Jamison Kantor

This professor has taught: ENGL101, ENGL202, ENGL212
Information Review
Jamison Kantor

Expecting a B
If you want an easy A for an HL take this class at your own risk. The professor is nice enough but he has a passoin for English that shows in his harsh grading style. He gives extra credit for the weekly reading quizzes but it only helps your grade if you are doing badly on the quizzes, otherwise it counts for nothing. He also expects you to parcitpate every class, so if talking in class is not your thing I would suggest antoher class.
Jamison Kantor

Do not take this class unless you are obsessed with English or are an English major. The expectations of this class are unreasonably high. I consider myself a good writer, and typically receive high B's or A's on all my papers..in this class however I got a low B & high C, he grades VERY hard like most English teachers. Furthermore, there are reading quizzes every week that ask specific details from 50 pages of reading that are insane, the readings for each class are excessive. Also, I attended every class & usually participated at least once a class, yet received a C for participation. If you're taking this as your HL CORE, skip it, you can probably find an easier one.