Amanda Johnson

This professor has taught: HACS408L
Information Review
Amanda Johnson

Expecting an A+
TLDR: This class is a lot of effort as in grunt work but not necessarily hard like a math class where you have to study and deeply understand concepts. So technically it is not hard to get an A+ but to get that A+ you have to put a ton of brute force effort into doing the massive amount of assignments she gives. Every week, she assigns a forensic analysis cybersecurity lab that takes a boatload of time to do, like 7-10 hours. The last lab took like 20 hours just letting you know, she made that a double lab but gave double the time. You also have to do one 5-10 minute presentation about any forensic analysis topic in front of the class which is easy. THere is also a semester long group project that isn't a TON of work but its not an easy project by any means. It will be difficult if your group sucks tho. You also have 4 open note/internet quizzes that aren't really quizzes so much as they are live forensic analysis tests. They aren't super hard though because the labs train you to do them. Anyways, just be warned that even though the average GPA for this course is ridiculously high, with this professor amanda, it will take a LOT of effort to get the A that is much easier earned under other professors.