be set up for humiliation. This guy seems to really enjoy putting students on the spot and embarrassing them
Zubin Jelveh

Expecting an A+
This was my favorite class of the semester. The professor is always kind, helpful, and creates a good environment in the classroom. His explanations can be convoluted at times, but the professor is always open to questions and makes an effort to reiterate difficult topics. I appreciate how he keeps assignment expectations clear and wants his students to succeed in the course.
Zubin Jelveh

Expecting an A+
Professor is very nice and makes an effort to help students. He’s very smart just a little disorganized and not the best at explaining concepts.
Zubin Jelveh

Possibly the most clueless professor regarding the status of how the students are taking in the information. It could be attributed to the fact that it is online and the students cant get their point / questions across. Though even when questions are asked he still doesnt answer them, not even a question that would result in a better grade, im talking just simplifying something. You should be well prepared in whatever subject you are going to take with him.