Archit Kambhamettu

Information Review
Archit Kambhamettu

All you want from a TA and more. He waves to me whenever I see him (took this class over a year ago) and took the time to catch up with me the other day. As a TA, he goes out of his way to make sure you have the best experience possible and uses his experience to improve yours. I heard he's TA'd like 3 different classes, so check if he's TA'ing yours!
Archit Kambhamettu

Archit single handedly saved me in 421. I had zero clue what I was doing but went to his office hours, and he helped finish the project. He also held extended office hours the day the project was due. He's a great guy who's for the student and also a very chill grader who grades on understanding the concepts instead of just checking for the right answer.
Archit Kambhamettu

great TA. class was super disorganized but he was really nice in office hours and stuck with the students after hours to figure out problems
Archit Kambhamettu

only reason I passed lol
Archit Kambhamettu

Expecting an A+
probably the best teacher I've had. made the content digestible, did a lot of practice problems. and kept the class engaging with jokes and stories. plus he related to the students a lot and eased the pains of an otherwise difficult semester. not sure if he's still around (I took the class Spring '23) but if he is, try to get into his discussion section.
Archit Kambhamettu

Expecting an A+
fun guy, super engaging in office hours, willing to go above and beyond to help students out
Archit Kambhamettu

Expecting an A
I'm leaving a bunch of reviews for profs/ta's that have had an impact on my UMD experience, so I decided to leave one for Archit too. He was my discussion TA for 250, and even though attendance was not mandatory he made me want to come to class. He treated the section like a big friend group and was very engaging. He talked to us like a friend explaining difficult concepts and was understanding of how difficult the course was. I think that was Kline's first time teaching the class alone, so there were a lot of ups and downs with the course structure, but Archit and the other TA's were a constant positive in the class. Also, even though it's been over a year since I took the class, he still waves to me when we see each other and stops to catch up.
Archit Kambhamettu

Expecting an A
The GOAT! Cleared up every doubt I had with the course and was super engaging during office hours. Offers a lot of advice with career/what classes to take and is easy to have a conversation with. Also willing to stay a bit after hours to help out if you're still struggling with a problem. Definitely see if he's TA'ing your class!