Calvert Jones

This professor has taught: GVPT200, GVPT203, GVPT459E, GVPT459Y, GVPT485, GVPT888A
Information Review
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
dedicated and passionate but she does not post slides or record. i learned most information solely from discussion sections. heavy on reading for information and exams also recall heavily from them. big emphasis on philosophers and ways of thinking in international relations. she did make many classes as recordings when she was sick but I didn't watch them usually. exams are take home online.
Calvert Jones

Expecting a B+
Exams were based heavily on readings and the lecture slides barely helped. Lectures were rather boring, but she went slow enough to let us take notes. Readings are super long but necessary. There were very few grades and no weekly quizzes in discussion, so overall grade relied heavily on exams. However, the film paper helped bring my grade up at the end.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
Lectures were rather boring, but it's entry-level so that was ok. Attendance was mandatory because professor Jones WILL NOT record lectures OR post slides. There were also only like 5 grades for the entire course (3 midterms, participation, and a short paper). TA's do all of the grading, so just reach out to them. Heavy reading.
Calvert Jones

Expecting a B+
I like her lectures but the readings were long at times and not always connected to the lecture slides. She also would not post slides and the discussions were mandatory but useless. There are not many assignments and exams are weighed heavily so you will need to do all the readings to do well. I was very excited about this class beforehand but the structure of it was not beneficial for my success nd overall enjoyment of the course.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
Very engaging lecturer. However, it kind of threw me off for 1-2 weeks every time she cancelled lecture and posted a recording instead. To be honest, I can't bring myself to watch recorded lectures anymore ever since COVID & online school, it was kind of traumatizing. Unfortunately, since Prof. Jones had to cancel the first couple of lectures of the semester, I got off to kind of a rough start. It wasn't exactly frequent, but this did happen a couple more times during the semester (which is not her fault, just something you should know). The only grades in this class are 3 quizzes and section participation. I heard a lot of negative feedback about this from classmates, but personally, I loved that. It helped keep my workload down throughout the semester, and her quizzes were very fair. It's just so much better getting to focus and absorb the lectures, rather than being constantly stressed about completing assignments. That's another thing to know in case you're not a fan of that grading system.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
Pretty good overall. Her lectures were engaging, and I especially appreciated when she would discuss her own research/experience in the field. The exams were heavily based on each week's readings, which ranged in quality from interesting to very boring. I think the class could have been better if the lectures were in-person (as asking questions through the Panopto live streaming interface was not convenient), and if assignments were graded more quickly, but overall the class was well run and covered interesting material.
Calvert Jones

Decent, but not great professor. I found her lectures very informative, but the readings were very dull and at times seemed like they didn't connect well with the lectures. The exams were heavily related to these readings. There were only a couple assignments, and they have been taking a while to grade them. Many times, she would cancel class only minutes before it was supposed to start, but it was online, so it wasn't the biggest deal, just annoying. She lectures also were automatically uploaded to the ELMS page, which was nice if you needed to rewatch them. However, there was about a 40 second delay on the live stream, so if you had a question, it would often require backtracking from what she was talking about.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A+
Super knowledgeable on the subject and a solid lecturer. The class and exams are fair. I recommend this class.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
I took it as a GenEd while the class was hybrid, so the other reviews seem really different to what I experienced. Dr. Jones is pretty nice and covers lectures thoroughly online. Even if we don't understand something, we have the panopto recordings to go back over, and she's generally pretty available by email. I agree with other reviews in that she doesn't really make it clear what we're supposed to study. But the lectures were livestreamed through Panopto (weird but whatever) and she posted all the recordings of lectures after class. The exams were in essay format and we had 24 hours to submit it. Really no surprises on the exams, they were really simple to respond to. You just had to reference readings and lectures and write well to get an A. That being said, I highly recommend keeping up on the readings week-by-week since it's helpful to understand course material (and especially for the exams). I found it to be pretty interesting material-wise and we related the concepts to things happening in the world currently (like the Russia-Ukraine war). Common misconception: this class is NOT a current events class. Its about international relations theory and how to link that to what's happening now. I'd be fine with taking this course again as long as it was still hybrid. If you have to take this course fully in-person I'd trust the other reviews more than mine, but if youre taking it online or hybrid, it's not really bad at all.
Calvert Jones

Expecting a P
The type of professor who thinks you already know all the material for the class before you even begin. I struggled HARD with this class because I didn’t have basically any precious knowledge of international relations. Vague slides and not very helpful. Won’t take again
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A
Great professor; she provides all the reading material free of charge on elms from the beginning of the semester. She is very organized and a good lecturer. Exams are easy and straightforward. Basically, show up, do the work, and you can expect to get an A.
Calvert Jones

Expecting an A-
Trashcan of a professor. She's really annoying and is actively unhelpful - she expects you to know the entirety of a subject but will only test on a fraction of it. Says it's "extra knowledge" but it really just stresses you out because you don't know what to study. You have to go to lectures because she doesn't post slides. She gave us photocopies of anthologies as a textbook - for the most part, you don't have to read them - it's just more "extra knowledge" and wastes your time.